4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Algorithms force us to be explicit about what we want to achieve with decision-making. And it’s far more difficult to paper over our poorly specified or true intentions when we have to state these objectives formally.

      This is so often overlooked. Compared to the past, where society-impacting decision-making discussions were often behind closed doors and far less explicit, a society leveraging algorithms allows for clearcut and open discussions.

    2. evidence-based decision-making is only as reliable as the evidence on which it is based, and high quality examples are critically important to machine learning

      We see this in the battle between LLMs today.

  2. Jan 2024
    1. From this point of view, wecan view the cost function as being afunctionalrather than just a function. Afunctional is a mapping from functions to real numbers.

      This seems like odd terminology

  3. Apr 2021
    1. Everyone who writes code on the weekends eventually thinks to themselves, You know, if things bend my way, I think I’ve got the next Facebook. Even if it’s a site that makes animated kittens dance. There’s always that little parsley sprig of hope in the mashed potatoes of your side projects.

      Hahahahaha, yes.