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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Kashmir Hill. How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did. Forbes, February 2012. URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/ (visited on 2023-12-07).

      The title of the article is very eye-catching: How Target knows you are pregnant faster than your father. This seems impossible. But from the perspective of big data, this thing is really possible. When you search for a pregnancy test on target, this exposes the fact that you may be pregnant. This behavior includes, but is not limited to, purchasing baby products. This aspect shows us that our daily actions may reveal information about us unconsciously.

    1. When social media platforms show users a series of posts, updates, friend suggestions, ads, or anything really, they have to use some method of determining which things to show users. The method of determining what is shown to users is called a recommendation algorithm, which is an algorithm (a series of steps or rules, such as in a computer program) that recommends posts for users to see, people for users to follow, ads for users to view, or reminders for users.

      Recommendation algorithms are ubiquitous on the Internet and very accurate. They basically make accurate recommendations based on users’ habits. If I like several Kpop videos recently then the algorithm will think that I like Kpop. After that, the system will often recommend related videos to me and even my music software will start recommending related music. But the disadvantage of this algorithm is that if I accidentally click on a Kpop video, I actually don’t like it. But the algorithm doesn't understand my thoughts.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Social model of disability. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1184222120. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Social_model_of_disability&oldid=1184222120#Social_construction_of_disability (visited on 2023-12-07).

      The social model of disability is an approach to disability. The model identifies systemic barriers as the main issues facing people with disabilities. This contrasts with the medical model of disability. The medical model of disability identifies disability as an impairment of the individual.

    1. A disability is an ability that a person doesn’t have, but that their society expects them to have.1 For example: If a building only has staircases to get up to the second floor (it was built assuming everyone could walk up stairs), then someone who cannot get up stairs has a disability in that situation. If a physical picture book was made with the assumption that people would be able to see the pictures, then someone who cannot see has a disability in that situation. If tall grocery store shelves were made with the assumption that people would be able to reach them, then people who are short, or who can’t lift their arms up, or who can’t stand up, all would have a disability in that situation. If an airplane seat was designed with little leg room, assuming people’s legs wouldn’t be too long, then someone who is very tall, or who has difficulty bending their legs would have a disability in that situation.

      I think a very novel point is being made here. The concept of disability is one that is defined by the majority of people in society. If the people we consider disabled were in another society, would they then become ordinary people. We need to think about whether we are putting too much pressure on disabled people.

    1. General Data Protection Regulation. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1187294017. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=General_Data_Protection_Regulation&oldid=1187294017 (visited on 2023-12-05

      The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection law in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). The purpose of this regulation is to strengthen individuals' control over their personal information. Give individuals the ability to protect their own information. The regulation had a significant impact on data protection and inspired similar legislation in countries around the world.

    2. rank Abagnale. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1187408731. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Frank_Abagnale&oldid=1187408731 (visited on 2023-12-06).

      Frank Abagnale used to be a con man, but later became a security consultant. In his autobiography, Catch Me If You Can, he details his various scams in the workplace during the 1970s. His autobiography has since been scammed into a movie. His impersonations included posing as a pilot, a lawyer, and more. But many people have questioned his veracity in these matters

    1. When we use social media platforms though, we at least partially give up some of our privacy.

      When we use social media, some of our privacy will definitely be leaked. For example, if you upload a landscape photo on social media, your location may be exposed. Others can find out where you are without searching. If you post a picture with someone else, then others will know who is with you. They may look for further information about the person such as their name.

    2. When we use social media platforms though, we at least partially give up some of our privacy

      I quite agree with this view. When we use social media, part of our privacy is exposed. In some cases, we are exposed to privacy we never thought possible. For example, people can infer what street you live on by looking at your photos. When you post a photo of a location, people can quickly pinpoint your specific location. The disclosure of such privacy is actually very dangerous.

    1. Web tracking. October 2023. Page Version ID: 1181294364. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Web_tracking&oldid=1181294364 (visited on 2023-12-05).

      Cyberstalking is a common tactic. Law enforcement agencies use cyberstalking to track crimes and solve cases. Advertising companies use it to track user preferences. Platforms also use it to further improve the design of their platforms.

    1. Some data is directly provided to the platform by the users. Platforms may ask users for information like: email address name profile picture interests friends Platforms also collect information on how users interact with the site. They might collect information like (they don’t necessarily collect all this, but they might): when users are logged on and logged off who users interact with What users click on what posts users pause over where users are located what users send in direct messages to each other

      The platform collects a lot of data about the user such as usernames, email addresses, interests and other such unsolicited information as mentioned in the article. But there is still a lot of information that we are passively stolen such as data from other software, photos from photo albums, and so on. Platforms may use this data to trade for profit.

    1. Nelson Mandela. December 2023. Page Version ID: 1188461215. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nelson_Mandela&oldid=1188461215 (visited on 2023-12-10).

      Nelson Mandela's life was filled with the struggle for freedom and equality. For a long time, he supported the abolition of apartheid and tried to promote reconciliation between different racial groups. His difficult journey from the countryside to becoming the first black president of South Africa is also a reflection of his dignity and endurance. It reflects his dedication to democracy and social justice despite the odds and social pressures. Mandela's legacy continues to inspire those who struggle for a fair and equitable world

    2. a Madison III. 'La La Land'’s White Jazz Narrative. MTV, December 2016. URL: https://www.mtv.com/news/5qr32e/la-la-lands-white-jazz-narrative (visited on 2023-12-10).

      The article discusses La La Land and criticizes its portrayal of jazz, suggesting that the film employs a "white savior" narrative in which Ryan Gosling's character, a white musician, is portrayed as saving jazz, a genre with deep African American roots. It points out the irony and inauthenticity of this portrayal, in contrast to the movie's initial celebration of diversity.

    3. Mighty Whitey. URL: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MightyWhitey (visited on 2023-12-10).

      The "Mighty Whitey" metaphor refers to a narrative pattern. In this model, a white character enters a non-white culture and becomes a major player and then outperforms the native members in terms of skill, leadership or spiritual depth. For example, white people enter and dominate the black rap culture. The main idea in this model assumes that a white person needs to play a role in the non-white culture to change the non-white culture.

    1. Trolling is when an Internet user posts inauthentically (often false, upsetting, or strange) with the goal of causing disruption or provoking an emotional reaction. When the goal is provoking an emotional reaction, it is often for a negative emotion, such as anger or emotional pain. When the goal is disruption, it might be attempting to derail a conversation (e.g., concern trolling [g4]), or make a space no longer useful for its original purpose (e.g., joke product reviews), or try to get people to take absurd fake stories seriously [g5].

      This phenomenon is particularly acute on the Internet. In real life, for the most part people don't actively mock because the behavior comes with a price. But on the internet, people don't know who you are. Therefore, many people take advantage of the anonymity of the way to taunt each other, thus forming a net explosion.

    1. Others Posting Without Permission: Someone may post something about another person without their permission. See in particular: The perils of ‘sharenting’: The parents who share too much [i21]

      I think this phenomenon is very common in our daily life. Just around me there are similar things happening. A while ago my friends Lisa and Amber went out to take pictures of cherry blossoms and then amber posted a picture of the two of them. But she didn't tell Lisa about it in advance, and Lisa was a bit upset when she found out because she didn't like the photo. Even closer friends can have disagreements over private things. Not to mention, how angry they would be if it was posted by a stranger without their permission.

    2. Unclear Privacy Rules: Sometimes privacy rules aren’t made clear to the people using a system. For example: If you send “private” messages on a work system, your boss might be able to read them [i19]. When Elon Musk purchased Twitter, he also was purchasing access to all Twitter Direct Messages [i20]

      In many workplace, learning settings, communication systems such as e-mail are provided by employers or schools. While the use of these tools is crucial, they also bring to light the issue of privacy. Employees or students may perceive their communications as private. Yet in most cases, their information can be stolen by others from the background.

    1. Jean Burgess, Alice Marwick, and Thomas Poell. Editors’ Introduction. In The SAGE Handbook of Social Media, pages 1–10. SAGE Publications Ltd, 55 City Road, 2018. URL: https://sk.sagepub.com/reference/the-sage-handbook-of-social-media/i253.xml (visited on 2023-11-03), doi:10.4135/9781473984066.

      "The SAGE Handbook of Social Media" book focuses on the role of social media in society. In addition to influencing youth, social media has many roles to play. This paper focuses on topics such as identity, politics, and ethics. The paper also looks at how social media is affecting global culture, politics, and economics.

    1. These questions are examples of ethical thinking. Ethics is a way of investigating these habits of thought about what is morally right and good, about what we should do, and about how the world should be. Most people have ethical beliefs; for example, many believe that stealing is wrong. When we stop and ponder why stealing is wrong, or what makes it wrong, or when it is wrong, we are doing ethics.

      I think ethics is very important for us. Some may think ethics is not that important for people. People can still have a good life although they don't have good ethics. However, having good ethics is important for society. If people don't have ethics, they will not have awareness of the influence of doing bad things. If we want a good society, we must build a good ethics for the public.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. Started out as a critique of the idea, popular in some circles following World War 2, that men are naturally more fully developed, and more morally mature, than women. As the first care theorists pointed out, the only way this could be true is if we try to learn about ethics only by considering the lives and views of men. In American society at the time, male and female socialization were starkly different from each other. Of course socializing males and females to act in different ways will lead to them having different moral responses to situations. It is absurd, then, to come back and say that one way is more morally advanced than the other!

      I strongly disagree with this. Men and women should be equal. Even though sometimes men are stronger than women in some ways they also have weaknesses.

    2. Being and becoming an exemplary person (e.g., benevolent; sincere; honoring and sacrificing to ancestors; respectful to parents, elders and authorities, taking care of children and the young; generous to family and others). These traits are often performed and achieved through ceremonies and rituals (including sacrificing to ancestors, music, and tea drinking), resulting in a harmonious society. Key figures: Confucius [b12]~500, China Mencius [b14] ~350, China Xunzi [b15] ~300 BCE, China

      Confucianism also has a few core values First Ren (仁). Often translated as "benevolence", this idea is the core virtue of Confucianism. It represents good qualities such as kindness and compassion. The second is Li (ritual). This represents the need for proper etiquette, rituals, and respect for social hierarchy. The third is filial piety (xiao, xiào). This is a very important cornerstone of Confucianism. Filial piety refers to respect for parents and ancestors.