29 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. to

      missing rest of sentence? one idea would be something around "nourish" and/or the society/self connection.

    2. and

      cut "and"

    3. h gain the insight and skills necessary to:

      Might add in aspects of "conversations" here. She mentioned "listening non-judgmentally" and being client-centered

    4. cause us to focus on the gaps and the holes in life.

      opportunity to highlight the "rocks" metaphor, for consistency, and to not repeat "gaps and holes"

    5. individuals seeking a transformative partnership.

      not sure what this means? to what ends or partnership with whom?

  2. Dec 2021
    1. This report calls vehemently for media literacyinitiatives that lift up our democracy, that build collective agency of marginalizedpeople to form media ecosystems reflecting their interests,that hold truth to power,and push for transformation, solidarity, and meaningful engagement.

      call to action

    2. However,we must now consider more squarely theirrelationship to ongoing inequities within democratic societies.

      sociopolitically situated understandings of media literacy's import

    3. criticalmedia literacy

      research framing to index

  3. May 2020
    1. ncouragement of students to resist stereotypes of adolescence

      Wondering what it means to "resist" stereotypes...I'm thinking of making and remaking as these students learned to unpack the stereotypes... I think an important question is what do we put in their place?

    2. Reading these data and following new research published since the study ended, it became clear to me that a much more explicit focus on raced adolescence was necessary in my course. I

      Yes. I have found Dumas' work on the implausibility of Black childhood informative. "If children in general are materially vulnerable, and their perspectives and social worlds seldom acknowledged in public and policy discourse, it is no surprise that Black children are among the most invisible, the most underrepresented and misrepresented, of all." Dumas & Nelson (2016)

    3. showing that the girls saw new performative options of adolescence available to themselves and/or others as a result of their learning

      I would like to trouble the framing of these "new performative options of adolescence" that were made available. The young students, Ann and Dominique appear to affirm moves to silence as new learning gained from engaging with this theory around performing adolescence. Black girls' self-imposed silence cannot be the end of our pedagogical imaginations.

      How might we widen our lenses to fully capture their contributions to these "ideas of adolescence"? They have something to add. Angry. Beautiful. And necessary.

    4. little scholarship has focused on what happens when educators present young people directly with critical youth studies scholarship.

      I always find it intriguing to consider what happens when youth see themselves reflected in theory/ are given analytical tools to examine their realities. Appreciating this study for taking up that consideration.

    5. Lesko (2012) traces a genealogy of ado-lescence to a time—the 1890s to 1920s—when leaders in multiple disciplines and institutions began to change the ways they thought about youth.

      Appreciated being introduced to Lesko's work. It's important to unpack how taken-for-granted constructs like "adolescence" didn't always exist. Why did they come into being? In what context and what purpose might they serve?

    6. I recognize that ado-lescence, like other social categories, is produced through performance.

      so much of what we do is produced through performance. When I first saw the article title, I thought of Goffman's (1978) dramaturgical framing of performance between audiences and roles that invisibly govern how we act. "All the world is a stage..."

  4. Feb 2020
    1. As Soja (2004) further commented, “If our spaces and places, our human geographies, are socially constructed . . . this means that they can be socially changed, made into something better than they were through collective action” (p. x)

      Appreciating the inclusion of Soja's theorization of space and place as socially constructed. It brings in a powerful focus on the agentive capacities of particularly collective action to change how geographies are constituted. Hence the youth's "composing their city" is more than independent writing, but imbued with power, and potential for consequential legacy.

  5. Apr 2019
  6. Feb 2019
    1. When school is not enough, how might students learn to cultivate their literacies, nurture their spirits, and chart their own trajectories within out-of-school spaces?

      Key question. Causes me to wonder how might students know when school is not enough? How do they identify when school is not enough? I believe that a critical pedagogy calls us to provide them with the language, indicators, theories to do this. Because otherwise they may think they are the problem. My hunch is that they innately know that school is not enough, and their (inter)actions, decisions will show it. But one important determinant of their psychosocial outcomes will be recognizing that it’s the ecosystem of school that is an issue worth addressing.

    2. students will be encouraged to generate counternarratives regarding the reproduc-tion of power asymmetries and deficit stereotypes applied to many Black youth.

      A wondering I have: is it possible for educators to encourage students to produce counternarratives that reject deficit discourses about Blackness if they themselves have never done so? What then, is the responsibility of the educator in interrogating, digging into the affirmation of Black life if they are to generate these practices in Black youth?

    3. At that point, I stepped away from school, not quit, but step back.

      The move of "stepping away" becomes so powerful—Rendell's explication of why he made this decision highlights his consciousness informed by his decision to learn in a more meaningful context. This move gets mislabeled by schools as disengagement, but there is much more that was happening. How might we (educators) widen our lenses to 1) recognize the learning happening in the "stepping away" and 2) bring that learning into schools?

  7. Mar 2018
    1. youth in using new media genres to produce and distribute their own countermedia texts.

      So important. I would argue that one element of this "support" is also engaging in creation with new media genres ourselves as educators and teacher educators.

    2. Black youth are not simply consumers of media, but they are also challenging and resisting societal narratives that have been written about them by “producing counter-knowledge through the manipulation of media tools” (Morrell, 2008, p. 158)—in this case, YouTube

      I continue to think about the affordances and potentials of Black Twitter. The digital footprint it captures represents an amazing, dynamic display of ingenuity, digital remixing, and multimodal and linguistic creativity. These creations/convos are agentive responses to racial violence. Important to recognize these critical digital literacies in situ.

    3. images of Black people in mainstream media are often used to maintain white supremacy

      This list provides an astute rhetorical analysis of texts in everyday life. Appreciate the inclusion of it for use by broad audiences. Also brings to mind the Center for Media Literacy's 5 key questions for deconstructing media messages: Who created this message? Why is this message being sent? (Always ties back to profit/ power).

    4. Black people that Black lives (and Black life) are not complex

      This flattening of a complex narrative of identity is what leads to dehumanization. So important for teachers, (and thereby teacher educators) to emphasize the nuances inherent in any cultural group—intra-group diversity as well as inter-group diversity.

  8. Nov 2017
  9. Mar 2017
  10. Jan 2017
    1. strategies

      librarians as skill cultivators rather than resource curators.

    2. to grasp what kinds of information are being conveyed by various systems of repre-sentation

      important and not currently reflected in most standards

    3. new media literacies as a social skill, although not only social

  11. Oct 2016