- Apr 2022
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It seems that Medicare could have been implemented sooner if not for political debates in Ottawa. The political power of the Prime Minister is also illuminated in this section, with the PM putting his foot down on the matter and pressing for a decision in January 1968.
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Of course, with no hospital privileges being granted (or, at least, very few), the community clinics, the people who formed them, and the doctors who joined them—the network of support for Medicare— would fade.
This serves as wicked explanation for why Medicare doctors were not granted hospital admission privileges. It was a purely political move.
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offending “commie” doctor
It is alarming how medical care became highly politicized during this time.
We were denied privileges at St. Paul’s as no member of the staff would sponsor us
Interesting how the community clinic depended on hospitals to grant them "admitting privileges". This is a strange power dynamic.
owned and operated by a group of patients
This is a strange concept.
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Community Clinics
This seems to be comparable to today's walk-in clinics.
an anti-smoking group
Tobacco companies at the time continued to deny evidence that smoking causes lung cancer. In the early 60s, an anti-smoking group would have had there work cut out for them.
Although we were disappointed that all of our objectives were not met, when the strike ended, we were glad to have the first step toward universal care and went on working to reach that goal
This is theme that has permeated throughout the course, that change takes time and the more influential the change is, such as Confederation and universal healthcare, the more loudly opposition will resist.
the University of Guelph and graduate as a chef to serve in the air force for three years.
This shows some changes in the post-secondary education system. I doubt one can graduate from U of G as a chef. Nowadays, the goal of becoming a chef would likely prompt one to attend a college rather than a university.