3 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2021
    1. In the MVC approach, we create three distinct concepts in our code.

      Models - piece of the system that interacts with data directly. Contains the logic, functions, and rules that manipulate data.

      Views - output presented to user. May include images, tables, styling, page formatting.

      Controllers - recognizes changes and events (e.g. user interaction). Controller will call appropriate model and appropriate view upon change.

      NOTE: Typically, models and views are decoupled, have no awareness of each other. The controller acts as a middle man.

    2. The Waterfall approach to project management recognizes the projects are typically cyclical, and builds that recognition into its five stage approach to management:

      1) Requirements - gathering feature requests, scope, information

      2) Design - wireframing, pseduo-code, etc

      3) Implementation

      4) Verification - testing and debugging solution

      5) Maintenance - Database maintenance, new tasks created by the discovery of bugs--which initiates another waterfall cycle.

    1. There are three parts to a network address

      1) protocol, rules governing how data is sent and received (http or fttp)

      2) name, the site name

      3) resource id (URI), particular file we want to see