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  1. Oct 2024
    1. Marrim thinks they will still find a way to smoke. “Kids break the rules — that’s the way of the world,” she said. “We were all kids and we tried it for the first time,” she added. “Might as well do it in the safety of a lounge.”

      Marrim feels that hookah is a big part of her life because it helped her feel liberated even though she was looked as shameful because she is a women but that did not stop her she would make her own hookah when she was younger to smoke some hookah she's not wrong kids like to break the rules

    2. the chemicals in hookah smoke are similar to those found in cigarette smoke.

      due to hookah being Tabaco that you inhale in to your lungs so it's still a health problem because you get smoke in your lungs.

    3. birthdays, graduations, that time you cried over the crush who didn’t like you back or showed off your smoke ring skills to your friends. “It’s like a rite of passage here when you start smoking hookah,” Marrim said.

      The hookah lounge is more then a place to smoke it a place where people to together to celebrate special events like birthdays or to relief dome stress or hang with friends.

    4. “And it’s something you have to create for yourself when you’re displaced, and you might not ever be able to go back home because you don’t really know what home is anymore.”

      hookah is a sacred traditions for Muslim people they don't know if they will every go home some day so to keep their tradition hookah is important for them.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. Unlike your stereotypical teenage girls, said Siksha, the students don’t spend much time on boys or fashion. “No point doing that when all we wear are T-shirts and shorts.” They all sport matching crew cuts, given to them when they arrive.

      more focus on need then want and in there case wrestling is more important then relationship or fashion

    2. The training is not cheap — Siksha said her father had to stretch his budget to afford the monthly fees of 15,000 rupees, or about $184 — but they do it in hopes that the girls might return home a pehelwan: a professional competitive wrestler.

      although the training is not cheap the hope for a better live and to become a campion pushes them self and dream big.

    3. After the warm-up, their training varies. Cardio days can mean a cross-country run or stair climbing. On sports days, they play handball or basketball. Strength-building days are the most demanding of all: The girls must drag blocks of wood across the field or pull themselves up several meters of gnarly ropes.

      So they have a split day for there workout routine. This help target every part of the body muscle structure depending on the day and on the off they certain muscle group gets to rest and repair them self while other muscle are put to work for that day.

    4. The girls begin each day at 5 a.m. with an hour-long warm-up, starting with a jog and settling into targeted stretches: toe touches, hamstring swipes, windmill arms, curtsy lunges.

      not many are able to do this is shows disciplined with each individual shown in the picture of the hard work they are willing to put into there training.

    5. Every student who enters the academy has the same goal: to win an Olympic medal for India.

      The sport of wrestling motivate many girls in India to become the best and most of then pursue to win the Olympics medal for India.

    6. As the winter sun ascends over a mustard farm, pale orange bleeding into sharp yellow, a line of 36 girls all dressed alike — T-shirts, track pants, crew cuts — emerges into an open field, rubbing sleep from their eyes

      The use of imagery in this sentence helps the reader picture the scenario that's gonna play out later on in the story.

    1. But I do think that the language spoken in the family, especially in immigrant families which are moreinsular, plays a large role in shaping the language of the chil

      It the opposite i feel like we have influence on our parents when we speak English they pick up the certain words we be saying and it be the random things sometimes.

    2. ely, I've been giving more thought to the kind of English my mother speaks.

      when you been with your mother for so long and they pick up English and start speaking for me it just sounds regular not no broken English.

    3. That man want to ask Du Zong fathertake him in like become own family.

      there always people in your life that can be like a second father figure for you.

    4. 'broken" or "fractured" English. But I wince when I say that. It has alwaysbothered me that I can think of no way to describe it other than "broken," as if it were damaged and neededto be fixed, as if it lacked a certain wholeness and soundness. I've heard other terms used, "limitedEnglish," for example. But they seem just as bad, as if everything is limited, including people's perceptionsof the limited English speaker

      For those who speak English fluently, compared to hearing someone who English isn't there first language thing sound of due to less words being use compared to full sentences.

    5. Chinese social life that way. If too important won't have to stay toolong. He come to my wedding. I didn't see, I heard it. I gone to boy's side, they have YMCA dinner.Chinese age I was nineteen.

      I did not know in Chinese customs if someone is of important or high status they don't over stay there welcome that's interesting.

    1. I don’t think it just fulfills my needs. I feel like it fulfills everybody’s needs,” said Marco.

      Marcos dreams came true cause the restaurant filled not his needs but the needed of other people that get to enjoy his culture through food and the atmosphere the place provides.

    2. Food brings people together. I think that’s the source of life.”

      This Straight facts, Food bring people of all culture together and like that saying goes your not you when your hungry.

    3. For Adrian, the photographer, Sarapes “feels like a representation of Mexico but in this suburban Connecticut town,” taking “all of what my family brought to the U.S. and then putting it in a physical space through the food, the music, the decorations

      In sarapes the way they show there Mexican culture is shown through there food, music, decorations. But not just Mexican culture is shown but also American culture. This is why many people like coming to sarapes because they can experience there own culture but also Mexican culture in one place.

    4. When it is time to celebrate at Sarapes, that can only mean one thing: karaoke.

      The fun activities that are provided at serapes make people want to come back because who doesn't want a karaoke night it has become like a tradition. hearing about this place wants me to go check the place out since it sounds like and amazing atmosphere to be in.

    5. whom

      When you have a community of close bonds with one another even though you might not be related by blood that bond you share is the same as if you was related by blood like that saying goes brother from another mother.

    6. “Family is not going to be always so hearts and roses,

      This is so relatable from time to time you might no see eye to eye with your family but at the end of the day your family always has you back no matter what.

    7. The people at Sarapes definitely feel like family to you,” said Ivy. “They accept you as one of their own like it’s nothing.”

      From what I read the people like coming back to the restaurant due to the good food but also when they go they are treated like family.

    1. “Loneliness saps vitality, impairs productivity and diminishes enjoyment of life,”

      As human we are social creatures and depriving us from that kills emotionally and mentally being lonely is not a good thing so go out there and make friends might be hard but communicating with others is the best.

    2. In making rewarding social connections in college, I not only conquered loneliness, I found a path to a marvelous career.

      I'm really considered a person at is open to making connection with people because in the long run you never know those people will help you out and you will be able to live life to the better.

    3. desperately missed her familiar haunts and high school buddies who seemed, on Facebook at least, to be having the time of their lives.

      As someone who is from San Francisco originally I had to make the decision to come here and study at San Jose State University. This was a big change for me because i had to leave my family and friends but this change only made me realizes that instead of being upset of not being able to see the people I love, I rather switch my mindset and think like i should cherish the moment I spend with them.