33 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. 6.1 and 6.2

      labelled and referenced as one formula in source, wasn't able to do that when writing the equations

    2. 6.1 and 6.2

      labelled and referenced as one formula in source, wasn't able to do that when writing the equations

    1. \[\begin{array}\ &\text{Primary Formulas}\\ &{[C]′[et]′[sint]′=0=et=cost[tn]′[lnt]′[cost]′=ntn−1=1t=−sint(6.1)(6.1)[C]′=0[tn]′=ntn−1[et]′=et[ln⁡t]′=1t[sin⁡t]′=cos⁡t[cos⁡t]′=−sin⁡t\begin{array}\ {[C]^{\prime} } &=0 & {\left[t^{n}\right]^{\prime} } &=n t^{n-1} \\ {\left[e^{t}\right]^{\prime} } &=e^{t} & {[\ln t]^{\prime} } &=\frac{1}{t} \\ {[\sin t]^{\prime} } &=\cos t & {[\cos t]^{\prime} } &=-\sin t \\ \end{array}}\\ &\text{Combination Formulas}\\ &{[u+v]′[uv]′[G(u)]′=[u]′+[v]′=[u]′v+u[v]′=G′(u)u′[Cu]′[uv]′=C[u]′=v[u]′−u[v]′u2(6.2)(6.2)[u+v]′=[u]′+[v]′[Cu]′=C[u]′[uv]′=[u]′v+u[v]′[uv]′=v[u]′−u[v]′u2[G(u)]′=G′(u)u′\begin{array}\ {[u+v]^{\prime} } &=[u]^{\prime}+[v]^{\prime} & {[C u]^{\prime} } &=C[u]^{\prime} \\ {[u v]^{\prime} } &=[u]^{\prime} v+u[v]^{\prime} & {\left[\frac{u}{v}\right]^{\prime} } &=\frac{v[u]^{\prime}-u[v]^{\prime}}{u^{2}} \\ {[G(u)]^{\prime} } &=G^{\prime}(u) u^{\prime} & & \end{array}}\\ \end{array}\]

      It looks like source wants "Primary Formulas" and "Combination Formulas" to be labelled as one big set of formulas (see p. 271) but I can't seem to make it work that way (tried nested array)

  2. Feb 2022
  3. Jan 2022
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