- Aug 2018
onlineteachingmanifesto.wordpress.com onlineteachingmanifesto.wordpress.com
Contact works in multiple ways. Face-time is over-valued
While I agree with the first half of this statement I'm not sure it's necessary for the second half to be true. Face-time is overvalued compared to what? Compared to how it should be valued? Compared to the way it is valued within the structure of online learning?
While technology and social media have created and facilitated new kinds of relationships, the possibility exists that we could simply be giving appropriate value to new kinds of contact rather than necessarily devaluing an existing form of contact in face-time interaction.
Openness is neither neutral nor natural: it creates and depends on closures.
Being open to exploring new ideas means being closed to previous conclusions or biases.
Place is differently, not less, important online.
Intriguing to remember that each student in online learning carries with them so many assumptions related to place and location. In a traditional classroom environment some or many of these assumptions are known and shared but this is not always as true or evident with online learning.