20 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. Neurons can be classified depending on their structure, function, or other characteristics

      paragraph is important summation of the how neurons can be classified

    2. Although they do not participate in the communication between cells in the same fashion that neurons do, some researchers have found evidence that suggests that some glia may participate in information processing activities along with neurons

      info processing is important

    3. glial functions include digesting debris from dead neurons, carrying nutritional support from blood vessels to the neurons, and helping to regulate the ionic composition of the extracellular fluid

      glial function

    4. Their function is to transmit nerve impulses

      neuron function

    5. human organ system that coordinates all of the body’s voluntary and involuntary actions by transmitting electrical and chemical signals to and from different parts of the body

      def of nervous system

    1. monitoring conditions in the internal environment and bringing about appropriate changes in them

      ans function

    2. primarily senses the external environment and controls voluntary activities for which decisions and commands come from the cerebral cortex of the brain

      sns def

    1. Gage became irritable, irreverent, rude and profane, aspects that were not part of his way of being

      Characteristics after the accident and healing.

    2. company's most capable employee, with a well-balanced mind and a sense of leadership

      Gage's characteristics prior to accident

    1. used to look at brain activity or communication in a living patient

      PET scan function

    2. pictures of the brain. An MRI does not use Xrays

      MRI function

    3. used to locate brain tumors, injury, or atrophy. However, the CT scan uses Xrays to provide an image of the brain

      CT scan function

    4. overall electrical activity of the brain

      EEG function

    5. Phineas Gage and invention of methods such as the electroencephalogram (EEG) and computed tomography (CT or CAT) scans

      advances in technology allow for theories to have visual evidence

    6. Donald Hebb wrote his influential book, The Organization of Behavior, where he introduced the first comprehensive theory on how the brain might create and control complex psychological functioning

      "first comprehensive theory" = important milestone

    7. Knight Dunlap used the term "psychobiology" to explain the role of biology in behavior.

      Was this the first time the term was used ?

    8. Like many early psychologists, James had extensive training in physiology

      initiating a link between the fields

    1. specific psychological and behavioral processes are localized to specific regions and networks of the brain

      meaning of "localization of function"

    2. biological psychology, behavioral neuroscience, physiological psychology, neuropsychology, and psychobiology

      other names for the field

    3. the study of biological mechanisms of behavior and mental processes

      definition of biopsychology