17 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2016
    1. My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin —

      I noticed that several times in the poem he comments on his clothing—later he says that when he is old he will roll his pant legs—and this seems to be a way for him to describe how he perceives himself in the world. Though he is insecure about his balding and his thinness, he can use clothes, in this circumstance to help him feel more confident, but not too confident, as he only has a "simple pin."

    1. Owner

      I did my imitation on another one of Dickinson's poems and noticed her interesting use of capitalization there too. In that poem, it seems that she capitalized action words. In this poem, it seems that she capitalizes a number of words like the main characters in the poem as well as references to nature, but not all of her capitalizations fall into these categories.

    1. song of me rising from bed and meeting the sun.

      I like that he describes the action of getting out of bed as a song as I would think to describe it either with visual descriptions or descriptions of feelings. This unique description made me try to picture it more.

    1. pattern

      I like that she uses pattern in a new way here, not to describe physical things like her dress or the garden paths, but to describe a concept like war.

    1. And in the trembling blue-green of the sky    A moon, worn as if it had been a shell    Washed by time’s waters as they rose and fell    About the stars and broke in days and years

      In general, I liked this poem because it is complicated but fun to read/flows well. I think this part represents that: In just four lines, he personifies the sky as trembling, compares the moon to a shell, describes the waning of the moon to waves, and incorporates time. However, even though he does so much in four lines, it is still easy to picture and therefore fun to read.

    1. Lie

      I like that the word Lie is capitalized and that the saying is referred to as The old Lie. Using the word The and capitalizing the word Lie emphasizes that the author thinks that this is an established, untruth. When the saying is contrasted with the sickening descriptions prior to it, it does seem like a Lie.

    1. you

      It is interesting that the author personifies the soul (and the body as the body is speaking to "you," the soul) because it seems like the soul is on the edge of alive or not. Some people might perceive the soul as a living thing only while the body is alive. Other people might think of the soul as always alive. Some people might not even think of the soul as having life.

    1. O, who shall me deliver whole,From bonds of this tyrannic soul ?

      It is strange to think of the body feeling confined by the soul as opposed to the other way around. I usually think of a soul as existing without a body and throughout time, so the body feeling confined by the soul is a new idea for me.

  2. Dec 2015
    1. I measure time by how a body sways

      During this poem, it is hard to tell if he is being respectful and complimentary of the woman's beauty or if he is being shallow and focused only on her outer beauty. This last line, however, seems a little vulgar, taking away the sweet, complimentary parts of the poem.

    1. nameless

      Though I understand that the word nameless is important here because it shows that her grace is too amazing to describe, it seems out of place when every element of her before and after this mention is perfectly described by comparing her beauty to nature's beauty.

    1. soft-lifted

      I found it interesting that "Autumn" is being described with physical features such as her "soft-lifted" hair.

    1. his bars of rage

      I think this is really powerful because I would never think to personify the bars. By giving the bars the emotion of rage, it makes it clear that the bird is not only trapped by the bars but that the bars are also vicious in keeping him in.

    1. With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;

      I liked how the rhythm of the poem changed throughout the poem. These short, punctuated, repetitive words followed by a complete sentence broke up the poem and made it more interesting to me to read than a poem that follows a more predictable rhythm.

    1. That, like this sleek and seeing ball      But a prick will make no eye at al

      I thought the comparison of destroying the earth to pricking an eyeball was very powerful. It is simple to understand how the small prick of an eyeball completely changes its usefulness, which made his message about cutting down trees/altering the earth really relatable.

  3. Nov 2015
    1. you

      The personification/direct address of the soul as "you" makes the soul seem simultaneously powerful and alone.

    1. love

      For the entirety of the poem, I thought of beauty only in a physical sense. However, when Shakespeare replaces beauty with love at the end, I understood more that he saw beauty in who his subject was a person, making this tribute to his subject enduring.

    1. flower

      It is difficult to read this poem and not assume it is about a certain gender. I automatically assumed that a male was speaking about females (perhaps because of the gender of the author), but there is not necessarily evidence of this. Using the comparison to lords made me briefly think Shakespeare is speaking about males as lords were typically males; however, the comparison to flowers just seems female as flowers are often associated with female beauty. But, then Shakespeare uses "his" to describe a weed, meaning I think that Shakespeare intends this to apply equally to males and females.