15 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Be mindful of the difference between local and cluster bindings. For example, if you bind the cluster-admin role to a user by using a local role binding, it might appear that this user has the privileges of a cluster administrator. This is not the case. Binding the cluster-admin to a user in a project grants super administrator privileges for only that project to the user.

      No matter if you bind a ClusterRole, if bound locally only affect the user for a single project

    1. you can define a Service without specifying a selector to match Pods

      The effect is that the EndpointSlice won't be created automatically. You must do it manually, pointing to whatever you want this Service to use

      (EndpointSlice being the references to the pods matching the selector)

    2. The controller for that Service continuously scans for Pods that match its selector, and then makes any necessary updates to the set of EndpointSlices for the Service.

      Basically it routes TCP traffic from port 80 (of the Service) to port 9376 for each Pod matching the selector

  2. Jun 2024
    1. we need to be able to deploy the app to the cluster

      deploy it with Tilt

      (now, I'm unsure whether Tilt is used here only because it automatically rebuilds the code, or because it is actually useful to debug it. If the code is already deployed, can I ignore Tilt?)

    2. Notice that in the Dockerfile we also install the Delve debugger.

      important: the image built with the Dockerfile must have the Delve debugger

      (it's not just "Notice that", it should be highlighted more)

    3. The idea is to launch our application through a debug server and expose it so that we can connect remotely from our terminal or IDE to debug it as if we were running our application from our machine.

      the idea: launch the application in a way we can connect remotely

    4. The main goal is to ease the developer experience by helping with local continuous development and deployment of apps to local Kubernetes clusters. It does this by monitoring the source code and automatically building and pushing the deployments.

      Tilt rebuilds and pushes the deployments at each code change

  3. Mar 2024
    1. ClusterOperators and Operands. It also provides information about developing with OpenShift operators and the OpenShift release payload. When updating READMEs in core OpenShift repositories

      Is ClusterOperator and Core Operator the same thing? (yes, see below)

  4. Feb 2024
    1. you might want to check for functionality, readability, performance, security, documentation, testing, or compliance

      Review the code 6/7 times to check each property, or try to remember each property while review it the first time?

  5. Apr 2023
    1. This folder is for things that seem interesting to me, but are either not interesting enough to motivate me to give them the attention I’d like to, and/or they’re not relevant enough to any topics I’m working on.

      so why keep it?

  6. Oct 2022
    1. make install run

      pay attention that is both "install" and "run". The install target is most likely applying the manifest for the CR definition (config/crd/bases/cache.example.com_memcacheds.yaml)

  7. Sep 2022
    1. Use Roles instead of ClusterRoles.

      As "Kind" field? Yes, confirmed few lines below (but it is automatically generated using RBAC markers)

  8. Mar 2020
    1. For each process, the operating system maintains 2 integers with the bits corresponding to a signal numbers

      how the OS manages signals for each process?

    2. A signal is a software generated interrupt that is sent to a process by the OS

      what is a signal?