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  1. Last 7 days
    1. erry Gross. Director Bo Burnham On Growing Up With Anxiety — And An Audience. NPR, July 2018. URL: https://www.npr.org/2018/07/18/630069876/director-bo-burnham-on-growing-up-with-anxiety-and-an-audience (visited on 2023-12-08). m4

      Through his conversation, Bo Burnham demonstrates his capacity for empathy and insight into the process of creating Eighth Grade. When he speaks about his own issues with nervousness as a young actor, he discusses how those struggles inspired the plot of the film as well as his desire to depict his youth. Burnham's attention to depicting the emotional realities of kids is clearly shown by the intelligent narrative he tells and the dedication he has to empowering young performers. The deep grasp of personal development and self-expression that he demonstrates in his thoughts on his early comic stuff is also evident at this time.

    1. Many have anecdotal experiences with their own mental health and those they talk to. For example, cosmetic surgeons have seen how photo manipulation on social media has influenced people’s views of their appearance:

      Due to the fact that adolescents do not possess a comprehensive and all-encompassing perspective on life, values, and life in general, they are readily affected by the Internet. Due to the fact that they see Internet celebrities or stars undergoing breast augmentation or cosmetic surgery in order to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence, they blindly follow in their footsteps. It is also possible that some of the most popular messages on the internet are really false news, but young people will still trust them and spread them. Despite the fact that we are now living in the information era, it is not appropriate for adolescents to be exposed to a great deal of material via social media. Information has the potential to either help or hurt us. It is common for adolescents to be brimming with curiosity, and since they lack a solid foundation, they are susceptible to being affected by the Internet. They are going to struggle with mental health issues such as body anxiety, suicide thoughts, and other such issues. In the event that they are assaulted by anonymous internet users, it will lead teens to experience significant emotional shifts and divert their focus.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Morgan Sung. Their children went viral. Now they wish they could wipe them from the internet. NBC News, November 2022. URL: https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/influencers-parents-posting-kids-online-privacy-security-concerns-rcna55318 (visited on 2023-12-08).

      There is a lot of controversy around the question of whether or not it is morally acceptable to post pictures of your own children on social media for the purpose of gaining views and cash. This is due to the fact that youngsters do not have the capacity to make their own decisions or comprehend what is going on. Once anything is published to social media or the internet, it will be very hard to totally erase it. If the children later understand that they do not want to be seen and placed on social media, for example as a "meme," it will be too late to do anything about it since it will be much more difficult to delete it entirely.

    1. In what ways have you participated in helping content go viral?

      I believe that the act of merely engaging with articles, such as like a post or commenting on a post, is the most significant manner in which I have contributed to the spread of material throughout the internet. If you do this, you are helping to communicate to the algorithm that the post is of high quality. As a result, the algorithm will share it with more people, which will contribute to the article's virality. The act of sharing postings is just another manner in which I have contributed to the spread of material via the internet. Not only does this communicate to the algorithm that I like the video, but it also broadcasts it to my friends, who may then engage with it more and share it with other individuals, so increasing the likelihood that it will become viral.

    1. Zack Whittaker. Facebook won't let you opt out of its phone number 'look up' setting. TechCrunch, March 2019. URL: https://techcrunch.com/2019/03/03/facebook-phone-number-look-up/ (visited on 2023-12-07).

      Throughout the whole of this semester, we have not only read but also discussed a large number of stories about the misuse of user information by social media platforms, particularly Facebook's meta. Because of this, I have been considering whether or not the recent decision by the Supreme Court to prohibit social media platforms is right and whether or not it would be appropriate to ban TikTok. This is because it seems that social media platforms have attempted a variety of methods to gather our data to the point where it violates the privacy of its users.

    1. When social media platforms show users a series of posts, updates, friend suggestions, ads, or anything really, they have to use some method of determining which things to show users. The method of determining what is shown to users is called a recommendation algorithm, which is an algorithm (a series of steps or rules, such as in a computer program) that recommends posts for users to see, people for users to follow, ads for users to view, or reminders for users.

      There is a widespread use of recommendation algorithms on the internet, and they are quite accurate. In essence, they provide correct suggestions by taking into account the behaviors of consumers. In the event that I have lately liked a number of Kpop videos, the algorithm will conclude that I am a fan of Kpop. From that point on, the system will often suggest films that are relevant to me, and even my music program will begin suggesting music that is relevant to me. One of the drawbacks of this algorithm is that it makes it more likely that I will not like a K-pop video if I were to click on it by mistake. On the other hand, the algorithm does not comprehend my ideas.

    1. Inclusive design. December 2023. Page Version ID: 1188074097. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Inclusive_design&oldid=1188074097 (visited on 2023-12-07)

      In this source, the fundamental concept of inclusive design is discussed, including topics such as identifying the issue, addressing inclusive design, history, and other related topics. This site is intriguing to me since it presents numerous instances of inclusive design in our everyday lives that we often overlook, such as playgrounds and parks, text fonts on our phones, and other similar examples.

    1. Those with disabilities often find ways to cope with their disability, that is, find ways to work around difficulties they encounter and seek out places and strategies that work for them (whether realizing they have a disability or not). Additionally, people with disabilities might change their behavior (whether intentionally or not) to hide the fact that they have a disability, which is called masking and may take a mental or physical toll on the person masking, which others around them won’t realize.

      It is intriguing to consider the possibility that individuals may inadvertently conceal their disability by engaging in masking activities, which may have a negative impact on both their emotional and physical well-being. The fact that individuals modify their conduct in order to conform to the standards and expectations of society, often while hiding their own challenges, is something that is seen and accepted on a regular basis in everyday life. One concern that comes as a result of this conversation is how we may facilitate the creation of surroundings that are more inclusive and do not lay the responsibility of adaptation only on people who have impairments. In order to do this, it is necessary to take into account the ways in which the institutions and attitudes of society may either help or hinder persons with disabilities in terms of their coping mechanism and general well-being.

    1. Right to privacy. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1186826760. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Right_to_privacy&oldid=1186826760 (visited on 2023-12-05).

      In a manner similar to that of social platforms, the CCTV functions. In order to ensure our safety, we are willing to give up our privacy. While I do not like being watched, I believe that the protection of others should take precedence over the protection of my private. If it does not cause damage to the people it is monitoring, the government is allowed to engage in widespread surveillance.

    1. Others Posting Without Permission: Someone may post something about another person without their permission. See in particular: The perils of ‘sharenting’: The parents who share too much [i21]

      I believe that this occurrence occurs rather often in our day-to-day lives. Similar occurrences are taking place in the immediate vicinity of me. Amber shared a photo of herself and her friend Lisa that she had taken when they were out taking pictures of cherry blossoms. Before that, Amber had uploaded a picture of the two of them. On the other hand, she did not inform Lisa about it in advance, and when Lisa found out about it, she was rather disheartened since she did not like the photograph. Disagreements over intimate matters may arise even amongst the closest of friends. To add insult to injury, just think about how enraged they would be if it was uploaded by an unknown person without authorization.

    1. Datasets can be poisoned unintentionally. For example, many scientists posted online surveys that people can get paid to take. Getting useful results depended on a wide range of people taking them. But when one TikToker’s video about taking them went viral, the surveys got filled out with mostly one narrow demographic, preventing many of the datasets from being used as intended.

      I believe that the inadvertent contamination of datasets is a significant issue that results in a plethora of information not being used in the manner that was intended. Once upon a time, our high school conducted a survey about trips, and the findings revealed that the majority of individuals were delighted to take part in them. Nevertheless, the questionnaire was only filled out by those individuals who were in favor of it. Consequently, I believe that the quality of the data should be higher than the quantity of the data in order to prevent the unintended contamination of the data.

    1. Kurt Wagner. This is how Facebook collects data on you even if you don’t have an account. Vox, April 2018. URL: https://www.vox.com/2018/4/20/17254312/facebook-shadow-profiles-data-collection-non-users-mark-zuckerberg (visited on 2023-12-05).

      To put it simply, information is everything; data is included in everyone and everything. Despite the fact that not all data or information is valuable and "expensive," if you have a large data collection, you may begin to identify patterns and draw conclusions about a person or thing. Therefore, social media networks are continuously attempting to acquire data about you since the major source of money for these platforms is advertising. In order to attract businesses to place advertisements on social media platforms, it is important to direct the advertising to the appropriate audience.

    1. FBI–King suicide letter. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1184939326. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=FBI%E2%80%93King_suicide_letter&oldid=1184939326 (visited on 2023-12-05).

      The infamous FBI-King suicide letter was discussed on this wiki page, along with the manner in which the FBI used the letter to "blackmail Martin Luther King Jr." on his death. MLK Jr. was the intended recipient of the letter, which was intended to be a "suicide letter" to terrify him and was intended to be a threat to him. Additionally, the wiki page discussed the allegations about the participation of the FBI as well as other papers that were pertinent.

    1. If the immediate goal of the action of trolling is to cause disruption or provoke emotional reactions, what is it that makes people want to do this disruption or provoking of emotional reactions

      The reason why individuals engage in trolling, in my opinion, is because they are looking for attention, amusement, or the sensation of power. In order to get fame, individuals engage in trolling on social media sites in order to acquire likes or comments. Some individuals engage in deviant behavior in order to attract the attention of others and to attain social influence. A number of individuals find trolling to be enjoyable because they take pleasure in the responses that they elicit.

    1. lonelygirl15. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1186146298. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lonelygirl15&oldid=1186146298 (visited on 2023-11-24).

      In addition to being a pioneer in the use of social media platforms for narrative storytelling, the series garnered a large amount of attention for its unique combination of historical events and fictional events.

    1. How do you think about the authenticity of the Tweets that come from Trump himself? Do you think it matters which human typed the Tweet? Does the emotional expression (e.g., anger) of the Tweet change your view of authenticity?

      What individuals say on social media is not something that can be used to determine whether or not they are telling the truth. The fact that social media is free means that we are free to say anything we want. On the other hand, based on the fact that Trump's Android phone and Apple phone were both made public, it seems that the tweets that were sent on the Android phone were maybe authored by Trump himself. Due to the fact that I pay greater attention to how I communicate my emotions, I sometimes publish tweets that have nothing to do with the election. On the other hand, it is not completely out of the question that this is the identity that he and his staff built for him on the Net. A person who is extremely active on the internet and has a genuine temperament is the one in question. On the other hand, the Apple mobile phone transmits certain information that would be considered emotionally stable on the election. This information is most likely handled by his team.

    1. Federal Trade Commission. FTC Alleges Facebook Resorted to Illegal Buy-or-Bury Scheme to Crush Competition After String of Failed Attempts to Innovate. August 2021. URL: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2021/08/ftc-alleges-facebook-resorted-illegal-buy-or-bury-scheme-crush-competition-after-string-failed (visited on 2023-11-24).

      A comprehensive analysis of the effects of social media on mental health, with a particular emphasis on college students, is presented in this source. Among the various ways in which social media may have an effect on mental health, it underlines the fact that heightened feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression are among the most prominent examples. A discussion is also included on this page on the function of social media in the process of establishing social connections among college students. Particular attention is paid to the potential of social media to ease communication and sustain relationships, particularly with friends who are located in different locations.

    1. With these blog hosting sites, it was much simpler to type up and publish a new blog entry, and others visiting your blog could subscribe to get updates whenever you posted a new post, and they could leave a comment on any of the posts.

      When it comes to the freedom of personal expression in the digital era, I believe that the development of blogging represents a significant milestone. In contrast to its predecessor, it allows users to communicate with one another via the use of a platform that allows them to have a voice. In addition to documenting life, blogs also allow readers from all over the world to engage with one another. This new technical development lay the groundwork for the development of social networking and other types of digital communication that came after it.

    1. Document file format. August 2023. Page Version ID: 1170388374. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Document_file_format&oldid=1170388374 (visited on 2023-11-24)

      A wide variety of document formatting files are available, each of which serves a distinct purpose. There is a lot of interest in the fact that HTML is the most popular. Considering that Word or text files are utilized for more work-related projects, I would have guessed that they would be the most popular file format, but I was mistaken. One thing that I am curious about is whether or if there will ever be a file type that incorporates all of the components that are seen in various file documentations.

    1. Metadata is information about some data. So we often think about a dataset as consisting of the main pieces of data (whatever those are in a specific situation), and whatever other information we have about that data (metadata).

      When you consider the quantity of information that can be obtained from a single post, it is mind-boggling. Metadata is a strong tool that may be used by a large number of individuals. I believe that it has the potential to do a great deal of damage if it is misused. The information obtained from the post may be used by criminals to commit crimes. One example of this is the singer and artist Pop Smoke, who passed away recently. During his stay in Los Angeles, Pop Smoke shared a photo on his Instagram account that included the time and location of his location. In less than forty-eight hours, a bunch of criminals were successful in locating him and tragically ended his life.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. Antagonistic bots can also be used as a form of political pushback that may be ethically justifiable. For example, the “Gender Pay Gap Bot [c12]” bot on Twitter is connected to a database on gender pay gaps for companies in the UK. Then on International Women’s Day, the bot automatically finds when any of those companies make an official tweet celebrating International Women’s Day and it quote tweets it with the pay gap at that company:

      It is fascinating to see technology being utilized as a weapon for political action and social change, as shown by the fact that the "Gender Pay Gap Bot" was mentioned on Twitter. While it is undeniable that the bot sheds light on a significant matter, one is left wondering about the precision and significance of the data it provides, as well as the possibility of a reaction from the businesses that are being targeted. The use of bots for advocacy raises problems about the ethical limitations of the practice, as well as the larger ramifications for online activism in this day and age of digital technology.

    1. Buy TikTok Followers. 2023. URL: https://www.socialwick.com (visited on 2023-12-02).

      I found this website to be extremely intriguing due to the fact that it provides a variety of interactions that can be made across a variety of platforms. The fact that they provide a "Like" bot for posts is absolutely insane, and I find it very amusing. What I found to be extremely intriguing was the method in which they marketed their products. This product or service is being offered to you with the expectation that you would purchase it in order to fulfill your ambition of becoming famous. Depending on the circumstances, I can see how this may be beneficial to certain sites. It is my opinion that the concept of purchasing phony encounters is counterproductive to the goal of authenticity, and in a sense, it is the same as purchasing a fake reality.

    1. We also see this phrase used to say that things seen on social media are not authentic, but are manipulated, such as people only posting their good news and not bad news, or people using photo manipulation software to change how they look.

      I believe that most people are spending too much time on social media and paying too much attention to the photos they post. I agree that individuals like to publish their positive news and images, and I feel this may lead to a distorted sense of reality, in which it seems that everyone else is constantly having a wonderful time, looking flawless, and living their best life. However, we must remember that the job is just a tiny part of their life, and there is much more going on behind the scenes.

    1. What do you think is the responsibility of tech workers to think through the ethical implications of what they are making?

      Given the problems with consumers using platforms and technology, I believe it is critical for IT professionals to think about the ethical implications of their employment. These concerns relate to algorithmic biases and privacy corners, which are important moral considerations for computer professionals.