223 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2017
  2. Feb 2017
    1. Bots

      One of my favorite lines:

      Twitter bots are like hanging art in your twitter stream


    2. viewing the source of the web page

      You might soon want to start peeking at the source code around here. There are sounds of tinkering happening...

    3. Video games

      I love pac man

    4. On generational literacy

      I'm not sure i buy into the brain change.

    1. Who should you call?

      Where is Lassie when you need her?

    2. A national park

      Parks in danger too, nothing is off limits from their plans for drilling and commercializing. Heck Trump hotels at Yosemite, blech

  3. Jan 2017
    1. The way you respond to a Daily Alchemy is via twitter

      Note: If you prefer not to use twitter, you can also add your response via the comments form at the bottom of each Daily Alchemy, though they do not count for you on the leaderboard

    2. It’s like magic.

      Mmmm Magic.

      Yes, we can have images and GIFs here, but you have to find a URL for them (hint, you can upload them you your web site, and find the URL for the upload).

    3. this post is gonna be a long scroller

      Yes, my grammar is not perfect. Are long posts good or bad? Like a book, a movie, if there is some kind of arc, some kind of maybe surprise at the ending, what's wrong with long?

      We can do more than 140 characters...

    1. The famous painting above by Francisco Goya called “The Third of May 1808,” is clearly a story with a beginning, a shattered world moment, and an implied aftermath where nothing will ever be the same.

      How is that? This interpretation implies knowledge of the story outside the context. One might look at it as a single frame moment, a firing squad. What is the beginning?

    2. is always happening

      I'm not sure what "is always happening" means.

  4. Nov 2016
    1. Hi, I am noteworthy

    2. creating media

      We see a lot of the DS106 mindset coming into play where participants practice creating expressions about their digital alchemist character, about their imagined future world through assignments like creating movie posters, animated GIFs, radio shows, video mashups.

      A daily challenge site (like the DS106 Daily create) will provide experiences in media and tools on small scale; things like text ciphers, stenography, generators, etc)

    3. to explore what we call digital alchemy

      We hope people to explore this idea that there is potential power in being digital alchemist, and what is different about this kind of alchemy than the middle ages. And its more than magic potions and dark sorcery.

  5. Jun 2016
    1. We’ll also locate this folder in a place accessible to the GitHub Desktop app so they’re in the right place when we want to publish them as a public website later in the lesson.

      I store my GitHub app projects elsewhere (I have mine in a dropbox directory), not sure why it needs to be placed in the application folder which can be hard to find.

  6. Feb 2016
    1. The desperate need was not only for content — books, essays, curriculum. It was for content resourced with access to empathetic expertise

      Perhaps the most eloquent framing of the ingredients of learning, much more than content of any variety, or of flipped videos.

    1. Of course, we can find empathic conversations today, but the trend line is clear.

      What is this evidence?

    2. Across generations, technology is implicated in this assault on empathy

      Who implicates technology? Is this in the research, is this an assertion? Like the statement about people killing each other, not guns, who is really responsible?

  7. Jan 2016
    1. This refers to rather small bits of information ("What's the pythagorean theory?" "Where is Bora Bora?" "How do I make mashed potatoes"

      What is missing here are the things we add to the web to enhance our own later discovery, our streams of bookmarks, a history of photos in flickr/instagram can helps us remember where were on a past date, blogs that record our process through a project. I have relied on Tripit.com (travel reservations and such) to figure out what conferences I went to in the past.

    1. In fact, his boss at the time, Mike Sendall, noted the words “Vague but exciting” on the cover.

      I like to speculate an alternative present/future where if there was a different boss, maybe more of an accountant who wrote "Vague and not essential to out mission. Get back to that database project Berners-Lee!"

      Would the web have been invented? By whom? What would it look like?