- Aug 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
This decision promotes a program that does the opposite: divides students by race and promotes ethnic chauvinism.
I think it really depends on how the course is instructed. Sure it can foster hate if the learning content focuses on promoting hate and division between different ethnicities and races. However, if the course is constructed appropriately, it can teach students to embrace each other's identities and understand the others' struggles.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
Three courses in social studies, including United States history and geography; world history, culture, and geograph
I wonder if the history of Native Americans and BIPOC in America will be taught as part of United States history? Will there be common ground between US history course and ethnic studies courses that can help students understand the lessons better?
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
The Instructional Quality Commission shall develop
I wonder how the Instructional Quality Commission would be developed? Will they be voted in? And how do we ensure that quality of the courses?
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
a one-semester course in ethnic studies
My question is who will be teaching these ethnic studies courses? Will they be history teachers in the school? Or the district would have specific training program for those who want to teach ethnic studies courses?
www.ethnicstudiesnow.com www.ethnicstudiesnow.com
I found it upsetting that we had to fight for an ethnic studies course to be included in school curriculum. I think it should have been a standard for students to learn about the cultures and history of those around them. It makes a lot of sense to have an ethic studies course especially when we have such a diverse population in our country.