5 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. At a cooking class, the teacher sets out the ingredients for a healthy recipe, like vegetables and lean meats, while placing less healthy options, like processed foods or sugary sauces, further away or in smaller amounts. This encourages students to cook healthier meals, but they can still use the less healthy ingredients if they choose.

    2. nudging helps people make better decisions in a world that is too complicated for everyone to fully understand. Nudges can promote good choices, like saving money or eating healthy, without really limiting freedom.

    1. The main problem with rational choice theory isthat if people are so self-centered, how is itpossible for society to exist at all? [How is itpossible for individuals to act collectively forcommon goals?]


    2. The second element is that a rational[individual] has the capacity to allocate his [orher] scarce resources in such a way that[he/she] succeeds in maximizing utility.


    3. Changes in behaviour are therefore usuallyexplained by changes in restrictions only.

      He might change his decision