7 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2020
www.lotfortynine.org www.lotfortynine.org
crowdsourced collections
digital banks=crowded-sourced collections
blogs.loc.gov blogs.loc.gov
texts, images, and data
examples of archives
- Feb 2020
more detailed then the topic
topic will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes.
simple and straight to the point
omeka.org omeka.org
Add Tags” button
Important in order to add the tag.
Files tab
Files tab will let you add any type of files. Also you can add multiple files.
- Jan 2020
jessicadoeshistory.com jessicadoeshistory.com
each student will be given 5 late days to be used for any assignment
So for the 5 late day policy do we have 5 days to turn an assignment in?