2 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. SHALLOW CULTUREUnspoken rules of interactionHigh emotional impact

      I believe that yes, shallow culture is super important in today's society. However it is a fact that not everyone perceives the world the same way. Everyone has different values and beliefs and may take shallow culture differently than how other people would.

    2. singsg|thatsimplymaintainsastatusquoofcoloniality—whatthesestudentsentertheclassrooms with—1s-WorEnough: whatwasforc-iblylost, stolen,erased,andreplacedmustalsobe[PvRaned)

      I believe that the longer us educators continue to push non-cultural ideals, the longer students will continue to be uninterested and not wanting to deepen their understandings of school. Students feel disinterested because school is not something that they can relate to.