113 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Furthermore, the development of a biomimetic technology, which interfaces with the wound site, represents an advantageous strategy, as creating a highly controlled microenvironment during the early key stages of tissue repair can provide the necessary instruction and guidance to reestablish structural-functional normalcy.

      The development of biomimetic (synthetic methods which mimic biochemical processes) technology which interact with the wound site during early stages of key tissue repair can create a controlled microenvironment that would provide instruction and guidance to reestablish structural normalcy - or regeneration.

    2. we demonstrate long-term (18 months) regrowth, marked tissue repatterning, and functional restoration of an amputated X. laevis hindlimb following a 24-hour exposure to a multidrug, pro-regenerative treatment delivered by a wearable bioreactor.

      Scientists demonstrated limb regrowth and functional restoration of an American clawed frog's amputated hindlimb. The scientists administered a multi-drug, pro-regerative treatment delivered by a wearable bioreactor. The scientists were able to regenerate tissues of skin, bone, vasculature, and nerves.

    3. Xenopus laevis

      American Clawed Frog - has the potential to regenerate limbs at a young age, but later in life does not/has the same capabilities as humans

    4. address the needs of millions of patients, from diabetics to victims of trauma

      Human application once science is refined

    1. However, the biggest problem has been the inability to rewarm them without major damage from ice or cracking.

      20% of kidneys donated each year cannot be used - often because they cannot be kept on ice for longer than a few hours, and as a result do not reach recipients in time. However, it's not long-term cryopreservation methods that are the once-impossible issue, in fact, they have been around for quite some time - decades in fact. Scientists have instead struggled with rewarming organs without causing major damage from ice or cracking.

      The team at the University of Minnesota developed a nanowarming process that uniformly and rapidly warms the cryopreserved organs, as opposed to merely warming the organ at its surface.

      The organs were able to be cleared of cryoprotective fluids and nanoparticles and transplanted into the lab rats. All of the rat participants were able to restore full kidney function within 30 days without additional interventions.

      For human transplants, medical interventions would occur where they did not for the rat patients. These interventions include medicines and dialysis to assist the kidney for the weeks right after transplantation.

      long-term organ banking could increase donor organ utilization, improve donor/recipient matching, and improve procedure preparation and scheduling. This also opens up the possibility for cryopreserving other organs.

  2. Jun 2024
    1. To curb the growing problem of space junk threatening spacecraft and space stations, rocket stages and satellites are deliberately plunged into the Earth’s atmosphere to burn up.

      Space junk is often sent back down to earth's surface with the intention of combustion before colliding with the earth's surface. However, particles are released into the air and cause unknown environmental pollution effects. Wood satellites, LignoSat in particular, will incinerate completely and release water vapor and carbon dioxide into earth's air.

    2. The material will be more sustainable and less polluting than the metals used in conventional satellites, they say.

      The satellite paves the path for sustainability in outer space

    1. Instead, he sees the project as a step toward discovering other kinds of sustainable 3D printing materials that could, one day, replace plastics.

      this isnt a new means by which to influence the 3D printing market, but rather a breakthrough in the world of sustainable 3D printing

    2. When dried, the coffee grounds material is about as tough as unreinforced concrete.


    3. two other powders that they buy online: cellulose gum and xanthan gum. Both are common additives in food and degrade easily

      the entire thing is degradable in a compost bin

    4. it will take up to 1,000 years to decompose,”

      most 3D printable plastic will take up to 1,000 years to decompose

    5. “You can make a lot of things with coffee grounds,”

      you can make things with the coffee grounds, when you don't want them anymore, you can throw them back into a grinder and use the coffee grounds again - serves as a recyclable means by which to 3D print things

    1. configured vertically or horizontally, and that it can be deployed offshore as well as on land

      can be configured vertically, horizontally, on and off land

    2. levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for its new wind turbine design is only 1/3 that of conventional turbines.

      it will generate more energy over the course of its lifetime than other wind turbines

    3. Airloom has designed a 2.5-megawatt device to fit a standard tractor trailer,

      Transportation made easier

    4. If all goes according to plan, Airloom calculates that its wind farms can be built for less than 25% of the cost to build a conventional wind project.

      if everything goes to plan, the newer wind harvesting machines will be able to be built for 1/4th of the cost of standard wind turbines and cost less than 1/10th of the cost of comparable wind turbines

    5. However, depending on the landscape, local wind conditions, and neighbors, a more modest silhouette could open up a wide range of new sites where conventional turbines are either impractical or restricted by local laws.

      not necessarily replacing wind turbines, but perhaps offering up a more neighborly alternative to wind turbines

    1. But making milk without cows would definitely cut the risk that an animal virus will cause a new pandemic. As Richani says: “Soybeans don’t transmit diseases to humans.”

      Here's another point, slightly less interesting, but still a point worth considering - it would also be interesting to look into how accessible they will make this product - will it be more affordable than cows milk? if not, I doubt many people will be interested in it.

    2. “It can’t be the best way to produce food.”

      Not necessarily something what once was impossible that is now possible, but perhaps an improvement on an already existing system - similar to the Haitian school system switch

    3. there are environmental effects: cattle burp methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and a lactating cow needs to drink around 40 gallons of water a day.

      Here is a particular water statistic I enjoy - but how much water per day does it take to produce cow-free milk from a biotech factory

    4. Company cofounder Ori Cohavi says a single biotech factory of bubbling yeast vats feeding on sugar could in theory “replace 50,000 to 100,000 cows.”

      This is interesting, though I'm wondering what the environmental impact looks like - specifically from a water standpoint

    5. by engineering yeasts and plants with bovine genes so they make the key proteins responsible for milk’s color, satisfying taste, and nutritional punch.

      Scientists are engineering plants and yeasts with bovine genes to mimic key proteins responsible for the creation of cow's milk

    1. With this more nuanced and complex view of human genetics comes a promise for improved genetics-based medicine

      There is a hope for improved genetics-based medicine, but it may take a while before the pangenome makes a difference in medical clinics

    2. hopefully, that will then lead to greater insight into the biology of everyone.

      aim of the pangenome

    3. The new pangenome draft is from actual people and contains almost complete DNA from 47 anonymous individuals from different parts of the world.

      The DNA that make up the pangenome is taken form 47 different individuals from different parts of the world - it is, in a sense, a human blueprint

    4. That work could possibly reveal more details about the genetic underpinnings of heart diseases, schizophrenia and various other diseases and disorders.

      The pangenome is a step in the direction to reveal more details about the genetic underpinnings of heart diseases etc.

    1. "This gives people more months of recognizing their spouse, children and grandchildren."

      not a cure, but an FDA approved slower of Alzheimer's

  3. Nov 2023
    1. Flores was called to court Wednesday to answer to those allegations. He testified that he had lunch with Christiansen and another alternate at the mall under the Children’s Museum.

      We need to make a note of this in the timeline

    2. Connor has asked defense attorneys to get an affidavit from at least one juror confirming that the computer mistake led them off track during deliberations.

      This is huge in explaining why Scott Ross gathered the affidavits we are in Posession of - is this still int he Wendy Christiansen meeting?

    3. Instead, some of them took literally a line in the report, which said the officers were victims of assault with a deadly weapon with great bodily harm

      this is the computer error. the officers never claimed they suffered great bodily injury, only that their attackers intended to seriously hurt them. On the police report revewied by jurors, a computer software program incorrectly printed "ADW w/GBI," giving the impression the officers were claiming serious injury.

    4. But defense attorneys said three jurors have told their investigators that they couldn’t agree on whether the officers were actually hit by gang members

      we have the affidavits for this

  4. Oct 2023
  5. Sep 2023
    1. 91R27256

      searched - Found him

    2. 91P00185

      searched - pyublic intoxication

    3. 91M02716

      Searched - not suspected of him

    4. 91M04388

      searched - burglary/petty theft

    5. 91M13650

      Searched - possession of meth

    6. 91M06764

      Searched - Vehicle code

    7. 91P09855

      searched - go back to

    1. The official version of what happened that night is detailed in an officer-involved-shooting review filed with the Police Commission by Chief Willie Williams in January 1997. Williams found the shootings ”in policy,“


    1. is back in jail facing in an unrelated case facing multiple charges of attempted murder

      Charge as of 1999 - will find case number

  6. Jan 2023
    1. media contagion effect

      The theory that media coverage can inspire others to copy actions such as suicide, terrorist attacks, and mass shootings.

  7. Dec 2022
    1. It has been so inspiring to many of us in our organization and around the league. He’s done it with the right type of grace and class, where people respond to it.”

      Heat coach Erik Spolestra quote on Dwyane Wade's activism

    2. “It’s my belief, and I’ve been gifted this platform to be able to do that. And I know a lot of people who haven’t been given, who probably never will be, so I think I just take advantage of that.”

      Wade believes it is his responsibility, with a platform and a magnitude of followers, to speak out for those whose voices won't be heard and those who won't/can't/don't have the platform and following he has.

    3. We wanted to deliver a message and talk to our fellow athletes that were in the crowd, and obviously everyone watching it around the world, about what we were dealing with in this world. And not being afraid to speak on it as four well-known black athletes that’s involved in their communities, well-known in the NBA and well-known around the world.

      Dwyane Wade talking about his reasons for ocming forward to talk about Black activism - not being afraid to come forward and illustrate/highlight to the audience members at the 2016 ESPYS the wrongdoing snad social njustices against Black Americans across the United States

    1. After receiving the gold and bronze medals, respectively, in the 200m sprint, as the national anthem began, Tommie Smith and John Carlos adorned black gloves and instead of putting their hands over their hearts, they raised them to the sky. The fist signified the civil rights struggle for African-Americans and resoundingly ushered in the “Black Power” movement onto a global stage.

      Athlete activism isn't merely a product of today. John Carlos and Tommie Smith bowed their heads and raised fists in black gloves as the national anthem played - standing in solidarity for Black Americans and ushering the Black Power movement onto a global stage

    2. In 2015, he marched with demonstrators against the death of Freddie Gray from police brutality in his hometown of Baltimore. Joined by LeBron James, Chris Paul and Dwyane Wade, Anthony also gave an impassioned speech on race and violence at the 2016 ESPYs.  

      A highly vocal advocate against police violence and the unfair treatment of Black Americans across the United States, Carmello Anthony marched in 2015 through his hometown, Baltimore, after police brutally murdered Freddie Gray. Anthony was joined by LeBron James, Chris Paul and Dwyane Wade. Anthony further gave a speech on race and violence at the 2016 ESPYs.

    3. 968, the then Lew Alcindor joined the Muslim faith and changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. In the same year, he boycotted participating in the Olympics in protest of how African-Americans were treated by the United States

      Kareem Abdul-Jabbar boycotted participating in the Olympics in protest of how Black people and other people of color were treated in the United States

    4. Milwaukee Bucks refused to take the floor for their playoff game against the Orlando Magic.

      After Jacob Blake was fatally shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the Milwaukee Bucks refused to play against the Orlando Magic or their 2020 playoff game. All of the other NBA teams refused to play in their playoff games. This caused a de-facto stoppage of their recently resumed season during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Following the Bucks and the rest of the league, the WBNA and MLS refused to play their regularly scheduled matches. The Milwaukee Brewers amongst other teams in the MLB canceled 5 scheduled games. Athletes took power into their own hands

  8. Oct 2022
    1. AMC Entertainment and GameStop in January, noting that activity and volatility in those stocks came alongside high activity on Twitter.

      The fed claimed the high volatility in meme stocks has come from online forums such as twitter and reddit

    1. Ryan Cohen — chairman of meme stock favorite GameStop and CEO of the online pet supply retailer Chewy — announced he bought a big stake in Bed Bath & Beyond through his venture firm.

      akin to investors and figureheads such as elon musk tweeting about the stocks they are buying

      Big money investors haven't tweeted their stock purchases historically. Now, however, figureheqds are much more vocal about their stocks - influencing their followers to buy up the stocke they are buying up so that the price increases. is the goal then to dump before the price plummets? further lowering the amount of money that their followers are making off the stock and increasing the wealth inequality in america?

    1. Pre-meme stocks had an average volatility of 83%. That jumped to 106% once they became memes. For instance, AMC’s volatility spiked from 134% on an annualized basis pre-meme to 239% post-meme.

      once s stock achieves the attention level of a "meme stock" its volitality increases - can be good but also very bad

    1. “Just took out a second mortgage on my parent’s house while they were at work to buy more $AMC and $GME LETS GOOOO.”

      Fabricated post to WSB that was covered by the news - lending "credible" weight to the post for an untrained eye

    1. As I sat on losses, I’d cling to the r/wallstreetbets subreddit in search of optimistic encouragement. For all the comments that cried “hold the line” and “diamond hands,” meme stocks were spiraling further and further

      community cries for holding onto stocks when they were going down ended up equating to more losses from users

    2. [YouTube] channel

      Gill's youtube channel, though claimed to be for educational purposes, influencd users on comission-free trading apps like robinhood to be aggressive in their buying of stocks

    3. Keith Gill

      promoter for gamestop squeeze

    4. buy five shares

      General was only allowed to buy five shares by Robinhood, a comission free trading app that users can download on the app store. RObinhood limited the amount of shares people were able to buy because of an unprecedented increase in the amount of users buying stocks on the app. The app works by fronting the money to buy a stock - they ran out so they had to limit the amount of share people were able to buy. General ended up losing around fifteen hundred dollars to meme stocks, he could have lost more had Robinhood not put a cap on the number of stocks people were able to buy

    5. John General

      John General, writer for the Click, an NYU American Journalism Onloine Master's Program.

    1. For example, one 2014 study showed that from 1976 to 2013, the inflation-adjusted rate of increase in public four year college housing prices was about 72%, compared with less than five percent for housing in the broader economy.

      see if we can find this, if not, quote forbes on it

    2. Some argue that research suggests students living in university dormitories do better academically than those fending for themselves in outside housing

      talk about cinema floor in new north

    3. To a considerable extent, universities act like monopolists requiring customers wanting their primary service, instruction, to buy another one of their services, campus housing (and usually food as well)

      look in to how many universities require housing

    1. Living in a dorm can be enjoyable, convenient, good for grades and retention, and a more gradual segue into adulthood.

      good to represent other side of coin - benefits for living in housing

    2. Indeed, auxiliary revenue (which includes housing, dining, athletics and other sources), was one of the hardest-hit categories of revenue loss, especially among larger institutions, according to data obtained from 107 schools by the Chronicle of Higher Education.

      Again, look into this metric and see if we can find the source material then use it for write up

    3. dorm costs have skyrocketed 111% at public four-year institutions over the past 30 years, far faster than rents.

      Interesting statistic - look into this and if its true, definitely use it in your write up

  9. Sep 2022
  10. May 2022
    1. Or, arguingbackwards from effect to cause, since approximately 90 per centof reported felonies are property crimes, a large part of the crimeproblem might be attributed to a lack of legitimate access to thisproperty.

      limited to no access to essential/necessary property breeds a drive to steal property

  11. Apr 2022
    1. To do this, we created a series of films using real photographs shot by photographers on real trips staying in the homes of Airbnb Hosts around the world. These films connect with the sense of nostalgia we all feel about trips we took with people we care about, and the prospect of taking those trips again

      AirBnb created a string of advertisements for the "made possible by Hosts" campaign. The advertisements consist of short films strung together in the fashion of a photo essay. The goal of the films is to trigger the feeling of nostalgia people often feel after returning from a trip - I don't want to leave, I wish I could go back, let me look at the photos etc, and the notion of future trips with loved ones.

    2. As we’ve noted before, most of the traffic to our platform is organic, so while we do some performance marketing, we don’t have to make buying customers and driving traffic to our site a top priority

      Don't need to do too too much heavy marketing as a decent portion of their customers come from word of mouth/recommendations - one of the benefits of being an established company

  12. Mar 2022
    1. it acquired StreetEasy in 2013, Retsly in 2014, and Trulia in 2015

      dominates market - able to acquire other similar platforms

  13. Feb 2022
    1. Sometimes divinatory information aroused debate among its recipients as to how to interpret it.

      An example of this occurred during the Persian wars of the early fifth century BCE. The Athenians received, from Apollo, an oracle at Delphi imploring the citizens to fortify their city with wooden walls. However, important/higher class citizens called out for other ways to interpret the message. Ultimately Themistocles saved all of both Athens and Greece by convincing others that the message meant they should focus their efforts on fortifying their navy as opposed to retreating into the Acropolis - historically fortified by a stretch of thorn bushes.

    2. the gods, demons, and ghosts might know more because they had a greater range of sources of knowledge; they knew what was going on among the dead, among the gods, and in distant parts of the world that the average enquirer could not reach.

      divination as a means by which to seek answers for seemingly unanswerable questions - why are monsoons battering my land year after year? Have the gods felt neglected? etc.

  14. Dec 2021
    1. And now we have this invasive and unfair surveillance pushing the envelope, invading their private lives

      privacy danger

    2. mass data collection and bias in facial recognition

      New Privacy Danger

    1. Disney, which supported the creation of the database with a $20,000 grant

      more representation leads to a more diverse audience which in turn leads to revenue coming from multiple demographics instead of just one

  15. Nov 2021
    1. n 2014 and 2015, a China-based chemical distributor sold fentanyl to purchasers in the United States for $3,500 USC per kilogram.

      At you could turn $3,500 into a profit of between 5 and 20 million

    2. At these prices, a kilogram of fentanyl used to manufacture counterfeit pills could generate between $5 and $20 million in retail sales, depending on the purity of the fentanyl and the dosage

      Its incredibly profitable, easy to access because it's synthetic, and once you have a customer, you always have a customer - its a very easy way of making money

    3. Traffickers can typically purchase a kilogram of fentanyl powder for a few thousand dollars from a Chinese supplier, transform it into hundreds of thousands of pills, and sell the counterfeit pills for millions of dollars in profit.

      easy profit provides traffickers with a strong motive to expand their user base

    4. Chinese Customs officials seized 46 kilograms of fentanyl and 26 kilograms of acetyl fentanyl hidden in a cargo container destined for Mexico. Six customs officials became ill and one fell into a coma as a result of handling the fentanyls

      ties into point bout police officials needing to be careful when undergoing a drug raid

    5. original supplier will provide the package to a freight forwarding company or individual, who transfers it to another freight forwarder, who then takes custody and presents the package to

      convoluted chain of custody makes seizure of fenatnyls bound for other nations from China difficult - often the packages will have missing, incomplete, or inaccurate information

    6. Customers can purchase fentanyl products from Chinese laboratories online, by travelling to China and purchasing in person, or through a chemical broker.

      means by which to acquire fentanyl from China

    7. The immediate precursor to fentanyl, N-phenyl-1-(2-phenylethyl) piperidin-4-amine (ANPP), has been seized at the U.S.–Mexico border, indicating that traffickers are producing fentanyl or attempting to stockpile precursors in advance of a future shortage in Chinese supply

      the increase in seizures of fentanyls in Mexico indicates a stockpile in anticipation of a future Chinese drug supply shortage

    8. Fentanyls in Mexico

      often serves as the middle man between China and the United States - gets the drug, either presses it into counterfeit prescription pills, or mixes/disguises it with heroine and sends it to the United States

    9. Canada has seen a sharp increase in overdoses and deaths resulting from the use of fentanyls since 2012, when the Government of Canada removed the prescription opioid OxyContin® from the legitimate market.

      concrete example of how the increase in synthetic opioids will fuel the opioid-dependent market regardless of government suppression as a result of severe addiction

    10. though traffickers are interested in expanding the fentanyl market to other counterfeit opioid medications, they are also willing to utilize fentanyls in other non-opiate drugs with exploitable user populations

      Traffickers, whether educated correctly or not in the correct mixology and chemistry of lacing drugs with fentanyl will still sell their drugs for a profit. As such oftentimes drugs will contain too much fentanyl resulting in an overdose, or they will mix opioids with other drugs and result in death of the user - but profit for the trafficker

    11. education for doctors on the dangers of opioid medications

      paragraph right here

    12. Although not all controlled prescription drug users eventually switch to heroin, fentanyl-laced pills give DTOs broader access to the large controlled prescription drug user population, which is reliant upon diversion of legitimate pills.

      as nations move towards finding alternatives for opioids and the accessibility between Drug Trafficking Organizations and fentanyl-laced pills increases, the possibility of reducing the amount of people addicted to opioids steadily decreases as more and more people will turn to counterfeit pills in order to obtain the opioid high they crave.

    13. There were over 700 fentanyl-related deaths reported in the United States between late 2013 and 2014

      this compared to 100,000 deaths reported in the April 2020-2021 count from the CDC

    14. The 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimated that there were 4.3 million nonmedical users of pain relievers in the United States in 2014; a population second only in size to marijuana users.

      the heightened demand for hospital-grade prescription drugs opens the floodgates for drug traffickers to create and sell counterfeit, fentanyl based, pills in efforts to increase their revenue and spread their network and ultimately meet and appease the market demand fro the pills

    15. There were approximately eight times as many fentanyl exhibits in 2015 as there were during the 2006 fentanyl crisis, clearly demonstrating the unprecedented threat and expansion of the fentanyl market.

      Clear example and concrete evidence for increase in fentanyl in the united states snce 2006 - where are we going to go from here?

    16. The seizures of fentanyl-laced pills and clandestine pill press operations all across North America indicate that this is becoming a trend, not a series of isolated incidents

      because the drug is so easy to come by and sold under the guise of other opioids and narcotics, more and more clandestine pill press operations are being seized every day - though they're growing at an alarming rate.

    17. During the current fentanyl crisis (2013-present), traffickers have not only used similar historical production and distribution techniques, but have also expanded the fentanyl market by producing wholesale quantities of counterfeit prescription medications containing various fentanyls. Fentanyls are no longer only mixed into the heroin supply, but take on new shapes in order to be desirable for a different subset of opioid users.

      Initially, fentanyl was cut and mixed into heroine to more cost-effectively run the drug traffic business. Today those still practices still exist, and traffickers have seen the cost benefits and effectiveness of mixing fentanyl into opioids such as oxytocin heroine and are expanding the synthetic opioid's reach across the united states

    18. Under U.S. law, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) must be notified of the importation of a pill press. However, foreign pill press vendors often mislabel the equipment or send it disassembled to avoid law enforcement detection.

      US law requires the DEA to be notified of the importation of a pill press. To get around this, foreign vendors will mislabel or disassemble imported equipment to avoid detection

    19. In addition to being deadly to users, fentanyls pose a grave threat to law enforcement officials and first responders, as a lethal dose of fentanyl can be accidentally inhaled or absorbed through the skin

      when public safety officials go to seize illegal narcotics from individuals, they need to be careful not to accidentally ingest them as approximately 2 milligrams inhaled or absorbed through the skin is all it takes to take a life. if a bag is broken and fentanyl powder is released into the air and a police official inhales enough of the contaminated air, their life can be over in a matter of minutes.

    20. In addition, small-scale fentanyl production laboratories have been identified in the United States and Canada, and fentanyl production and milling laboratories are believed to be operating in Mexico, indicating a vast expansion of the traditional illicit fentanyl market.

      expansion of the profitable killer is underway in the united states and in the nations on either side

    21. The equipment and materials necessary to produce these counterfeit drugs are widely available online for a small initial investment, greatly reducing the barrier of entry into production for small-scale drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) and individual players.

      it's incredibly easy to obtain the means by which to create, sell and profit from counterfeit pills containing fentanyl

    1. Most of the increases in fentanyl deaths over the last three years do not involve prescription fentanyl but are related to illicitly-made fentanyl that is being mixed with or sold as heroin—with or without the users’ knowledge[i] and increasing as counterfeit pills.

      The majority of fentanyl related deaths result not form prescribed fentanyl, but from fentanyl that has been disguised and sold as other opioids such as heroin

  16. Oct 2021
    1. "drastic reductions" in the amount of hydrogen sulfide gas emanating from the channel.

      become so severe that LA county and Carson have declared an emergency and reduced sulfide gas

    1. in normal times, the ports create more than 100 tons of smog and other cancer-causing contaminants each day.

      Regularly, ports produce more than 100 tons of smog and pollution each day - and we're seeing 5 times that amount in numbers of ships idling outside the port

    2. 40% of container imports in the US and 30% of exports, meaning the severe backlog has far reaching effects across the country and in California

      The ports move 40% of imports in the US and 30% of exports

    3. The ports together

      Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach Port

    4. the complex would typically see less than 20 ships at anchor.

      Before the pandemic, these ports would usually have under 20 ships at anchor

    5. America’s busiest port complex

      Long Beach Port - America's busiest port complex

  17. Sep 2021
    1. Chronic disease and chronic medications were among the exclusion criteria, therefore, the impact of comorbidities or the use of drugs were not examined

      drugs used to treat insomnia or to "level-out" someones chronotype were not examined - another limitation

    2. The results were obtained through self-reported questionnaires.

      limitation in the study

    3. TFEQ-R 18, the UPPS-short, the HADS, and the MEQ

      questionnaires to assess eating habbits, Impulsive behavior, anxiety and depression, and chrinitype (What time of day people function at - morning birds or night owls) - duration ranged form 15-25 mins

    4. questionnaire-based survey conducted among Lebanese university students (Grand Beirut universities: USJ, Lebanese university, USEK, ALBA, NDU, LAU, SAGESSE), from October 2017 till March 2018.

      a questionnaire-based survey conducted among lebanese university students from october 2017 to march 2018 of students 18 years or older

    5. emotional eating

      more present in night-types

    6. People who present an increased CR and a decreased EE and/or UE achieve better results when following weight-loss programs

      Increased cognitive restraint, decreased emotional eating and or uncontrolled eating

    7. TFEQ-R 18

      Three Factor Eating Questionaire

    1. they are reliable sites for relief efforts

      Public libraries often serve as not just a center for learning and consuming information, but also an environmental oasis. They are, more often than not, accessible to most everyone. In addition, they provide a shelter from harsh climate conditions brought about by high carbon dioxide levels and fossil fuel pollution for those who are unable to afford a personal space with clean, conditioned, air and shelter.

  18. Aug 2021
    1. Hypothesis

      download the hypothesis web extension for a cheat code to taking notes