7 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2016
    1. Vocabulary development plays a central role in reading comprehension. Students must be given the tools to understand new words so they can make the most out of reading.

      Teachers need to make sure that vocabulary development is incorporated in teaching so that children have the ability to understand more of what they're reading.

    2. Research asserts that most children benefit from direct instruction in decoding, complemented by practice with simply written decodable stories. Stories should “match” the child’s reading level.

      Making decoding fun and incorporating it in everyday learning is good for children to learn but also practice.

    3. Reading Fluency

      Ability to quickly and accurately read words.

    4. success in teaching the alphabetic principle (the idea that written spellings represent spoken words)

      Emphasizing the idea that this is how children learn, we need to teach them this idea.

    5. Phonological Awareness: Understanding that the spoken language is made up of units of sounds, such as sentences, words, and syllables

      Phonological Awareness is important because it is how we speak and communicate

    6. hen they hold up a Big Book that the class is reading, they “think aloud” about how to hold the book, where to start reading, and in what direction. While a teacher is writing the morning news on the board for his first graders, he might ask the students, “Should I start at the top of the board or the bottom?

      This is giving students there first bit of understanding book and print awareness. By teachers making a point to ask students these questions its helping them to better understand literacy.

    7. , literacy is a complex web of skills and knowledge related to engaging and expressing ideas

      This definition is more complex than what I think of when I think of literacy. It is more than just reading and writing.