1 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2018
onlineteachingmanifesto.wordpress.com onlineteachingmanifesto.wordpress.com
Contact works in multiple ways. Face-time is over-valued
Yes, contact works in multiple ways. That is a given.
I take issue with the second point here, that Face-time is over-valued. I feel that it is a critical aspect in personal interaction that allows for multiple layers of communication. From the obvious verbal exchange to the non-verbal/physical cues that are displayed as well. Having those extra layers present can allow for much more dynamic exchanges, from both positive and negative interactions.
With the world becoming more techologically dependent, the 'human aspect' seems to be lost in some cases. Take "Face time", for example, many people consider that a suitable replacement for actual face-time, however, it is a poor substitute for actually being present.