77 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. the masses of the black holes that produced it, their orbital speed, and the precise moment at which their surfaces touched.

      Here is an example of telling details. In this case the author shows how scientist are able to gain information of district things about masses of black holes

    2. It offers confirmation of one of relativity theory’s most important predictions about black holes—namely, that they radiate away imperfections in the form of gravitational waves after they coalesce.

      Here the author is letting the reader know that with this information they can confirm the "they radiate away imperfections in the form of gravitational waves after they coalesce." This shows the reader that the scientists are able to confirm theories that they have had.

    3. the three bursts of energy that the new, larger black hole gave off as it became spherical. “Seeing the ringdown is spectacular,”

      The author's use of sensory language in this part of the paragraph helps the reader to really be able to see a ringdown. This makes the reader more interested in the article and want to continue reading it.

    4. are substantially heavier than expected, a surprise that, if confirmed by future observations, may help to explain how the mysterious supermassive black holes at the heart of many galaxies are formed

      Through the authors use of telling details the reader is able to understand that this information can lead to a discovery that will explain "how... supermassive black holes... are formed."

    5. extracted an astonishing amount from the signal

      Here the author uses words like extracted and astonishing to show how incredible the signal is and how it can obtain a lot of information about things such as black holes.

    1. Peters, who had volunteered for years without controversy, was badly shaken. She worried how the attention might affect the school. If you want me to leave, she told the principal, I will.

      Here is another example of where the author uses speech to depict the type of person Kelli is. She is more concerned about what will happen to the school than what will happen to her. This shows how selfless she is.

    2. “She made a comment as I walked away that she wondered how I could sleep at night with the way I treat people. I went inside and started crying I was so upset,” Peters wrote.

      The author uses Peters mannerisms to display who she is as a character. By showing the way Peters reacted to the comment Easter made displays how she has good morals. It also shows how Peters feels bad and realizes that she made a mistake.

    3. Did she have anything in her car she shouldn’t have? No. Could he search her car? Absolutely.

      Here the author uses speech to display the characterization of Kelli Peters. By her saying that she sins have anything she shouldn't in her car and by saying that they can search her car shows how she had no doubt in her mind that they would find anything bad in it. This portrays her as innocent. If she has something to hide I do not think should would have let them search her car so easily.

    4. Parents had entrusted their own kids to Peters for years; she was the school’s PTA president and the heart of its after-school program.

      Here is another part where the author portrays Peters as a trustworthy and caring mother and person. People wouldn't entrust Peters with their children if she wasn't a genuinely good person.

    5. She told herself she had nothing to fear, that all he’d find inside her PT Cruiser was beach sand, dog hair, maybe one of her daughter’s toys.

      In this paragraph the author starts to shape the way we view Kelli Peters. By saying, "she told herself she had nothing to fear," makes the readers view her as a truthful, innocent person.

  2. Mar 2018
    1. The LIGO team includes a small group of people whose job is to create blind injections—bogus evidence of a gravitational wave—as a way of keeping the scientists on their toes

      This is an example of narrative because this information is just telling the reader something it is not describing how LIGO does what it does.

    2. “I couldn’t understand what Weber was up to,” he said in an oral history conducted by Caltech in 2000. “I didn’t think it was right. So I decided I would go at it myself.”

      This is exposition information. By explaining that he didn't understand what Weber was up to, the author informs the reader that Weiss is going to work at it until he could figure it out.

    3. The detector in Livingston, Louisiana, sits on swampland east of Baton Rouge, surrounded by a commercial pine forest; the one in Hanford, Washington, is on the southwestern edge of the most contaminated nuclear site in the United States, amid desert sagebrush, tumbleweed, and decommissioned reactors.

      This is narrative information. It is giving descriptive background information on a detector in Louisiana, but there is nothing that moves the story along.

    4. This morning, in a press conference in Washington, D.C., the LIGO team announced that the signal constitutes the first direct observation of gravitational waves.

      This is a piece of exposition information. It shows the reader something that is important. In this case, there is a signal of gravitational waves.

    5. Just over a billion years ago, many millions of galaxies from here, a pair of black holes collided.

      This is an example of narrative information. It informs the reader about galaxies but doesn't give the reader anything that moves the story along.

    6. In the search for gravitational waves, “most of the action takes place on the phone,” Fred Raab, the head of LIGO’s Hanford site, told me.

      This came directly from an interview with the head of LIGO's Hanford site, Fred Raab.

    7. LIGO is part of a larger effort to explore one of the more elusive implications of Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

      This information had to have come from research because it is a solid fact not a quotation.

    8. “I don’t remember exactly what I said,” he told me. “It was along these lines: ‘Holy shit, what is this?’ ” Vicky Kalogera, a professor of physics and astronomy at Northwestern University, was in meetings all day, and didn’t hear the news until dinnertime. “My husband asked me to set the table,” she said. “I was completely ignoring him, skimming through all these weird e-mails and thinking, What is going on?” Rainer Weiss, the eighty-three-year-old physicist who first suggested building LIGO, in 1972, was on vacation in Maine. He logged on, saw the signal, and yelled “My God!” loudly enough that his wife and adult son came running.

      This is more information that came from an interview. All of the people are being exactly quoted with their thoughts and ideas.

    9. When Drago saw the signal, he was stunned. “It was difficult to understand what to do,” he told me.

      This information has to have come from an interview with Drago because his words are quoted.

    10. About fifty thousand years ago, they entered our own Milky Way galaxy, just as Homo sapiens were beginning to replace our Neanderthal cousins as the planet’s dominant species of ape

      This information seems to have come from research about the Milky Way galaxy.

  3. Jul 2017
    1. “I feel safe here,” she says.

      I think it's good that she can still feel safe in her own town now that the Easters left.

    2. tall, lanky man sat alone on a bench outside Courtroom 62. He was absorbed in the yellow legal pad balanced on his lap, silently mouthing what he had written there

      This paragraph is very descriptive and gives a great visual of Kent Easter.

    3. Duff now mocked the story of the smartphone swap. If his wife had really been sneaking around Peters’ apartment complex in possession of his BlackBerry, wouldn’t she have worried about it going off unexpectedly?

      It's so obvious that Easter is lying about him and his wife swapping phones. He is only saying that so he doesn't get charged with the crimes.

    4. Then she would take the stand at her husband’s trial, immune from the threat of jail. If she could testify credibly that she had planted the drugs, he would go free too. Game over.

      It's unfair that the Easter's have a slight chance of getting away with everything that they have done. They have cause the Peters so much trauma and now they might go free.

    5. acquittal.

      Definition-a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged.

    6. Her daughter, Sydnie, who turned 11 that year, refused to sleep alone, fearing she would be abducted.

      This whole case is really affecting Kelli and her family's lives.

    7. He didn’t reveal what the crime lab had just reported: Jill Easter’s DNA was on the pot pipe and the Vicodin pills, though not on the Percocet. And Kent Easter’s DNA was on all three.

      It's true that Kent and Jill planted the drugs in Kelli's car because if they didn't then their DNA wouldn't be on the drugs.

    8. The label said EZY Dose Pill Pouch.

      The same bag that the drugs found in Peters car where in.

    9. videotaping the crosswalk as kids moved through it.

      That is really creepy. Why would he videotape children walking across the street?

    10. She requested a restraining order, claiming that Peters was “harassing and stalking myself and my 6-year-old son,” and had threatened to kill her. The court threw it out.

      Jill Easter is insane saying that Peters is stalking and threatening them.

    11. “She stated that what she is doing isn’t harassment, that she is fully within her rights and that she is going to continue until Kelli is gone,”

      Why is she so persistent on Kelli being gone, the tennis teacher was also involved in this incident but she wasn't rallying against him.

    12. “She made a comment as I walked away that she wondered how I could sleep at night with the way I treat people. I went inside and started crying I was so upset,”

      It seems like Peters did the right thing, so for Easter to say "I wonder how you can sleep at night with the way you treat people" is really rude and doesn't make sense.

    13. Kent and Jill Easter

      These are her enemies. I wonder what they have against Peters.

    14. “I was calling because, uh, my daughter’s a student at Plaza Vista Elementary School,” said the caller. “And uh, I’m concerned one of the parent volunteers there may be under, uh, under the influence or, uh, using drugs. I was, I just had to go over to the school and, uh, I was, I saw a car driving very erratically.”

      This phone call seems off. There are a lot of pauses and use of the word, uh, which makes me feel like the person leaving the message isn't confident in what he/she is saying. I wonder if the person leaving the message has anything to do with the drugs found in Peters' car.

    15. Smile, Peters had learned. Be polite

      It seems like Mrs. Peters is always polite and nice to everyone, so if someone did plant the drugs in her car I wonder who it was and why they did that.

    16. In Irvine, she found a master-planned city where bars and liquor stores, pawnshops and homeless shelters had been methodically purged, where neighborhoods were regulated by noise ordinances, lawn-length requirements and mailbox-uniformity rules.

      She moved to a place that was very secure and safe, so I don't think that she would be involved with drugs, which makes me think that someone planted those drugs in her car.

    17. It was enough to send her to jail, and more than enough to destroy her name.

      The author is including their opinion in this text by saying that this evidence could destroy Kelli's. Also I predict that someone framed Kelli because she seems like a trust worthy individual.

    18. The cop wanted her car keys

      Why did the cop want the keys to her car?

  4. Jun 2017
    1. a darkened auditorium with 264 silent people in the seats. on the stage, me, sitting on a stool, lit by a spotlight, the only light in the theatre. i hold up a photo of my cat, 10 people applaud, two or three hold up photocopies of the same photo, the rest do nothing, watching, waiting

      This is such a unique way of looking at tumblr. It really makes you think about why you are on the website.

    2. When Tumblr launched in 2007, the simple layout—text, photo, quote, link, chat, audio, video—was its primary appeal: less bloggy than Blogger, less puzzling than WordPress. Tumblr’s

      Tumblr is the best of both worlds for some people because it combines words and pictures onto one sight. You can also layout things various ways.

    3. Two months later, her blog was gone.

      What happened to Pizza?

    4. That same year, she turned 15.

      In these paragraphs I get to know who Pizza is and how she started on tumblr. The author does a good job of explaining the background information on this tumblr account.

    1. “There are just bound to be big surprises.”

      I wonder what other things will be discovered in science in the next 100 years.

    2. “How could he have ever known this?” Weiss asked. “I would love to present him with the data that I saw that morning, to see his face.”

      It is incredible that Einstein, without having the scientific equipment that we have now, predicted theories that are being proven correct now!

    3. Reitze, Weiss, González, and a handful of others considered who, if anyone, was familiar enough with both the apparatus and the algorithms to have spoofed the system and covered his or her tracks.

      Why would anyone want to mess with the signal that these people have been working on for so long?

    4. “Bubba Roars Off on a Motor Cycle.”)

      This is really funny.

    5. “And every single one needs to be working correctly so that nothing interferes with the signal.

      It must be really hard to have everything working correctly at the same time and to make sure that nothing interrupts the signal.

    6. But doubt spread as other laboratories built bars that failed to match his results.

      The accuracy of scientific findings is always changing. Sometimes scientist make a discovery that they think is correct but then another scientist's data doesn't match theirs, so it is proven incorrect.

    7. When two black holes orbit each other, they stretch and squeeze space-time like children running in circles on a trampoline, creating vibrations that travel to the very edge; these vibrations are gravitational waves

      This sentence is a simile because it compares black holes stretching and squeezing, to children running on a trampoline and it also includes the word like.

    8. The pipes are so long—nearly two and a half miles—that they have to be raised from the ground by a yard at each end, to keep them lying flat as Earth curves beneath them.

      Wow! This is a cool fact that I find very interesting.

    9. LIGO consists of two facilities, separated by nearly nineteen hundred miles—about a three-and-a-half-hour flight on a passenger jet, but a journey of less than ten thousandths of a second for a gravitational wave.

      The author uses scientific lingo throughout this essay to keep it consistent with the information that is being discussed.

    10. Kalogera hadn’t even told her husband.

      It takes dedication and honor to be able to not share such incredible information with your spouse.

    11. The collaborators began the arduous process of double-, triple-, and quadruple-checking their data.

      The collaborators are very thorough when checking their data because they want to make sure that their findings are 100% accurate.

    12. This morning, in a press conference in Washington, D.C., the LIGO team announced that the signal constitutes the first direct observation of gravitational waves.

      It is really cool that Einstein predicted that there were gravitational waves 100 years ago with out all of the advanced technology we have today and in fact he was correct.

    13. A hundred years ago, Albert Einstein, one of the more advanced members of the species, predicted the waves’ existence, inspiring decades of speculation and fruitless searching

      When someone has a different idea or view of the world, most people tend to disagree with their opinion because it is too out there.

    1. They’ll decide that after everything has settled down, after they can properly talk to Gypsy.

      This whole story is so sad because Gypsy's life was not her own from when she was first born. Dee Dee controlled Gypsy's whole life and caused her to have medical problems that would have never been there if she didn't intervene.

    2. Gypsy gained 14 pounds in the 12 months she spent in Greene County Jail before her plea.

      This shows how poorly Gypsy was treated and how malnourished she was.

    3. And they proved quite resilient. At the hearing I attended in September 2015, two people from the largest Facebook group were there. After the hearing, they made a beeline for the local television crew and started talking to them

      People that don't know the whole story shouldn't be talking to television crews, I understand that this case may be interesting to them but unless they know the full truth they shouldn't speculate.

    4. If Gypsy had, just once, stood up and walked across the room, the spell would have been broken.

      I don't agree with this. I think that even if Gypsy got up and walked across the room Dee Dee would come up with a way to explain it and then say the Gypsy had a different medical issue.

    5. Flasterstein never followed up. He told me that in the network of Springfield doctors Dee Dee saw, “everyone bought their story.” He remembers being told to treat the pair with “golden gloves.” He says he thought that if he reported it to social services, they wouldn’t believe him either.

      I feel like Flaterstein could have done more to try and help Gypsy, especially because he knew that she was healthy.

    6. she and Dee Dee were his “favorite mother, daughter patient.” (Beckerman did not reply to requests for comment for this story.)

      It is crazy how deceiving Dee Dee was to all of these medical professionals.

    7. faking or inducing symptoms of illness where there is some hope of material benefit.

      That is exactly what Dee Dee did.

    8. Gypsy told the police that she was 19. Rod and Kristy were able to straighten that out by giving authorities Gypsy’s birth certificate. She was actually 23.

      Dee Dee told Gypsy so many lies that Gypsy did not even know her own age.

    9. It seemed to give her an appetite for more. While in Springfield, they’d benefit from free flights from a volunteer pilots organization, stays at a lodge for cancer patients, free trips to Disney World through various charity organizations.

      Dee Dee was using her daughter to gain these free things. That is horrible because Gypsy isn't really sick and she could be taking these opportunities away from someone who really needs them

    10. so they put her on anti-seizure medications.

      Putting a healthy child on medications that they don't need must effect their health. Gypsy probably has some problems that would have never happened due to the medications and procedures she had to go through.

    11. In all those years, Gypsy never said a word against her mother or anything else.

      Why didn't Gypsy speak up about her mother?

    12. The disabled child she’d long been in the eyes of others was nowhere to be found.

      That's crazy!! Her mother lied about all of her sickness for years. That must have been incredibly hard for Gypsy because she knew that she was fine but her mom insisted that she was sick.

    13. in excellent health.

      How was she healthy? She does not have her wheel chair with her!

    14. “But I don’t want you talking to Gypsy like that.” Dee Dee took away Gypsy’s phone and computer for a time.

      Dee Dee controls every little thing that Gypsy does. She doesn't give her a chance to communicate with anyone besides herself.

    15. as Gypsy’s mother was constantly by her side

      I find it weird that Dee Dee always had to be by Gypsy's side 24/7. Maybe they are hiding something.

    16. The search warrant didn’t come through until 10:45 that night. The police found Dee Dee’s body in the bedroom. She’d been stabbed, and had been dead for several days. But there was no sign of Gypsy.

      I wonder if Gypsy is okay and where she is. Also, this makes me think that maybe Gypsy had something to do with her moms death because there is no sign that she was hurt and her and her mother were always together.


      I wonder who wrote this and why they are so angry. Also, I think that someone should have called the police as soon as they saw the first post because writing something like that is very unlike Dee Dee.

    18. Gypsy’s father was a deadbeat, an alcoholic drug abuser who had mocked his daughter’s disabilities,

      From the way that Dee Dee is making it out, it seem like the father is a horrible person. I don't know if I believe her because that is just her opinion of him, maybe she is making things up.

    19. It was her own father, Gypsy’s grandfather, who’d been the last straw; he’d burned Gypsy with cigarettes.

      It seems like Dee Dee comes from a crazy family. She had to flee them because of how abusive they were. This is probably where some of Dee Dee's craziness comes from.

  5. Mar 2017
    1. She had to be homeschooled, because she’d never be able to keep up with other kids. Gypsy had the mind of a child of 7, Dee Dee said.

      I feel like Gypsy did not have much social interaction with children her age because she was homeschooled and was not able to keep up with kids her age. She must have felt isolated.

    2. Dee Dee would often remind people that her daughter had brain damage.

      Why would Dee Dee remind people of Gypsy's brain damage? I feel like Gypsy might be annoyed that her mom would keep bringing this up.

    3. But after Dee Dee was killed, it turned out things weren’t as they appeared

      Apparently, we will learn in the story that everything was not as it seemed for Dee Dee and Gypsy. Although Dee Dee was viewed as a model parent I think that during this story we will learn some dark things about her.