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  1. Dec 2016
    1. N

      It's very interesting to hear the amount of people who believe that feminism is empowering. "83% of women between 18 and 34 say feminism is empowering compared with 68% of women between 35 and 49 and an even smaller percentage among older women." This is what stood out to me the most because most women actually do consider themselves feminists and for more than 50% of women between 18 and 34 say that feminism is empowering is actually rather hypocritical because a lot of social groups are meant to be empowering and feminism isn't necessarily supposed to be empowering but is thought upon because of certain people and scenes. Also, another statistic that was surprising to me was how people didn't classify feminists as outdated. This is mainly because they're constantly involved with news regarding women's rights. It's very interesting that they asked people if "outdated" described the word feminism because I would think that they would add different words but it seems that outdated was a really good idea to gain the information needed.

    2. Even the Oxford English Dictionary perpetuates the idea of “rabid feminists,” and the “shrill” voice of a “bossy, meddling” woman. The

      The fact that it has gotten this far to the dictionary that feminists are so called "bossy and meddling" is really disrupting. Just because some individuals who classify themselves as feminists hate men, even though it's the 99.9%. This doesn't mean that all feminists are all man haters because there's a difference between "feminists" and "misandrists". It's very important to make the acknowledgement that a very small portion doesn't make the whole, even if that small portion is loud. This is because most feminists actually believe that men AREN'T better than women, this is one of the feminists beliefs that include not one individual is above another individual and that we're all worthy human beings, women, men, trans should be treated as such.

    3. 43 percent of participants described “feminism” as “angry.”

      It's crazy to find out that 43% of people describe feminists as angry. If social media hasn't influenced those people, then I don't know what has. Since multiple social media platforms have contributed the aspect of feminism to psychotic women who hate men, most people believe everything that they hear and see. If they see a feminist who is overreacting on a video, they assume that every "feminist" is like that when that clearly isn't the case. Because of this social media, this is similar to the police officer scandals. Where the media disrupts everything and puts the bad notion on certain police officers that shouldn't actually be police officers. It's exactly like this example because people who call themselves "feminists" but don't set examples of the true meaning and abuse it.

    4. Sure, we believe in gender equality... but don’t call us feminists.

      Since they're all for gender equality and don't consider themselves feminists, it's clear that they don't know the real definition of feminism. It's that they consider feminists to be the "bitch type" and to overreact to every little thing that doesn't go their way. Obviously some feminists are a little extreme but that doesn't mean that being a feminist isn't a good idea. Standing up for women's rights is a huge deal in today's society and that is what being a feminist is. In regard to my topic, gender equality is right along with it. This topic is about gender equality and how people refuse to put their name with the tag feminist, and my topic is gender inequality with the US women's soccer team and how they're treated with disrespect in terms of media and of wages. This article is perfect for my topic due to the commonality between this article and my topic.