36 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2017
    1. , oxy


    2. gical processes follow the laws of physics and chemistry, so in order to understand how biological systems


    3. of blood within the circulatory system follows the laws of physics that regulate the modes of fluid flow. The breakdown of the large, complex molecules of food into smaller molecules—and the conversion of these


    1. living

      living organisms

    2. branch


    3. it


    4. t make up mole

      test orphan

    5. ing like we do today.


    6. re all relatively recent, originating 130 to 200 million years ago. Humans have inhabited this planet for only the last 2.5 million years, and only in the last 200,000 years have humans


    7. rs have hu


    8. years in the ocean before plants and animals appeared. The mammals, birds, and flowers so familiar to us are all relatively recent, originating 130 to 200 million years ago. Humans have inhabited


    1. of sub-nuclear particles to the vast distance to the edges of the known universe, from the force exerted by a jumping flea to the force between Earth and the Sun, there are enough factors o


    1. inism (all actions driven by theunconscious) of Freud. They also disliked the reductionism, or simplif


  2. May 2017
    1. Your alarm goes off and, after hitting “snooze”


    2. licensing,



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    1. unded, designed, and managed iOS application that allows users to send location-based text messages that help reduce the need to text while driving.


    1. f you redistribute this textbook in a digital format(including but not limited to EPUB, PDF, and HTML), thenyou must retain on every page the following attribution:

      uuid test


    1. net (Figure). Listening to the daily news, you will quickly realize how many aspects of biology are discussed every day. For example, recent news topics include Escherichia coli (Figure) outbreaks in spinach and Salmonella contamination in peanut butter. Other subjects include efforts toward finding a cure for AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. On a global scale, many researchers are committed t


  4. d18ky98rnyall9.cloudfront.net d18ky98rnyall9.cloudfront.net
    1. OpenStaxCustomplatform.Thecustomversioncanbemadeavailabletostudentsinlow-costprintordigitalformthroughtheircampusbookstore.Visityourbookpageonopenstax.orgforalinktoyourbookon OpenStax Custom

      I was here

    1. As noted in the figure caption, the chapter-opening image is of the Whirlpool Galaxy, which we examine in the first section of this chapter. Galaxies are as immense as atoms are small, yet the same laws of physics describe both, along with all the rest of nature—an indication of the underlying unity in the universe

      OpenStax Test

    1. WelcometoPsychology,anOpenStaxCollegeresource.Thistextbookhasbeencreatedwithseveralgoalsinmind: accessibility, customization, and student engagement—all while encouraging students toward highlevels of academic scholarship. Instructors and students alike will find that this textbook offers a strongfoundation in psychology in an accessible format

      OpenStax Test

    2. graphic r


    3. Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives.


    1. peer-reviewed by educators to ensure they are readable, accurate, and meet the scope and sequence requirements of modern college courses. Unlike traditional textbooks, OpenStax College resources live online and are own


    1. ery, very successful." Asked why the NSA and CIA were put on notice if the revelations were n


    1. opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of psychology and understand how those conceptsapply to their lives. The text has been developed to meet the scope and sequence of most generalpsychology courses. At the same time, the book includes a number of innovative features designed toenhance student learning. A strength ofPsychologyis that instructors can customize the book, adapting itto the approach that works best in their classroom.COVERAGE AND SCOPEOurPsychologytextbook adheres to the scope and sequence of most introductory psychology coursesnationwide. We strive to make psychology, as a discipline, interesting and accessible to students. Acomprehensive coverage of core concepts is grounded in both classic studies and current and emergingresearch, including coverage of the DSM-5 in discussions of psychological disorders. We haveincorporated features and discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as thediversity of communities across the globe, with attention to cultural competence. We include research andexamples that seek to represent and include the various sociocultural backgrounds of the many studentswho take this course. The result is a book that covers the bre



    1. gogical features were developed andvetted with feedback from psychology educators dedicated to the project.

