- Jul 2016
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
second DS106 Daily Create
medium.com medium.com
now welcome an open and honest conversation about what it means construct more vibrant learning opportunities and environments.
Excellent Remi! Good for you for not allowing yourself to be censored. This is amazing and sad that they are so worried about controversy (and I still fail to see what is so controversial) at the expense of innovative and truly engaging educational practices (which they contend is their mission). I don't even understand this. You could use this experience as the beginning of a book on educational innovation or a keynote at a truly innovative, large, international educational conference.
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“COLTT engages participants in learning about teaching practices and technologies, challenging the way they think about both.”
Wow, this is really disheartening.
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
first Daily Create
second Daily Create as a public annotation to this blog post
first Daily Create
Oh Yeah! Almost forgot to share my first daily create!
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Collaborative reading/analysis
This will make a huge difference in online education! It is so much more interesting and engaging to read along with your fellow classmates and comment together about the reading. So many students feel so isolated in online classes.
These are really great tips :)
- Jun 2016
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
first Daily Create
first Daily Create
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
second DS106 Daily Create
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
annotate this text right here with your creative media!
Okay, Now I think I'm doing the annotation correctly! My first Daily Create - Share What Makes You Happy from yesterday 6-7 - Learning, learning! :) https://youtu.be/V1j-Ycy8nU4