15 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. peace

      "freedom from civil disorder, internal peace of a nation" Through following Christ and not organized religion, one is free from the rigidity and confines of churches as institutions

    2. The Shepherd

      "The" Shepherd; again reference to Christ (rather than "A" shepherd, "the" important one)

    3. fillèd

      "containing all that can be received", "perfect, entire, utter" Christ is empowering and entirely oriented towards goodness

    4. shepherd’s

      Christ referred to himself as a shepherd, Blake was a devout follower of Jesus Christ (though not organized religion); celebratory poem about Christ, his teachings, and the beauty of his lifestyle

    1. Echo

      Etymology - echo, but also from to cry (Latin) develops pathos. Also references the story of Narcissus (Greek) and the nymph who was obsessed with him; pathetic, unending obsession

  2. pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca
    1. Ozymandias

      Etymology is rooted from Ramses II, commonly regarded as the most successful and powerful pharaoh in Egyptian history

    2. cold command,


    3. heart

      Alliteration of hand/heart; personification of hand + heart to emphasize the king's power

    4. lone and level


    5. boundless and bare


  3. Sep 2024
  4. pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca
    1. Your force to break, blow, burn, and make me new.

      Alliteration and then broken alliteration: b b b sound repeated, m m n; shows a disconnect in the language, makes it awkward to the ear, focus placed on what this newness will be, what form it will take

  5. pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca
    1. Upon Julia’s Clothes

      Poem composed of two tercets with simple rhyme scheme of a a a --> b b b Allows the reader to easily flow the stanzas together; separation of stanzas and rhyme creates a space for the reader to breathe Content wise, the first stanza focuses on Julia's appearance and beauty that the speaker is infatuated with, while the second focuses on how the speaker is infatuated and what effect Julia's clothes is having on them

    2. Upon Julia’s Clothes

      Focuses on Julia’s exterior rather than interior Does not focus on her features Poem goes on to describe clothes rather than Julia’s body or any other personal characteristics Questions the extent to which the speaker's love is about Julia herself/the level of personality to his love of her

    1. u

      the letter u is repeated throughout, creating internal rhyme and musicality (vs the translation, which focuses on more definitional accuracy than the flow emphasized in the original)

    2. Sing

      from Old English singan meaning to chant/sing

      when performed, sounds very continuous, repetitive

      in ME, sometimes refers to playing on a musical instrument

      voices sound like a musical instrument, in that they use different tones and introduce different voices to create musicality