13 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2019
    1. Congress passed statutes outlawing some of these practices and facilitating litigation against them, but litigation remained slow and expensive, and the States came up with new ways to discriminate as soon as existing ones were struck down.

      I find this very disturbing because the government could not find a way to enforce the 15th Amendment even though they tried to. I am also surprised that expresses were that high to keep Congress from addressing the unconstitutional actions by the states.

    2. The first century of congressional enforcement of theAmendment, however, can only be regarded as a failure.”

      I also believe it was a failure because Native Americans were not allowed to vote despite the Constitution saying race and color cannot prevent voting. Furthermore, I find it interesting at how quickly states created ways to make the. ability to vote even more difficult to obtain.

  2. Feb 2019
    1. ancl the anti-slavery moYement in thi country will cease to be an anti-church movement, when the chm·ch of this conn try h~ 11 ns ume a fa.vorable, instead of a ho tile po ition toward that movcmcu

      The movement will never been followed by the church since many find this movement to be unnecessary. They do not see the harm that slavery does to the community created by independence. Until the church specifically recognizes that slavery is an issue, there will not be a religion tied to the movement

    2. n glariuu nollltion of justice, in shamcle.'!!J. disrc-g:ml of the forms of adrnini. teriug law, iu cunning fil'r,mgement to entrap the ll fcncele~"-, ancl in diabol-icnl intent, thi,:; Ft1gitive la.ve La,r stands alone -in 1 tl1e annals of t_-rtmnicu] legi ·lation

      The Figurative Slave Law is so clearly present, but there is nothing being done about it. The nation is simply accepting it.

    3. For it is not light thnt is needed, lmt fu·e; it is not the gentle shower, but thnnder.

      There must be turbulence for there to be change. There will be no differences in anything if there is not a strong enough force.

    4. You live and must <.lie, and you must do your work. You have no right to enjoy a child's share in the bbor of your fathers, unless your childt·en are to be blOl:it by yow· labors.

      It is critical to focus on the present and to live and work in the present. Many people look at the past and how much has been done, but they do not look at how they can continue that work.

    5. yom-father declnrcl for liberty nncl indcpen<lence nuJ. triumphed.

      Despite having such little, the colonists still decided to fight against the English rule. The colonists understood that having independence from the British government was the utmost important goal to reach.

    6. litl, in the exerci e of it<J parental prero-gatives, impose upon it colonial children, such re-traints1 lrnrclens antl limitations, a;i1 in its mature judgment it deemed wise1 right and proper

      The English rule did not allow for the Americans colonies to govern itself, but instead restricted its ability to grow as a separate unit. This is similar to men putting limitations on women, and whites putting limitations on blacks.

    1. Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled

      Women are making a stand against the inequality they have faced in society. Since the government had not made any advances towards women's rights, they decided to take it into their own hands and demand freedom. This resembles the 13 Colonies fighting for their independence from the ruling power of Britain. Women had been controlled by men for centuries and they had enough. They want the ability to have their own choices and voice in elections and society.

    2. that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

      The quote from the Declaration of Independence is used here to show that all humans have rights, not just men. Women use this quote to portray that they deserve just as much voice as men do in the community.

  3. Jan 2019
    1. The purpose of democracy is to empower individual citizens and give them sufficient control over their lives to protect themselves from domination. In their ideal form, democracies empower each and all such that none can dominate any of the others, nor any one group, another group of citizens

      Democracy is made to unite citizens as an entire community. A hierarchy in a society would cause inequality to rise, which is why democracy is built to prevent it. Allen causes us to recognize how democracy is supposed to help and not hurt us, and also later introduces the idea that it creates the composition of the world to promote equality in the community.

    2. autonomous

      Allen is causing her reader to think about cases of autonomy in our history . This word also stood out to me because it made me realize that the Thirteen Colonies wanted to be autonomous, which caused them to leave the King of England's rule. Autonomy has caused many changes in society throughout history, such as the Civil Rights Movement. Men and women of color refused to stand by and listen to an unjust law, and fought for their right to vote. They made the laws themselves.

    3. Equality and liberty—these are the summits of human empowerment; they are the twinned foundations of democracy.

      Should either equality or liberty fall, democracy will also struggle to succeed. Our government and us as citizens need to give equal attention to keeping both values alive in society. I believe we all need to focus on keeping both equality and liberty as a priority in our society, rather than putting more weight on one over the other.