20 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
    1. Is this the only place I can access this? Or are there other ways?

    2. The syntax rules were described in the previous chapters: XML documents must have a root element XML elements must have a closing tag XML tags are case sensitive XML elements must be properly nested XML attribute values must be quoted

      XML Syntax rules. This is important and therefore I highlighted it for future reference!

    1. Other XML Examples

      Grateful for these because I was under the impression that XML was only for texts like The Young Idea

    1. In the first example gender is an attribute. In the last, gender is an element. Both examples provide the same information.

      It confuses me when it shows two ways to do the same thing because in an earlier section is shows the right way vs. the incorrect way and it's difficult to distinguish between the two.

    1. &lt; < less than &gt; > greater than &amp; & ampersand  &apos; ' apostrophe &quot; " quotation mark

      This might be of importance later on, but I don't know if it applies for what we're doing in class now.

    2. The XML Prolog

      I don't understand this concept. Is this something I should be fearful of?

    1. XML documents form a tree structure

      I like these trees that clearly display the hierarchy. It ties everything together better as opposed to making me feel like I'm inputting random tags.

    1. The Difference Between XML and HTML

      This is important and ties into what we were talking about in class yesterday. Therefore, now the point has been reinforced and I understand!

    1. <note>

      Is this like

      <div> but more specific regarding content?

    1. ‘intelligent’ fashion.

      I feel like the explanations are what I am finding confusing. I think I would do better with a chart with an explanation and an example (As has been published on blackboard)

    2. anthology_p = element anthology { poem_p+ } poem_p = element poem { heading_p?, stanza_p+ } stanza_p = element stanza {line_p+} heading_p = element heading { text } line_p = element line { text } start = anthology_p

      This gentle introduction got very advanced way too quickly. I expected this to be completely different

    3. Uppercase and lowercase letters are quite distinct

      That's important to know

    4. I like how it has these little boxes so you can navigate elsewhere quickly, especially since this is a lot of information and scrolling can take a while

  2. Jan 2016
    1. Directions for the different Stitches IN CLOSE AND OPEN CROCHE

      I wish there was a clearer distinction between knitting and crochet directions. I also would've liked categories such as "accesories" and "for the home" or something

    2. NEW GUIDE

      as a modern reader I think I want this to be a lot more interactive

    3. typographical errors

      I guess it's nice that everything was kept true to the original and that the only changes were grammatical/ logical


      I hate how there aren't any drawings or images of final products aside from the first three images

    5. INDEX.

      I like how all of the directions have hyperlinks so that you don't have to scroll to find the right page


      only has three images, but they do link to directions