2 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. . Collaborative annotation also providesstudents with the opportunity to draw others’ attention to specific content; organize, index, anddiscuss new information; and correct misunderstandings (d’Entremont & Eyking, 2021; Razon etal., 2012).

      With the social aspect of it, one must be wary of false corrections or information. Should one student incorrectly correct or add in some false information others reading it may absorb that information leading to the recall of false information in future tests or events.

      While a teacher can go through and correct mistakes in the annotations it may be difficult to unteach or alter something someone has learned and internalized correct or not as Cognitivism has taught us our previous schematas can shape our views and previous schemas correct or not may be difficult to change even in the face of evidence to the contrary

    2. Whileuseful for all students, social annotation may be especially helpful for English learners and otherstudents not studying in their primary language, allowing them to access the same materials aspeers with the provided scaffolding.

      While there are likely benefits for many groups of learners, language learners especially it is prudent to remember that many language learners are quite young and may not have developed enough language or technology skills to effectively use such a medium.

      Access to technology for people in certain areas or demographics would also be a limitting factor in it's use.