1,212 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2021
    1. The Meme Machine
    2. “Self-justification means that the components of a memeplex mutually justify each other.”

      One's memeplex has to glue together some coherency, is that glue a component of consciousness?

    3. A meme only needs to fake positive qualities to be repeated, even if it’s actually useless, meaningless, unhealthy, or a straight-up lie.  

      I guess meme's can also function like Peacock Feathers

    1. I like to feel powerful.

      Everyone wants to be told they are imporant, as they say in "How to Win Friends and Influence People"

    2. Jane Fonda
    3. symps
    4. symps
    5. There is nothing we find more despicable than spontaneous collective action motivated by collective self-interest among a homogeneous consensus.

      There has to be a word for this?

    6. You are right that you have a fatal disease. It is one your body recognizes as self.

      The self is a parasite?

  2. Jan 2021
  3. Oct 2020
  4. slatestarcodex.com slatestarcodex.com
    1. Vogon spy

      The Vogons are a fictional alien race from the planet Vogsphere in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    2. “I was put off from suicide only by the desire to learn more mathematics.”

      I personally took the Transhumanist Wager