8 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2019
    1. e loneliness that some students experience once they get to school. What happens when, in a sea of people, they find themselves adrift?

      students get lost in the masses and fall into a dark place.

    2. In the field, I watched students descend into their own darkness, depression gripping them, and I watched as they emerged from it, stronger and more grounded,

      life in a way can be the best teacher of all, we learn through experiences not thought reading about someone else's.

    3. Technological connectedness has made it much harder for college students to make mistakes and learn from them.

      technology is making it easier for students to simply look up answers and other things that aren't helping them learn the material but simply pass it

    1. CSL increases students’ awareness of their community and its needs, helps change stereotypical beliefs, reduces ethnocentrism, and increases understanding of social and cultural diversity

      This service learning brings about a sense of urgency and wanting change within their communities.

    2. “service-learning has a positive effect on students’ personal and interpersonal development, including a sense of personal identity, spiritual growth, moral development, the ability to work well with others, and leadership and communication skills

      The positive outcomes of service learning are empowering students on a deeper level than regular school learning.

    3. Furthermore, there appears to be a correlation between CSL and increased personal awareness, increased social awareness, and improved student learning outcomes that are all rooted in learning conditions that ultimately engage and retain students in post-secondary institutions

      by becoming involved in their communities it has been recognized that CSL increases personal awareness and awareness of the world around them.

    4. Community service learning (CSL) is a unique form of experiential learning –different from volunteerism, co-op placements, internships,

      this is basically explaining the uniqueness of CSL and what examples of it, is.

    1. Graduating from a four-year college in four years may sound like a fairly straightforward venture, but only 41 percent of students manage to do it.
