- Apr 2016
Up to 25% of college grads would probably be better off not pursuing a degree, yet nobody actually thinks they’re going to be the ones for whom the investment doesn’t pay off.
from behavioral economics
There are a few caveats that should be mentioned, however. First, we don’t know for sure how much money this bottom quarter of degree-holding earners would have made without their college education. Furthermore, much of this could boil down to career choice: there are many jobs that require a degree but don’t pay very well. If someone earns a degree for reasons beyond making more money, it could be that the upfront investment is worthwhile regardless.
part o rebuttal, things we dont know
The bottom quarter of earners with a college degree don’t make more money than the average high school graduate.
from US Census Bureau
There’s plenty of evidence that there are what economists call “spillover effects” from students educating themselves, that society as a whole benefits from higher education.
chad's situation
Of course, over the past 40 years, the cost of a degree has increased 12-fold, while a degree holder isn’t making more money at all
situation where no matter what, individuals end up in a bad situation
- Mar 2016
theamericanscholar.org theamericanscholar.org
Being an intellectual begins with thinking your way outside of your assumptions and the system that enforces them.
that is chad going against everyone's idea that college is the only way to go.
being an intellectual is not the same as being smart
being an intellectual means putting in that extra effort, being passionate about ideas for yourself, learning things for yourself not for your teachers or your transcript. I believe this is what Chad is. He is an intellectual.
most damning disadvantage of an elite education: that it is profoundly anti-intellectual
goes with next comment.
When parents explain why they work so hard to give their children the best possible education, they invariably say it is because of the opportunities it opens up. But what of the opportunities it shuts down?
Parents, teachers, councilors, everyone talks about what you gain for going to these elite colleges or college in general. No one talks about the opportunity cost of going to college. No one thinks about how you could've been promoted at work while you were in college. No thinks about how you could've been doing something else like making a business (Chad) instead of going to college. And when it gets to the point that college is just in the way, why would you stay?
In other words, students at places like Yale get an endless string of second chances. Not so at places like Cleveland State.
they get a huge upper hand for just being in the elite school.
In short, the way students are treated in college trains them for the social position they will occupy once they get out.
college is not just for education.
When people say that students at elite schools have a strong sense of entitlement, they mean that those students think they deserve more than other people because their SAT scores are higher.
and this is because once you get accepting into that elite college, everything is there to remind you that you are better.
You learn to think of yourself in terms of those numbers. They come to signify not only your fate, but your identity; not only your identity, but your value.
once you get up to those elite schools, those numbers become you. I'm not Dialah anymore but the girl who got a 26 on her ACT.
an elite education inculcates a false sense of self-worth.
The existence of multiple forms of intelligence has become a commonplace, but however much elite universities like to sprinkle their incoming classes with a few actors or violinists, they select for and develop one form of intelligence: the analytic.
While the intelligence of being analytic is prized in these schools social intelligence, emotional intelligence and creative intelligence or ability are not things that are prized or great.
I never learned that there are smart people who don’t go to elite colleges, often precisely for reasons of class. I never learned that there are smart people who don’t go to college at all.
this was a big revelation to the author because his elite college told him that people who didn't go to an Ivy League schools were beneath him.
The first disadvantage of an elite education, as I learned in my kitchen that day, is that it makes you incapable of talking to people who aren’t like you.
point i was making in first comment
the last thing an elite education will teach you is its own inadequacy.
good point to extend on and connect with the fact that colleges only want you to see them as their "second family and "home"
Fourteen years of higher education and a handful of Ivy League degrees, and there I was, stiff and stupid, struck dumb by my own dumbness. “Ivy retardation,”
Going to an elite college prepped him to only know what to do with people in the upper-clase because that is the only type of class that goes to ivy-legue schools. So when it comes to an everyday, blue-collar plummer, he as no idea what to do
chronicle.com chronicle.com
"It's too great a conflict of interest for schools that are essentially selling a product to be expected to be the ones who are going to be conservative financial counselors,"
quote that supports the idea "why would college help you out of debt when you in debt is their profit?"
Ms. Horn didn't have to borrow all that she did to earn a four-year degree, but she wanted to get far away from the small Texas town on the Louisiana border where she grew up.
what college a student wants to go to is their choice, so the argument can be made that it's the student's fault since they could've gone with a cheaper option.
Mr. Collinge published The Student Loan Scam, which blames lenders for using harsh collection tactics and failing to work with distressed borrowers
if its college's goal to get you in debt, why would they want to help you get out of it?
High student-loan debt, says Ms. Asher, "can ruin someone for life."
goes with Chad's experience that once you are in debt, it is very difficult to get out of it
That same student now would have to borrow to get their education. A college degree is still a good investment, but the financial risk for the student has increased.
they believe that college would be a good investment when thinking about it economically. but because students are taking out bigger loans of course the risk will go up.
More often, the problem among students who go heavily into debt is that they are determined to attend their dream college, no matter the cost.
Kids believe that the cost of debt they'll have will not matter that much because if they go to name-brand school, the job it should provide after graduation will be able to pay of the debt pretty quickly.
despite stories of a large number of students who face gargantuan debt, about a third of graduates leave college with no debt at all for their education
While all you hear are the horror stories of students in debt, one out of three college students leave college with no debt. This shows that because we hear all these bad stories our minds make out the problem to be worse than it seems.
Student-loan borrowing that is threatening the financial future of today's college students.
that is the problem most people are focusing on now
theamericanscholar.org theamericanscholar.org
To work is to solve problems.
In addition, Joe learned about budgets and management.
When you think about it, all the stuff Joe is learning for free, on his own, from life experiences, he could of learned from college but for thousands of dollars.
In the midst of all this, Joe learned more and more about the auto industry,
learned more through life experiences. "student of life" concept.
Still, for Joe the shop floor provided what school did not; it was like schooling, he said, a place where you’re constantly learning.
author talks about his brother working at a factory. This goes back to chad talking about gaining knowledge from life and not just formal schooling.
they have generally focused on the values such workers exhibit rather than on the thought their work requires
when looking at the blue-collar workers, the middle-working class, researches only look at what values the workers have, what values the business has. Waitress job is an example.
work requiring less schooling requires less intelligence
people assume that "quote" when in fact working, being part of a business, being in charge of a business takes extreme knowledge of a vast majority of topics. In you are a business owner not only do you need to know everything about your business but the market, other business, economics, stocks, foreign trades, prices, it goes on.
Intelligence is closely associated with formal education
talking about how in our society individuals have this belief in their head that you can only be smart, you can only be intelligent if you got a formal education.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
It is the responsibility of colleges and universities to place students in environments
good quote opportunity. So while I agree with author that "quote", the hard truth is that colleges are not providing what they need to, putting students in a mindset that learning is not the most important factor of college.
“For those of you who have come here in order to get a degree, congratulations, I have good news for you. I am giving you your degree today and you can go home now. For those who came to get an education, welcome to four great years of learning at this university.”
goes with source where teacher can just offer to give students an A in the class but the only catch was they weren't going to learn anything. All the students took this offer because that is how the educational system has brought them up to think. The grade on the report card or transcript is more important then the reason that class was made, for learning.
Yet most public discussion of higher ed today pretends that students simply receive their education from colleges the way a person walks out of Best Buy with a television.
good comparison to put image into reader's mind
The value of a degree depends more on the student’s input than on the college’s curriculum.
believes that if you try hard, the amount of effort you put in will show through when you get your degree.
everyone now evaluates college in purely economic terms, thus reducing it to a commodity like a car or a house.
author's argument is that while everyone only sees college through economic eyes, when they should see it as a learning experience, not a business.
college replacing high school as the required ticket for a career
general theme mot sources seem to be speaking of
entered academia 52 years ago
can use as my rebuttal, saying when he went to school so long ago that education has drastically changed in two years, and even more so 52 years ago.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
In order to pay for that experience, students are taking out an average of about $30,000 in student loans. The overall student debt in the US has now surpassed $1tn.
big numbers i can use in paper
Ivory Tower takes a look at universities and their transformation from providers of education to business ventures that strive to be the biggest and the best providers of the “college experience”.
perfectly agrees with what im arguing
Wages for workers with college or advanced degrees fell by 1.3% last year, while wages for those who dropped out or didn't go beyond high school held steady
according to Economic Policy Institute analysis of Labor Department data. this shows that while everyone says the less risky path is going to college and getting a degree, this data proves otherwise
a fifth of the working age population -- or 36 million Americans -- have started college and then dropped out.
why? because debt, not being ready, rising costs, or just found what they want to o and realize that it doesn't need college.
two-thirds of all jobs in the country will require post-secondary education.
where will that leave the fifth of the nation that dropped out of college, Is this good or bad for students?
Gates explained that earning a degree not only helps graduates get more rewarding, higher-paying jobs, but it also helps the American economy as a whole.
something to ask chad about maybe
"Although I dropped out of college and got lucky pursuing a career in software, getting a degree is a much surer path to success,"
bill gates says this because it's a path that has more opportunity to work out. There is more risk on the path that chad went on.
chronicle.com chronicle.com
What should happen to students at college? They should become more thoughtful and interesting people.
but more than 60% of students choose their majors just on the amount of money that they will earn in a job and refuse to try to explore other classes like college was originally made for.
For students who want to spend four years in an atmosphere of pure learning, this is the place.
to get to a place where its just about academics you now need to go to certain colleges instead of every college being this way, most colleges have turned to profit instead.
Tuition charges at both public and private colleges have more than doubled—in real dollars—compared with a generation ago.
good quote supporting the fact that going to college was very different for our parents, teachers, etc.
Graduating with six figures' worth of debt is becoming increasingly common.
good quote for impact on reader
have lost track of their basic mission to challenge the minds of young people.
could use in transition from premise to argument.
www.pewsocialtrends.org www.pewsocialtrends.org
74% say their college education was very useful in helping them grow intellectually
so one out of four students believe their college education was not useful in helping them grow intellectually. If those students were told that there are ways other than college to get knowledge they could of saved thousands of dollars.
Just under half of the public (47%) says the main purpose of a college education is to teach work-related skills and knowledge, while 39% say it is to help a student grow personally and intellectually
COULD USE FOR INTRODUCTION the public is basically split in half on whether college is for learning or preparing you for a job
Nearly every parent surveyed (94%) says they expect their child to attend college
this shows the importance that is put on students to go to college and no other way to get their knowledge.
had an impact on their career choices (24%)
reword as **almost one every five college students has stated that the amount of student loan they will have has "had an impact on their career choices".
Adults who graduated from a four-year college believe that, on average, they are earning $20,000 more a year as a result of having gotten that degree. Adults who did not attend college believe that, on average, they are earning $20,000 a year less as a result. These matched estimates by the public are very close to the median gap in annual earnings between a high school and college graduate as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2010: $19,550.
against my argument. The important of this information depends on what a person wants to get out of a job; just a higher paying money or something more than a thoughtless job
A majority of Americans (57%) say the higher education system in the United States fails to provide students with good value for the money they and their families spend. An even larger majority—75%—says college is too expensive for most Americans to afford. At the same time, however, an overwhelming majority of college graduates—86%—say that college has been a good investment for them personally.
Even though the majority of individuals believe that the higher education system fails to provide students with good value for the money they spend and that college i to expensive to begin with, a higher majority believe that college was a good investment for their moeny
www.businessinsider.com www.businessinsider.com
filtered the results to include only people who work in tech.
still the same answer also
filtered the results to include responses only from people working in the finance industry
still had the same answers
discuss the results of the tests (basically explain these charts in words)
Respondents ranked "network" second, "brand value" third, "workplace skills" fourth, and "social experience" fifth.
other options given to rank 1-5
everyone agreed that academics, not brand value or network
people agreed that everyone gets something different out of college but the most important ting you COULD get out of it is the actual academics.
"What is the most valuable asset college provides?"
This question was asked to 1,500 professionals with hiring experience.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Those tuition bills have gone way up, and so too have our expectations for how much we think colleges should do to prepare students for the job market.
before, tuition could be paid off in a summer with random jobs you could get, now every adult from the age 20-30's are still paying off college
“The confidence that the economy offers enough opportunities has eroded,”
confidence is gone because middle class is disappearing. This means you either get a great paying job or you'll spend your whole life in debt, paying off college.
Freshmen now list getting a better job as the most important reason to go to college in an annual UCLA survey of first-year students.
great quote
Ronald Reagan, then the new Republican governor of California (which boasted the best system of public universities in the country), told reporters that taxpayers shouldn’t be “subsidizing intellectual curiosity.”
the switch from "going to college to explore classes and figure out what you want to do" --> "going to college to get a better paying job" because Reagan said government and tax payers shouldn't pay for people to do the first option.
higher education has come under attack for its failure to make students job-ready
Depends on what you believe college is made for. I'm arguing that in this society it is made for students to be able to get a job once they graduate but college is even failing at that.
- Feb 2016
www.deltacollege.edu www.deltacollege.edu
often seen as strange and even looked on with scorn
examples of people's reactions to telling them the reason Chad dropped out of school
push for timely graduation
another factor for change in education. Over the years society has made a general timeline (differs for every person) for when a individual should what. Example: Having children before 30s, going to school in 20s, etc.
raising tuition costs and continually increasing expectations upon students
factors for this change in education is this
students care much more about getting an "A" and graduating with their degree on time.
they do not care about actually LEARNING only about doing what needs to be done because that is what society expects from students.
Chemistry majors do not take art or music classes for fun. Philosophy majors don't try physics and mathematics courses for the sole purpose of gaining knowledge.
great quote
General thought/Overview: This article goes great with my argument that college isn't useful in the sense of life
To educate people on a large-scale, the education community sacrifices some of what made education so powerful, by shifting the focus from true understanding to academic achievement.
Before going for a higher education like college that isnt required was because individuals WANTED to learn more, not get god grades, make their transcript look good or only take the classes that are required for their degree.
Instead of making education a diverse and interactive environment where one challenges known assumptions, and probes mysterious realms of thought, it has become one where the same topics are taught repetitively every year, making students cynical and unconcerned about real learning.
cynical view on college/school system now compared to our history
did not design these centers of learning for the masses. Rather, they were made for the elite
when college was first made, it was not required or seen as the smart choice but only available for the elite, not for the masses
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
Sally puts a marble in her basket and leaves the room. Anne takes the marble and hides it in her own box. Sally comes back and looks for her marble—where does she look? A normal 4-year-old child says that Sally will look for the marble where she left it, in her basket. The child may even giggle at the joke on Sally. A kid with Down's syndrome will get it right too. But autistic children don't get it right. They say Sally will look in Anne's box—because after all, that's where the marble really is. They have no notion, Baron-Cohen discovered, of where Sally might think the marble is.
This test shows the lack of "theory of mind" in children with autism. while normal kids will start to figure out that other people have different thought then their own around age 4, autistic kids do not develop this
Summary of Times Article I can't Find: This article explains how a businessman made a company for kids with mental illnesses like Autism specifically. He knew how Autistic kids are more systematic so he found jobs hat require extremely focused brains that can do meticulous job for hours on end. I'll use this source as support on how my perspective changed on what jobs are available for my brothers.
This article explains the view of how Autism is a boy brain with exemplified chemicals that make it more systematic. Boys are born to be more systematic than sympathetic while girls' brains tend to be the opposite. I'll use this source as support on how my perspective changed from before researching this topic.
www.wired.com www.wired.com
This article explains the views some parents have that believes vaccines cause mental illnesses like Autism. Parents believe this even after numerous trials that show evidence this isn't true. I'll use this source as support on how my perspective did not changed from before researching this topic.
In 19th-century England, he explains, Jenner’s smallpox vaccine was known to be effective. But despite the Compulsory Vaccination Act of 1853, many people still refused to take it, and thousands died unnecessarily.
this exact situation happened before in history, we just have to wait for all the individuals against vaccines to realize the risk of taking them are farrrrrrrrr less than the risks o not getting them.
a person could handle 100,000 vaccines — or up to 10,000 vaccines at once.
This was to show that babies are not getting too many vaccines between when they were born and the age of two. This number is proven by science but ended up working against Offit, because people then started to claim Offit wanted to give that many vaccines for his own financial gain
The government is still considering funding more research trials to look for a connection between vaccines and autism.
this is to prove that vaccines are not harming kids and to make parents start letting their kids get vaccines again. However the downside to this is the idea of wasting money to prove what is already know when that money can go into researching the real cause for autism
The result is that science must somehow prove a negative — that vaccines don’t cause autism — which is not how science typically works.
people are so stubborn they are asking for the impossible from science
rotavirus, which each year kills about 600,000 children in poor countries and about 40 children in the US, probably saves hundreds of lives a day.
“We have seat belt rules,” he says. “Seat belts save lives. There was never a question about that. The data was absolutely clear. But people didn’t use them until they were required to use them.” Furthermore, the decision not to buckle up endangers only you. “Unless you fly through the window and hit somebody else,” he adds. “I believe in mandates. I do.”
The central message at these conferences boils down to this: “The medical establishment doesn’t care, but we do.”
argument of other side
The so-called epidemic, researchers assert, is the result of improved diagnosis, which has identified as autistic many kids who once might have been labeled mentally retarded or just plain slow.
argument against other side part 2
there is no credible evidence to indicate that any of this is true. None.
argument against other side
children who appear to shut down and exhibit signs of autistic behavior immediately after being vaccinated — as proof. Autism One, like others, also points to rising rates of autism — what many parents call an epidemic — as evidence that vaccines are to blame. Finally, Autism One asserts that the condition is preventable and treatable, and that it is the toxins in vaccines and the sheer number of childhood vaccines (the CDC recommends 10 vaccines, in 26 doses, by the age of 2 — up from four vaccines in 1983) that combine to cause disease in certain sensitive children.
argument of other side
Thanks to the Internet, everyone can be their own medical investigator.
technology is huge is this era and so is self-diagnoses from medical websites. Thousands of websites offer you to search up symptoms and leads you to believe whatever is on the screen, without going to a doctor that spent years studying to become someone that adults can go to, not WebMD
Some parents of autistic children noticed that their child’s condition began to appear shortly after a vaccination. The conclusion: “The vaccine must have caused the autism.”
connects to general topic of autism, how the impairments of autism show up around the same time as babies get all their vaccines. Correlation, yes. Causation, no.
the risks are minute in comparison to the alternative.
you have to think about which is more safe, and people are not realizing that the vaccines are the safer route
because the looming risk of childhood death is out of sight, it is also largely out of mind, leading a growing number of Americans to worry about what is in fact a much lesser risk: the ill effects of vaccines.
people have become so used to not worrying about children dying of all these things that they've started to focus on something else for their children. That however, has made the problem of child mortality a problem again
“I used to say that the tide would turn when children started to die. Well, children have started to die,” Offit says, frowning as he ticks off recent fatal cases of meningitis in unvaccinated children in Pennsylvania and Minnesota. “So now I’ve changed it to ‘when enough children start to die.’ Because obviously, we’re not there yet.”
people haven't seen the cause and damage their choices are making yet
A disease that vaccines made rare, in other words, is making a comeback.
10,000 kids, or about twice the number as in 1997), they tend to be clustered, disproportionately increasing the risk of an outbreak of such largely eradicated diseases as measles, mumps, and pertussis (whooping cough). The clustering means almost 10 percent of elementary schools statewide may already be at risk.
one child can effect the masses. Now thousands of children will have a bigger effect
philosophical exemptions are available in about 20 states, including Pennsylvania, Texas, and much of the West
few states have it where you are required to get your children certain vaccines, these state has something called "philosophical exemptions" that allows for parents to choose what vaccines their children get
In certain parts of the US, vaccination rates have dropped so low that occurrences of some children’s diseases are approaching pre-vaccine levels for the first time ever.
eye-opening statement
“science alone isn’t enough … People are getting hurt. The parent who reads what Jenny McCarthy says and thinks, ‘Well, maybe I shouldn’t get this vaccine,’ and their child dies of Hib meningitis,” he says, shaking his head. “It’s such a fundamental failure on our part that we haven’t convinced that parent.”
even though there should be no blame on Offit, he still takes part of the blame for not convincing the parents enough
Offit has become the main target of a grassroots movement that opposes the systematic vaccination of children and the laws that require it
he has a variety of evidence proving no harm is being done and calls out the fake/bogus treatments people are getting their kids that are not helping but making things worse
He boldly states — in speeches, in journal articles, and in his 2008 book Autism’s False Prophets — that vaccines do not cause autism or autoimmune disease or any of the other chronic conditions that have been blamed on them.
this guy is very hated for sticking with his opinion that vaccines do not cause autism
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Summary: This article explains the life of an autistic boy that's on the worse side of the spectrum. It goes though how Justin had a dream of being independent but Autism has effected him to the point he needs a personal assistant to be around with him everywhere to make sure he reacts in an appropriate way. I'll use this source as support on how my perspective changed from before researching this topic.
Justin's main goal was independance. To not have to rely on a person that is always with him to make sure he reacts accordingly to situations
was mute to the point he learned sign language with his family when he was little. Once older he used pictures to communicate his feelings to teachers/helpers/family
first article talks about what makes someone autistic. Second one shows a milder version on the spectrum of being autistic. This article shows the worse side, the side where the individual cant find their own job but need a person to help them. fourth article is about the overall spectrum of autism and how in recent years people have begun to blame vaccines for autism
Justin has a personal assistant that follows him through his day that helped him stay in check during rough situatioons he wouldn't handle well by himself.
follows a kid with autism, Justin Canha, through his daily life struggles and how he got through those struggles
Local file Local file
"Afterawhile,Anderseninformedme,he“startedusingbodylanguage.”It’snotsomethinganyonetaught him.Hejustwatchedpeople,hesaid,and“monkeysee,monkeydo."
This shows how an autistic kid can try to fit in and adjust to society
the downside to all the studies that show not all autistic kids have low IQ's
a trend in autistic kids
big difference between company made for autistic workers and normal workers
even though these autistic kids are holding down a job like every other kid there are still differences
- Jan 2016
Local file Local file
for most people, this kind of task would be very boring and sooner or later they'll start to cut corners because it is boring and they just want to get the job done and that is where mistakes are made.
they would be a great for a job like that because kids with autism tend to be very systematic
to show how extensive kids can be with what they fixate on
related back to first article about how autistic kids fixate on certain things
drive.google.com drive.google.com
goes with first article about how kids with autism fixate on certain things
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
"You know," Baron-Cohen says, looking around his office for a ready example, "you and I just say, 'It's hot, we need a fan,' and turn it on. That isn't systemizing. A child with autism would look at the fan, and very likely would become fascinated by the rotation. What happens when light hits the blades, the kinds of reflections you get. So the child ends up staring at the fan for hours every day, because it is a form of mechanical motion that is systemizable—and that obsession gets described as purposeless. I actually think the child is doing something very intelligent."
two ways to look at a kid with autism. You can see what they focus on as mindless or very intelligent
way of helping autistic people through a computer program. On a CD-ROM, trained actors demonstrate the facial expressions and vocal inflections that correspond to 412 distinct emotions or mental states, arranged under 24 headings, such as "sneaky" or "happy." The idea is that people with autism can bone up on their mind-reading skills without the stress of having to attend a group-therapy session.
"A few drops more of this little chemical could affect your sociability or your language ability. I found it extraordinary."
chemical is testosterone
how much testosterone a female fetus is exposed to—which is much less than a male fetus
He wants to prove that the levels of testosterone that the unborn baby is exposed to will effect how much of a "male" brain or "female" brain the kid will have. If they will have more empathy or systemizing
the evidence for sex differences in behavior right back to the womb
going back to the source of the difference
Proving with scientific data that sex differences in behavior are innate is notoriously difficult.
the basic of his argument
that gap
talking about the gap between the kids with autism that can't function in society to the people that are high achievers but still have autism
Autism affects far more boys than girls. At the Asperger's end of the spectrum, the ratio is about 10 to 1
A rival theory,
says the reason autistic kids narrow down onto details is because executive dysfunction or in other words "inability to plain, to control impulses and to switch attention as needed to solve a problem"
why they do jigsaw puzzles without the picture: They just don't seek the pattern in a mass of details.
good way to put in down into simplier terms that everyone can understand when talking about autism.
term to sum up this https://hypothes.is/a/AVKJllJRvTW_3w8Lyk1k
Autism is perfectly compatible with a high IQ—yet some degree of social disconnectedness, of extreme self-centeredness,
so while the IQ level and social disconnectedness may vary within each autistic individual, self-centeredness does not. That is a constant in autism.
"We all have some autistic traits," he says. "It's just a matter of degree."
there are many more male ones: In Baron-Cohen's theory, autism is a case of the "extreme male brain."
Because the essential difference between men and women is empathizing and systematizing, he believes autism is when the traits in a guy's brain are extreme. -He does keep in mind that there are females with autism and males without autism
The essential difference between men and women, according to Baron-Cohen, is that women are better at empathizing and men at systemizing
Baron-Cohen's theory of what characterizes autism.
overall definition? Low-empathizing, high systemizing
Asperger's is a mild form of autism in which individuals are able to function normally, but have difficulty reading the emotions of others.)
different types
systemizing may take the form of a seemingly purposeless obsession
relate to brothers
"systemizing ability." They are lousy at understanding people but relatively good, he says, at making sense of the world.
an excessive amount
Autistic people, says Baron-Cohen, a psychologist who has studied and treated them for 20 years, lack empathy.
add to definition
an autistic person would not have been able to see through my polite fib, put himself in my shoes and decipher my concerns.
starts a definition for what autistic people are and how they act
harpers.org harpers.org
That's Winston Churchhill's face
it seems as if the author is saying the exact opposite of what every other individual would say. I think that cow poop smells disgusting.
The way the author gives a no cares given, straight definition of programs, people and the surrounds, like this sentence here, really makes this type of writing stand out and hilarious
I feel like every person in this room can relate to this to the point we can see the exact seen in our head because we have seen exact what he is stating