8 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. cinematography.

      Cinematography is capturing the unique visual technique used by the cinematographer, which captures the impactful visual techniques such as the small things that contribute to the overall storytelling of the film. Such as the camera movements, lightning, framing, or shot compositions. It helps the overall vision that the director is striking for.

    1. Mise-en-Scène

      Mise-en-Scéne is the overall visual elements and arrangements that contribute to the overall film scene. It includes arrangements such as decorations, lighting and camera arrangements, costumes, makeup, etc. It is what makes up the overall significance and contribution of the film and helps give the specific look, vibe that the director is going for.

    1. explicit meaning, that is the obvious, directly expressed meaning of a work of art, be it a novel, painting or film, and implicit meaning, the deeper, essential meaning, suggested but not necessarily directly expressed by any one element.

      Whereas explicit is the obvious that the movie, film, painting, etc., directly shows you through through their visuals, or actions, implicit is the opposite, it instead is hidden and may have a deeper meaning or message to convey to the audience.

    2. Cinematic language – just like any other language – is an organic, constantly evolving shared form of communication.

      Cinematic language is like the "language" of movies. It's the way the movies talk to us (audience) by using different visuals. They use cinematic language in order to convey meaning to their films.

  2. Oct 2023
    1. The way cinema communicates is the product of many different tools and techniques, from production design to narrative structure to lighting, camera movement, sound design, performance and editing.

      Cinema is actually a motion of a couple images together that move fast, which is considered "the illusion of movement". All we see is one continuous movement when in reality, it's photographs flashing quick that trick our eyes to just see one movement.

  3. Sep 2023
    1. The good news is that academics, librarians, and even the government are pushing for more open access to academic material.

      I definitely agree and think we need more open access to academic material for our college courses, such as books and other materials. Books at our college bookstores tend to be a higher price than anywhere else sold and I think we shouldn't have to pay $100+ for a book required for a course.

    2. Students, even those in high school, enjoy information privileges that aren't afforded to the general public.

      This graph shows us how we have many privileges that most of the public don't have.

    3. When we're submerged in this kind of environment, it's sometimes easy to forget that what's known as the digital divide still exists. Our access to technology gives us advantages in accessing information that many around the world do not have.

      Looking at the graph, it shows us how the digital divide is very real to this day. I agree with how we tend to forget about the digital divide because I had never thought about how there is many people who do not have access to anything and to the access that most of us have to this information.