9 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. remaining to reproduce.

      So with this example, having a more dense population is better because there is a higher chance of more of the population surviving to reproduce, compared to a smaller population because there are less available mates (because of death and possible familial ties) in that scenario?

    1. Animals with this strategy are often self-sufficient at a very early age

      I always though animals that had little to learn from their parents were interesting. Cool to see inherent behavior "programmed" instead of learned.

    1. When the uneaten seeds eventually grow, they are clustered, accounting for the typical distribution pattern of whitebark pine in the forest.

      This reminds me of how squirrels will bury their nuts for later! Though they can often forget where they buried them.

    1. The result of this type of selection is increased genetic variance as the population becomes more diverse.

      So even though only one or two colors would be preferred to stay under a predators radar, the diversity would still grow? Even though more similar traits are wanted?

    1. Embryology,

      Could this be further evidence on what evolutionary line certain species follow?

    2. It is over these large time spans that life on earth has changed and continues to change.

      Continued evolution seems to be more important the more our oceans, rivers, and forests change do to change in our climates. While I do think evolution is important it makes me upset to think about how quickly some species are going to have to adapt because of the rate of change happening.

    1. In part, this emerging simplicity is because levels of detail again merge together.

      It seems that this is describing the way ecologists start understanding. Once one thing is figured out it becomes clumped and simplified, and then more complex as new things are discovered about it.