4 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. We determined age based on tooth wear and condition and sex for each individual

      I wonder exactly how accurate this actually is. I wonder how closely you can tell age by these factors.

    2. Home ranges are used to understand how animals use landscapes, but use of home ranges is not uniform and subsets of populations may exhibit different temporal and spatial patterns of simultaneous use

      While home ranges are crucial for understanding animal behavior, there is significant variability in how different animals utilize these spaces.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. we identified 67 loci that are potentially under directional selection, but only 3 were potentially associated with protein coding genes. It would be instructive to study each gene separately and rank them according to their level of fixation, paying closer attention to those genes that are nearly fixed, a potential indication of stronger selection levels.

      This highlights a critical gap in understanding how selection acts on genes. Focusing on nearly fixed genes could reveal which ones are under the strongest selective pressures.

    2. By then, reefs had already been severely disturbed by major rearrangements that happened during World War II, where several hundred ships, landing crafts, and thousands of US Naval personnel had staged out of the Atoll (Lessa 1966).

      I never thought about how significantly the war affected the ocean, but now that I'm thinking about it, the war was most likely very detrimental to many habitats, not just corals.