23 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2021
    1. Lincoln
    2. Abraham Lincoln

      Post Emancipation Lincoln wanted to kick former slaves out of America. https://psmag.com/news/remember-that-time-abraham-lincoln-tried-to-get-the-slaves-to-leave-america-55802

    3. immediatist

      a policy or practice of gaining a desired end by immediate action specifically : a policy advocating the immediate abolition of slavery.

    4. stockholders

      I did not know about this people. Very interesting

    5. manumitted

      release from slavery; set free.

    6. Harriet Tubman

      I found a video of Harriet Tubman's decedents. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fLf20vJNiU&ab_channel=WUSA9

    7. Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

      June 28, 1864, that both of the Fugitive Slave Acts were repealed by an act of Congress

    8. The master is frequently compelled to sell this class of his slaves, out of deference to the feelings of his white wife; and, cruel as the deed may strike any one to be, for a man to sell his own children to human flesh-mongers, … for, unless he does this, he must not only whip them himself, but must stand by and see one white son tie up his brother, of but few shades darker … and ply the gory lash to his naked back.”

      This is horrifying. I do not like this at all.

    9. prominent

      important; famous.

    1. miscellany

      a group or collection of different items; a mixture.

    2. hawthorns

      New word Hawthorn: Crataegus, commonly called hawthorn, quickthorn, thornapple, May-tree, whitethorn, or hawberry, is a genus of several hundred species of shrubs and trees in the family Rosaceae, native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America.

    1. For example, there is a difference between “No thanks, I’m not hungry” and “I’ve told you, I’m not hungry.”

      Reminds of the Robot devil's quote “Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

    2. 1st person

      I saw my sister at the park with her baby and a much older man. I always forget how much older her husband is.

    3. Dear White People Volume 1 or Arrested Development Season 4, both Netflix TV series

      Also Pulp fiction

    4. Consider, for example, the ways in which the desert itself might be considered a character in "Bajadas" by Francisco Cantú.

      I never considered giving personally to objects or terrains.

    5. Nonlinear Narrative

      I think this is like a Tarurtino movie. This would be an intresting way of writing. It would allow for different perspectives of the main players in the events.

    6. In Medias Res

      Oh I bet you wanna know how I got here

    7. the sharks with laser beams attached to their heads

      Austin Powers!

    8. zero in on the events that drive a story and prune out extraneous information.

      This is an interesting concept that I will have to focus on.

    9. While it's fine to have an outline or first draft that recounts the events of the story, the final draft should include dialogue, immersive description, plot twists, and metaphors to capture your reader's attention as you write.

      I have not at length about my life or it being and this process makes sense since your telling a story. I would write what happened first then go back and add the flavor

    10. tactile (touch), or gustatory (taste)

      fancy words I didn't know

    11. My breath escaped in ragged bursts, my quadriceps burning as I crested the summit. The lake stretched before me, aquamarine, glistening in the hot August afternoon sun. Ponderosa pines lined its shores, dropping their spicy-scented needles into the clear water. Despite the heat, the Montana mountain air tasted crisp.

      This was a better lake to visit

    1. Frederick Douglass' creative nonfiction account of the horrors of slavery and his escape from it was so powerfully written that it is largely credited, along with Douglass' speeches, as helping end slavery and empower African-American citizens (Ceasar).

      I read an excerpt from his memoir and it was introduced by a white man that was stating that this black man was actually smart enough and how impressed he was by Douglas.