- Mar 2022
A bomb is a shocking experience
Every time I imagine a bomb in my country I become terrified and always pray that this will never happen to me. The fear to lose your family in an instant is just very terrifying
I really was surprised that the writer will actually mention the roots of an Arabic word. I don't understand why the writer mentioned the roots while talking about war
- Feb 2022
www.otheringandbelonging.org www.otheringandbelonging.org
to judge members of their own group as superior.
I think this often happen because when someone compare his culture or kind to another he will at first see his group first at the top because he know more about his group and grow up with them. The important point here is getting true knowledge about the other groups and when someone do that , he will see that his group and the other groups is belong to a whole group which is we are all human. the only thing differ is our behaviors, traditions, and culture.
Donald Trump, not only announced his intent to build a wall along the United States-Mexican border to keep out “criminals and rapists,” but also demanded a ban on Muslim immigrants, even Syrian refugees, from entering the United States
This show how Donald Trump generalize that all Muslims are terrorists because there are terrorists who claimed that they are Muslim. That doesn't mean that all Muslims must be terrorists. This is like I saw an American who kills someone in a street and then I assume that all Americans are killers. There will be always bad and good people.
Othering” is a term that not only encompasses the many expressions of prejudice on the basis of group identities, but we argue that it provides a clarifying frame that reveals a set of common processes and conditions that propagate group-based inequality and marginality.
To clarify more , othering is selecting a group or many group of people and treating them as a whole different creature as they are like strangers coming from another planet, and that's because this group has different culture. This shows how the world is in chaos because of this kind of act