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  1. Aug 2023
    1. Interpersonal communication builds, maintains, and ends our relationships, and we spend more time engaged in interpersonal communication than the other forms of communication.

      I find it very interesting that the paper says that we use interpersonal communication more than any other form of communication. It seems to me like intrapersonal communication would be used the most, as we seem to be in constant dialogue with ourselves, or at least I am. I also feel like this would be a varying factor from person to person. I would assume some people are introverted and surely communicate interpersonally more than interpersonally.

    2. Communication scholars who focus on mass communication and media often take a critical approach in order to examine how media shapes our culture and who is included and excluded in various mediated messages.

      In my opinion, I think it's amazing that there are people out there who study or examine how media shapes our culture. I think its great that those people are also often times people interested in mass communicating themselves. There are a large amount of social media influencers out there today, and I would bet that a lot of them have not done a lot of research about how what they are mass communicating could be effecting people in there everyday lives. I personally watch YouTube shorts, and have seen tons of reels. I think a lot of them are hilarious and inspiring, and I love and support what a lot of people are doing. On the contrary, I have also seen a lot of very negative reels and videos that have gone viral. I think that its likely that if everyone, or a lot more people were more educated about the effects there messages could have on people, then maybe there would be less content out there that likely to make someone feel put down or insecure about themselves.

    3. I’m sure we have all had the experience of laughing aloud because we thought of something funny.

      I do this all the time. It's one of the things that I love very much about life and I couldn't imagine not being able to talk to myself and make myself laugh, or help myself understand things that are going on in life, or many other things I use self talk for. I have also read a lot about self talk, and how it can effect our lives in such a dramatic way. I therefore try hard to have uplifting, positive self talk, and refrain from anything that would be considered negative toward myself or others. I have had good luck transforming my self talk over time and been able to become more optimistic by doing so.

    4. Even though Aristotle and other ancient rhetoricians and philosophers had theorized the connection between rhetoric and citizenship, the role of the communicator became the focus instead of solely focusing on the message

      I find it very cool that philosophers in the age of Aristotle were studying the connection between rhetoric and citizenship. My understanding of the development of society, that I have formed mostly from the books I have read and things I have heard, is that there have been very influential and persuasive people that have made large contributions to society and helped mold it into what it is today. I know this can be for the good or bad, for example, Adolf Hitler was a very persuasive man, and he used his influence to have a horribly negative impact on the world. On the flip side of that, there were of course people like Gandi, who did just the opposite. In conclusion to this, I have been thinking about how I can be rhetorical in my own life, and how I can be persuasive and have a positive effect come from it.

    5. Some scholars speculate that humans’ first words were onomatopoetic. You may remember from your English classes that onomatopoeia refers to words that sound like that to which they refer—words like boing, drip, gurgle, swoosh, and whack.

      I find it very interesting that there is speculation about humans first words being onomatopoetic. It makes a lot of sense to me that humans first words would be them mimicking sounds that they heard in attempt to communicate what it is that made that sound. I can remember times in the past that I have personally done this to try to explain to a friend what I was talking about. I also have a friend who has a pet bird, he is a macaw. I have spent time with this bird, whose name is Earnie, and have personally witnessed him mimic the sounds i have made.