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  1. Last 7 days
    1. at support learning; and using a conversational style and polite language in text and narration. When designing screens and scripting narration, the use of headings and introductory sentences have been shown to improve comprehension and retention


    2. ys that support learning; and using a conversational style and polite lang

      Hello this is a test comment

    3. ling is particularly helpful for novice learners, while Wang et al. (2018) found that the use of on-screen agents that gesture at essential content results in better learning compared to signaling that lacks social cu

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    4. cted to support learning. As noted earlier, we should use simple graphics that omit unnecessa


    5. r, 2016, pp. 165-67, 91-93). We can


    6. 2016


    7. pp. 165-67, 91-93).


    8. rons. For example, a video about navigating the stacks should be linked from a library web pa

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