- Mar 2019
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“Why, that looks like that nice dull young man that tried to sell me a Bible yesterday,” Mrs. Hopewell said, squinting. “He must have been selling them to the Negroes back in there. He was so simple,” she said, “but I guess the world would be better off if we were all that simple.” Mrs. Freeman‖s gaze drove forward and just touched him before he disappeared under the hill. Then she returned her attention to the evilsmelling onion shoot she was lifting from the ground. “Some can‖t be that simple,” she said. “I know I never could.”
Mrs. Hopewell and Mrs. Freeman see Manley as a "simple" man, that he's not that bright since he's just a young man selling Bibles to anyone he can, that he can't do much else. But after the encounter with Hulga, the audience knows that he is indeed smarter than he looks as he said. Manley is a manipulator and uses religion to get what he wants by trying to pass as a "good country person."
BESIDESthe neutral expression that she wore when she was alone, Mrs. Freeman had two others, forward and reverse, that she used for all her human dealings. Her forward expression was steady and driving like the advance of a heavy truck. Her eyes never swerved to left or right but turned as the story turned as if they followed a yellow line down the center of it. She seldom used the other expression because it was not often necessary for her to retract a statement, but when she did, her face came to a complete stop, there was an almost imperceptible movement of her black eyes, during which they seemed to be receding, and then the observer would see that Mrs. Freeman, though she might stand there as real as several grain sacks thrown on top of each other, was no longer there in spirit.
Right from the beginning of the story, the audience is made well aware of what kind of person Mrs. Freeman is. This passage focuses on her face being a reflection of her being a somewhat strong willed person when it comes to her words. It's made clear to the audience that Mrs. Freeman has strong opinions in a story along with not being hesitant in sharing those opinions as well as the facts, and that she rarely backpedals when telling a story.