13 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2022
    1. 4−|19−3(6−2)|24−|19−3(6−2)|\mathrm{24−|19−3(6−2)|}.

      all three examples are exactly the same, just with numbers changed. We should probably restructure them a bit to get some variety.

    2. hen we use the order of operations

      Where did we talk about order of operations?

    3. |−5|__−|−5||−5|__−|−5|\mathrm{|-5|}\_\_\mathrm{-|-5|} 8__−|−8|8__−|−8|\text{8__−|−8|} −9__−|−9|−9__−|−9|\text{−9__−|−9|} −(−16)__|−16|−(−16)__|−16|\text{−(−16)__|−16|}.

      The underlines are somewhat visually confusing with the negatives. Any chance we could do boxes instead?

      Also, we should probably do a couple of warm up problems where they compute the absolute values of a few things

    4. on the number line, the negative numbers are a mirror image of the positive numbers, with zero in the middle. Because the numbers 222 and −2−2−2 are the same distance from zero, each one is called the opposite of the other. The opposite of 222 is −2−2−2, and the opposite of −2−2−2 is 222.

      Do we want to discuss this earlier?

    5. next section

      could add hyperlink to "next section"

    6. Say you have one slice of pizza and eat friend eats 2 slices. How many friends can you feed? You can feed half of a friend. In math this would look like this 1212\frac{1}{2}.

      I like this a lot

    7. For multiplication and division of two signed numbers: Same signs Result • Two positives Positive • Two negatives Positive If the signs are the same, the result is positive. Different signs Result • Positive and negative Negative • Negative and positive Negative If the signs are different, the result is negative.

      could create punnett square style table using LaTeX; it'd be more succinct

    8. 2÷2=2÷2=2\div 2= 30÷6=30÷6=30\div 6= −27÷9=−27÷9=-27\div 9= −16÷−8=−16÷−8=-16\div -8= 648÷54=

      word based problems?

    9. How many of your friends can you feed with that pizza? This question is asking to divide 8 (slices of pizza) by 2 (the amount of slices each friend will eat). So 8÷2=48÷2=48\div 2=4, you will be able to feed 4 friends with 1 pizza. We call the result of division, the "quotient". For example, the quotient of 8 by 2 is 4.

      we can definitely add some illustrations throughout these paragraphs to avoid the "text walls"

    10. 1⋅21⋅21\cdot 2 5⋅65⋅65\cdot 6 3⋅93⋅93\cdot 9 12⋅54

      include some word problems like "find the product of 3 and 5"?

    11. e see that the action of adding 2 to 1 to get 3 can be "undone" by subtracting 2 from

      maybe throw in a comment that operations that "undo" each other are called "inverses"?

    12. On a number line,

      Describe how negative numbers appear on the number line; mention that smaller numbers are always on the left, and larger numbers are always on the right

    13. integers, ZZ\mathbb{Z}, by

      Do we want to include the "math" notation? Also might be worth adding a description in words here, such as "the integers include the negative and positive versions of the natural numbers"

      Also, formatting, should italicize words we are defining