- Nov 2018
rampages.us rampages.us
he future in the past is fixed forever,Like words locked up in pencils, webs in spiders,Like fames imprisoned in the rnatch tip's sulphu
Are we imprisoned to the future and the past? It is "fixed forever" but does that constitute us being prisoners?
little system wheels and golden gears
- Apr 2017
rampages.us rampages.us
A spiral slowly turns itself in heaven
sudden change from depths to heavens
agma roc
so very deep
own and down
like to the depth to the ocean???
twist and twirls- bringing it back to the snail theme
Maybe do like clams do when they make pearls?
I had no idea what Fusiturricula meant or was....??? I googled it (and also read other classmate's annotations) and it's a type of sea snail. So a lullaby for a sea snail?? I am eager to read the rest of the poem with this information. Intriguing.
rampages.us rampages.us
guarding wha
imperial door
shores of lullabies,
where particularly
Imperial Door
of empire?
- Feb 2017
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
Tercets (not a triplet bc not all of the lines rhyme).
Refrains (lines 1 & 3).
- Jan 2017
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
We'll build in sonnets pretty rooms;
This is my favorite line of this poem. We as people, we as poets are build on sonnets.
Call us what you will, we are made such by love;
It seems the whole poem the narrator is so concerned with what his lover thinks of him, or what the audience thinks of him, or people in general. I find it interesting he's pointing out at this point "call us what you will." Seems ironic and that adds interest in my opinion
hypothes.is hypothes.is