11 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. you’ll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.

      Maybe Ithaka is an experience. The island is your deathbed and you are flooded with each individual Ithaka that you made and created getting to the end of your life.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. The people of Ireland know what these root causes are. I know them. The Northern Ireland prime minister knows them and the British prime minister knows them also. Partition is the first and foremost root cause. And Partition arose out of British policy. The methods necessary to maintain Partition against the wishes of the vast majority of the Irish people and local majorities in areas like Derry – that is, gerrymandering, discrimination in jobs and housing, suppression of free speech and the right of peaceful process – could not be continued without the political and the huge financial support received from Britain.

      Pay attention to this paragraph.

    1. a splash quite unnoticed

      Not a single person noticed that Icarus had fallen from the sky. Maybe they did, but thought it was nothing other than a fish swimming. The disturbance of Icarus on the water was nothing worthy of attention from the farmers nearby.

    1. He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;

      This part of the stanza is the author describing the relationship he had with the beloved person that he lost. He describes this person with good intentions and mentions the feelings of joy and happiness the said person brought him. Obviously the author is mourning this person deeply .

    1. Straining our middle-aged voices trying to reach impossible notes, reconstruct forgotten phrases.

      The women are in their own worlds. They're back at their youth, remembering and acting on how they were when they were young.

    1. That passed over,     this can too.

      This line repeats over and over again showing that no matter what happened it is still possible to get over things.

  3. Aug 2024
    1. I had grown from listlessness into peace

      Eurydice was happy and forgetting the pain of earlier events. But she was dragged up and forced to remember the painful events of what happened.

    1. And now we had no place to live, since we didn't know How to live with each other.

      Harmony and peace made things home, but disruption between people made things crumble.

    1. Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on

      The poem is about suffering. But in the end, the poem closes off with the line "Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on." This line is about moving on. Despite heavy suffering, the poem portrays the idea that it is still possible to move on away from it.

    1. And if you have managed to graduate from college without ever having written “Man vs. Nature” in a margin, perhaps now is the time to take one step forward.

      The author of the poem is very likely hinting that if you have gone through all your required years of education and college without marking something, let alone a poem, then you really weren't focused on the writing in front of you.

    2. We have all seized the white perimeter as our own and reached for a pen if only to show we did not just laze in an armchair turning pages;

      Billy Collins is speaking for every English student ever. When annotating a poem, you want people to know that you have been reading the poem. You want people to see that you have put some sort of thought into your reading, and that you're not just some graze reader.