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  1. Sep 2022
    1. allele frequencies within a population change randomly with no advantage to the population over existing allele frequencies

      are genetic drifts detrimental to the population or simply neutral?

    2. Evolution of these viruses means continued adaptions to ensure survival, including adaptations to survive previous vaccines.

      Before this reading I was already aware that viruses evolve which is why vaccines are updated but I never made the connection that the type of evolution viruses undergo is the same that other species undergo. It is interesting that viruses like the flu are such a common example of evolution but seem to be less talked about (compared to the evolution of other species especially animals).

    1. Papers by Darwin and Wallace (Figure\PageIndex{2}) presenting the idea of natural selection were read together in 1858 before the Linnean Society in London

      The papers they presented in London must have been met with an enormous amount of controversy as they opposed religious views that were common at the time. I wonder how long/ what the process was of making the theory of evolution more widely accepted?

    2. Whether or not a trait is favorable depends on the environmental conditions at the time. The same traits are not always selected because environmental conditions can change.

      The fact that a trait is only favorable depending on specific environmental conditions at the time can relate to climate change. Will plants in areas where climate change affect weather conditions be able to keep up with the changes in environment? Will climate change drive plant species to extinction because they will not evolve in time?

    1. She went on to collect about 145,000 specimens over the next 13 years, 500 of which were new species. Charles Darwin collected a mere 500 specimens on his famed five-year voyage.

      I was not aware of the immense amount of research that Ynes Enriquetta Mexia has contributed to the field of ecology. The amount of specimens she has collected and recorded have had a huge impact on the current work that scientists are able to do. Enriquetta Mexia should be more widely recognized for her work and I am glad that the textbook helped highlight that.