- Aug 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
promote the overthrow of the United States government,”
The thing that gets me is NONE of the people that are claiming this had stepped foot in one of the classrooms. They have NO right to claim that this is what is being taught in the classrooms if they have NEVER been in them!
desire to advance a political agenda by capitalizing on race-based fears,”
In "precious knowledge" a lot of the people in charge against this bill spoke about protecting the white children. Protecting them from feeling guilty. Numerous times they spoke about "ethnic solidarity" and how it shouldn't be allowed. They also said that it was driven my teachers and their leftest views. Which was not true at all it was based on the truth. But they just like every other citizen that was against ethnic studies is choosing to ignore the truth.
Arizona school officials were motivated by racial animus when they acted to shut down a Mexican-American studies program in Tucson’s public schools, a federal judge ruled on Tuesday.
I was relieved when I found an article about this finally being looked into. The comments being made by mostly white higher ups made no sense. They felt like they weren't in control or included so they decided to take away something that allowed us as a community to heal. It was straight garbage in my opinion.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
Three courses in social studies, including United States history and geography; world history, culture, and geography; a one-semester course in American government and civics; and a one-semester course in economics.
I remember taking these classes in 10-12 grade. But the ethnic studies class was optional it wasn't a requirement but I wish it was.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
The State of California is committed to providing excellent educational opportunities to all of its pupils.
I am not sure if this was implemented at my middle school or high school when I was in school. But I am glad that this is on record. It is making me think about my time in school and if ethnic studies was required or not.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
When learning about the bills that are being made for ethnic studies I try and understand why people say no. It is hard though because I am a person of color and hearing these people say these bills are anti-american or super radical on the left side is just insane.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
The Academic and Social Value of Ethnic Studies, the inclusion of ethnic studies in a curriculum has a positive impact on pupils of color.
Ethnic studies gives students of color a reason to be involved. It gives students of color a sense of hope and an understanding of where we come from and why we are in the places we are now.
to establish a list of textbooks and other instructional materials that highlight the contributions of minorities in the development of California and the United States.
Now being able to have access to new textbooks that actually highlight what we went through in the united states and in california is refreshing.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
Read second time. Ordered to third reading.
I noticed throughout the doc that they note a lot of back and forth. And it dates back up to 2019. I wonder why.
Vetoed by Governor.
The article we read for an one of our modules went more into the aftermath of this decision. I still don't understand the reason why we vetoed the bill. It was actually kind of shocking.
www.ethnicstudiesnow.com www.ethnicstudiesnow.com
Dr. Nolan Cabrera's Ethnic Studies presentation to LAUSD
I went to lausd schools for a majority of my life. I was always under the impression for some reason that we already had these classes but we just didn't have enough teachers to teach them. I now realize when I was growing but that we didn't really have access to ethnic studies classes because it wasn't a thing at the time.
schools raised their G.P.A. by 1.4 grade points, attendance by 21 percentage points, and credits earned by 23.
With stats like this how could you not want this in your schools? It is kind of like they don't care or want to care about how beneficial these courses are.
his is the first of its kind in the nation,
One side of me is like yes this is great I am glad we could set the example. Another side of me is a bit disappointed that we still have states that don't recognize how important ethnic studies is.
Also, please forward this information to any media contacts
Social media can have its faults but when it comes to pieces of information like this it is a great resource to get the word out.
The board also agreed to develop an Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee, as well as active teacher recruitment of those with Ethnic Studies degrees.
I am hoping by now every school in california has this requirement.
Bring your own signs! Get creative!
I always see dope signs that get the message across. It can be an art piece or a funky font design or a poetic structure. I enjoy seeing posters like that because there it makes you want to read what the person is trying to get across. There is no way those people in higher power haven't stopped at least one time to read at least one poster.
Senate Education Committee passes AB 2772 (Medina) Ethnic Studies! We did it!
This is so cool to see. Looking at the stats 5-0 is wild. With bills that involve ethnic studies there is always two sides. Seeing everyone be on the same page is amazing.