13 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. 5G mobile phones

      Moble phones help us in our day to day lives. We don't know how spoiled we are, we have tese divices in our pockets that can do almost any thing you can think of.

    2. 60% of the world's population is offline

      60% of people do not have technology to rely on. They actuly have to think for themselfs rather than just ask google.

    3. Artificial intelligence

      Students have figured out that AI can help them do the things they don't feel like doing. Using AI to cheat does not help you learn or retain any of the infermation that you need to learn.

    4. 4 billion people live without internet

      People that don't have access to the internet have to do things all on their own unlike us who have technology to help us.

    1. My high school had a lot of technology.

      Having a lot of technology opens up so many diffrent opertunitys for so many diffrent things. Technology can make your life easier if you know how to use it.

    2. I had easy access to the internet growing up.

      Growing up with internet and tecnology helps students learn diffrent things. There are so many diffrent things you could learn with the internet.

    3. I had to write research papers in my high school.

      I think when high school teachers help kids get ready for college they wont be as overwellmed as the others.

    1. each college is afforded a local budget to purchase additional books and resources that are housed locally at the campus.

      With colleges having these additional budgets students don't have to worry about finding the book they need for class.

    2. The good news is that academics, librarians, and even the government are pushing for more open access to academic material.

      By pushing for more access to these materials they are helping the future of these companies to learn with less stress of "can I afford to take this corse" or "can I pay for the book".

    3. udents, even those in high school, enjoy information privileges that aren't afforded to the general public.

      I is intresting to me that students have more privileges than the public.