21 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. fter assessing airway and breathing, assess the patient's circulation. Determine the rate and qual- ity of the patient’s pulse. Is the pulse rhythm bt ular or irregular? Is the pulse too fast or too slows If you find abnormalities in the pulse, you should be more suspicious. Assess the patient's skin con dition, color, moisture, and temperature, 45 4 s 7

      check for pinkness, grey skin, guppy breathing, color of the palms and dilation in the eyes.

    1. IftheAEDfailswhileyouarecaringforapa-tient,youmustreporttheproblemtothemanufac-turerandtheUSFoodandDrugAdministration.BesuretofollowtheappropriateEMSproceduresfornotifyingtheseorganizations.

      what happens if it fails on scene?

    2. Ifextrabeatsareproduced,thepatient'sheartrhythmwillbeirregular,Althoughsomeirregularheartrhythmsare notharmful,otherscanbelethal

      brady and or tachy?

    3. syncope(fainting).

      med term word!

    4. Astheheart'smusclemassandtonedecrease,theamountofbloodpumpedoutoftheheartperbeatdecreases,

      acute coronary syndrome?

    5. JusttemembertostopcompressionsandStay clearofthepatient beforepressingthebuttontodelivertheshock.

      remember to say "clear"

    6. Thisreferstocontinuingventilationat10breaths/min;maintainingoxy-gensaturationbetween94%and 99%

      70% ? goes into the body during rescue breaths

    7. ¢ Recognition of early werning signs and im-mediate activation of EMS¢ Immediate CPR with emphasis on high-qualitychest compressions* Rapid defibrillation* Basic and advanced EMS¢ ALS and postarrest care~ © Recovery

      steps for early defib

    8. Notallpatientsincardiacarrestrequireannectricalshock

      usually when there is a pulse

    9. MostAEDsaresetuptoadjusttheinebasedontheimpedance(orresistanceofthebeapetheflowofelectricity)


    10. Cardiac arrest in infants and children is usually the~ fesult of respiratory failure and not a primary cardiac' event.

      BLS BOOK

    11. beginningwith turning on the machine and applying the pads.The operator also has to push a button to deliveran electrical shock, regardless of the model. ManyAEDs use a computer voice synthesizer to advisethe operator which steps to take on the basis of theAED’s analysis.

      AED steps to memorize

    12. devicethatcanautomatic-allyadministeran electricalshocktotheheartwhenneeded—possible.


    13. ardiac arrestisthecompletecessationofcardiacactivity.


  2. Sep 2024
    1. ECG= measures the electrical measure of the heart blood work looks for certain proteins to detect a heart attack pain last over 20 mins is dangerous and non reverseable pain down the arms shortness of breath nausea = autonomic nervous system women experience nausea and dizziness more then men STEMI troponins?

    2. myocardial infarct = lack of 02 to heart muscle cardiomyocytes send pain signals to the brain pain can feel like indigestion brain gets confused heart starts to race cardiomyocytes break down and rupture without 02

    3. Blood in the veins does carries some oxygen, but much less than blood in the arteries. plaques build up in the artery which causes heart attacks (Atherosclerosis) Narrows blood vessel disrupts blood flow angina pectoris = chest pain symptom of heart disease Thromboses cardiac arrest is your heart stopping

    4. emmaferchland03 17 mins ago waste = carbon dioxide heart is a pump so we have good blood flow systemic flow = the entire body, all of the cells pulmonary flow cornonary vessels serve the heart they need 02

    5. pulmonary trunk= next stop after it leaves the heart blood mixes with capillaries to get oxygen to go into the Left Atrium systemic circulation relies on left ventricle to pump

    6. blood comes arms and the head and put blood to the top of the heart blood comes from legs and goes to the bottom of the heart vein = toward Artery = away both start with letter A Tricuspid valve (three flaps) mitral valve- make sure there is foward flow between the ventricles

    7. waste = carbon dioxide heart is a pump so we have good blood flow systemic flow = the entire body, all of the cells pulmonary flow cornonary vessels serve the heart they need 02