7 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. 그럼게임안에서뵙겠습니다. 여러분이좋아하는팀을드러내고자세히보기를뽐내는모습도, 누가 2024 VCT역사책에이름을남기게될지도모두기대가됩니다

      this sentence is basically thanking the community for playing the game, supporting the developers, and telling us to tune in to the 2024 championship to see who goes down int he vct history books as the worlds best players. i chose to annotate this sentence because i thought it was a sweet way to end an informational article by thanking the players who could make such developments possible through their support.

    2. ·/아메리카스: 2월 21일오후 11시~2월 22일오전 3시북미/브라질/라틴아메리카·/퍼시픽: 2월 22일오전 7시~오전 11시한국/일본/동남아시아/오세아니아/인도·/EMEA: 2월 22일오후 1시~오후 5시유럽/독립국가연합/MENA

      this passage basically tells us when the games are being held and their time and location being all around the globe. I highlighted this because I find it pretty remarkable that this is a world wide event celebrated by millions of people who are all connected via this game.

    3. 스킨기능에있어서는, 경쟁전의난전속에서가장중요한부분이무엇인지프로선수들과이야기를나눴고,훌륭한사격음향효과및킬배너가 S급스킨의필수요소라는의견이꾸준히나왔습니다. 거기서착안해

      this sentence is describing how the dev team responsible for creating these vct team capsules took players preferences into account, and created the audio sound effects to the majority's liking.

    4. 무기선정에대해말씀드리면, 먼저클래식부터시작합니다. 선수에게저지가필요하듯, 발로란트플레이어라면누구에게나필수적인기본장비죠. 게임시작과함께처음얻게되며거의항상소지하게되는장비입니다

      this sentence is describing why they chose this certain weapon to represent the teams. i am commenting on how cleaver i thought this to be, becuase the "classic" gun is quote: "almost always in the players inventory and its the first item you are presented with when you start the game."

    5. 각캡슐이 44개 VCT 국제리그파트너팀을정확히나타내야한다는사실은처음부터잘알고있었습니다. 그저멋진외형의발로란트스킨및장식에머무르지않고, 각팀의정신을구현해야만했습니다. 2023 시즌초에개발을시작하여, 작년대부분의시간동안각팀과협업하며작업했습니다. 개별팀의브랜드및고유한정체성이두드러질수있도록각팀으로부터피드백과창의적인의견을경청했습니다. 저희는발로란트아티스트와협업해각팀이직접디자인한플레이어카드가특히기대됩니다. 플레이어카드는가장돋보이는콘텐츠유형중하나이며각팀의고유한성격, 유산그리고커뮤니티밈을드러내는역할로도제격이라고생각합니다

      this explains the creative minds behind the design of the teams capsules and what it represents, therefore explaining the materials used to create them.

    6. 캡슐은단순히수집품목록에포함될만한멋진스킨(물론멋진것도그이유중하나입니다.)을넘어팬과팀이함께성장하는활발한생태계를만들기위한것이기도합니다. 작년에플레이어여러분이게임내 VCT 수집품을구매해주셨고, 그결과미화 3천3백만달러가넘는금액을파트너팀들과나눌수있었습니다.2024년은 VCT를위한멋진한해가될것입니다. 파트너팀도모두결정되었고, 4개의어센션팀이새롭게합류했으며, 마침내 VCT CN도시작하게되었습니다. 완전한생태계구축과더불어, 팀캡슐을통해팬들이응원하는팀을직접적으로지원할수있게만들고자합니다. 파트너팀에게각캡슐수익금의 50%가전달되는만큼, 이제캡슐을구매함으로써여러분이응원하는팀과선수들의미래에직접투자할수있습니다

      these phrases explain why the dev team chose to collaborate with the vct teams in the first place and goes on to explain that the profits go on to supporting the team whose capsule you purchased. this is a method because they are talking about money and supporting people with the money the consumers spend.

    7. 발로란트플레이어여러분그리고 VCT 팬여러분, 안녕하세요! 사상첫 VCT 팀브랜드장식요소인 VCT 팀캡슐을공개합니다!

      this whole article is in Korean, but it basically says, "these are the new weapon designs you can purchase based off of the pro teams playing in this year's tournament." since they are making merchandise available for those who play the game, it connects the teams with the regular/average players in the community by having you (the player) root for which team is your favorite by purchasing their merch. this is also the aim of the article.