8 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. Even if flooded, a land bridge of that size would still be visible in the shape of ocean-floor terrain. Isostasy would not permit such a land bridge to sink down without leaving a trace.

      I can't imagine a huge bridge connecting though huge oceans. On top of that would those bridges even be sturdy enough to carry huge animals?

    2. The explanation offered was that land bridges had once linked the continents, permitting animals and plants to migrate back and forth

      This is interesting, but it makes more sense that all continents were once connected instead of being connected by a bridge.

    3. by explaining how continents once connected could now be separated by oceans

      Does this mean that terrestrial fossils being scattered could be due to the continents splitting?

  2. Feb 2024
    1. Trace fossils are indirect evidence left behind by an organism, such as burrows and footprints, as it lived its life.

      Although something might not be in the fossil itself, its traces gives insightful information.

    1. Using this new technology, they could assign specific time units, in this case years, to mineral grains within a rock.

      Has this shown to be any accurate?

    1. but were not generally accepted by scholars until the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries

      What was accepted when it came to relative dating?

  3. Jan 2024
    1. objective observation

      This observation should be based on facts and evidence so it its can be unbiased.

    2. A subjective observation

      This observation is based on ones feelings and opinions.