189 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
    1. My undergraduate education

      I recommend adding: "undergraduate and graduate"or just change it to "Education"

    2. a compan

      change to: "an organization"

    3. a place

      change to: "an organization"

    4. The key is not simply educating

      Change to: "The key is not simply to educate"

    5. instruction

      I recommending changing it to: "learning experiences."

    6. My ideal job would be one

      Scarlett: I recommend changing this to: "my career goal is to have a professional position..."

    1. working with small businesses for projects they need help with

      You could change it to "or providing instructional design consulting for small businesses."

    2. focused in and around

      change to "projects related to education"

    3. , but

      You could end this as a sentence here and start a new sentence: "However, she is eager"

    4. with students

      perhaps it could be "working with learners"

    5. journey

      Adding the word "professional" before journey make its more relevant to your career.

    6. seen

      I believe that this should change to "see"

    7. softwares

      If you could include a parenthesis here and add any software tools you feel comfortable using it would be good.

    8. Education

      Hi Monique: Here is recommend adding the "K-12" before the word education. It gives the reader context of what level education you are referring to.

    1. I have made some photography courses using Canvas, Padlet, Rise-360, Google Docs, and I teach them

      Change to: "I have experience designing, developing, and teaching photography courses using Canvas, Padlet, Rise-360, and Google Docs."

    2. I am thinking to facilitate for this purpose

      Change to: "I would like to facilitate."

    3. offline courses and educational programs

      Change to: "offline educational programs"

    4. Using the

      Change to: "The use of"

    5. that I am dreaming of is helping

      change to: "is to help"

    6. the

      Change to "my"

    7. I plan to collaborate

      I recommend making the language more active. For example change to: "I am collaborating with"

    8. I’ve registered for SARA Academy Inc recently

      Perhaps a good wait to incentivize the reader would be to say something like: "Have you registered for SARA Academy Inc. recently?"

    1. gap

      I recommend include a "the" before gap.

    2. Continuously

      There is a blank space before "Continuously"

    3. Utilize network of professionals

      "Utilize" sounds like you are using them and getting something but I think "engaging" sounds like a more fruitful relationship. You could change it to: "Engaging in professional networks with diverse people and their societies."

    4. Instructional design

      you can use the lower case in "instructional" or if you like you could uppercase both words "Instructional Design"

    5. yet give my honest opinion

      I love this lol but I wonder if this could make it sound like you are holding back. Perhaps something like "Demonstration of diplomacy skills to assist during feedback and evaluation processes. It just ties it back to ID practice.

    6. teaching

      do you want to specify what level you have taught? I think it makes a different. K-12 teachers have experiences that organizations value. You could change it to "career experience in K-12 teaching"

    7. also

      You can remove the "also" and it will read better.

    8. in corporate

      I recommend including a "the" here: in the corporate sector.

    9. AECT

      I recommend including the full meaning of this acronim: "with the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) under"

    10. And

      Instead of "And" here I would explicit state: Sweet Rush is also an Learning Awards 2002 gold winner of "Learning Provider of the Year.

    11. Her passion to always find a way to give back led to her contribution on this project as a volunteer

      I think a comman after "back" would be good add in this sentence and change "contribution": Her passion to always find a way to give back, led her to contribute on this project as a volunteer.

    1. instructional materia

      perhaps change to "learning experience" just because the word "instruction" or "instructional" is used several times in the same sentence.

    2. Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS) Model of Motivation

      I recommend changing it to "motivational design (ARCS model)"

    3. to preserve the Nation’s safety and security

      I wonder if making it more broad would be better. Perhaps something like create training for the military and/or government sector (?). What do you think?

    4. after graduation

      I would recommend removing "after graduation" because I feel that you entered the field when you started the program.

    1. Artists Goals

      Hi Caroline! I wanted to recommend left justifying this goal statement rather than having it centered.

    2.  I find that color, texture, and shape are compelling to me because color can be rich or dull; the value of the color can give a different meaning to the artwork

      I love color!

    3. background

      it should be "backgrounds"

    4. The Adobe Suite

      I would recommend adding an "In" at the beginning of this sentence.

    5. shark, bird in flight, blender and Kitsune

      Where can I find this in the portfolio? Do you want to put a direct link to this item in the goal statement?

    6. I have the skills

      HI Caroline, I would suggest stating it as: "I have proficient skills"

    1. that I have the ability to improve on my content creating

      Change this to: "my abilities as a content creator"

    2. audiances

      Change to: audiences

    3. A skill that I wish to hold in my dream position is to be able to produce content for a company’s social media platforms as well as instructional signs or images to assist employees

      Hi Julia: You can make this sentence shorter this way: "A skill that I wish to put in practice in my dream position is the production of advertising and instructional content for a company’s social media platforms to assist employees."

    4. When my time at The University of Tampa is completed

      Hi Julia: I recommend changing this to: "After completing my graduate education,"

    5. Master's of Science Instructional Design and Technology Program

      Change to: Master's of Science "in" Instructional Design and Technology Program

    6. After graduating UT

      Change to: After graduating "from" UT

    7. Social Media Intern for the Office of Publication Information

      This is good info to include here!

    8. She is an alumni of Tampa Catholic High School '16

      I recommend focusing more in just undergraduate education.

    1. to

      Change it. It should be "with"

    2. My long term goal is to utilize my IDT education to consult and work with large companies to assist them in developing educational and  assessment materials to find the solutions to keep children and adolescence in ChildWelfare healthy, safe, self-aware, and with the variety of healthy coping mechanism tools. 

      Nicely done, Galina!

    1. is a big skill

      Change to: is extremely important skill

    2. in the next 5 year

      You can remove the specific timeline.

    3. he had the opportunity to get an on campus job for her senior year of college

      What was the title of that on campus job? It would be good to include it in the bio.

    4. After finishing highschool,

      I recommend wording this part to: To pursue her higher education, Nadia decided to study in a different country.

    5. She is a twenty three year old

      Personally, I recommend removing your age (at least from the beginning of the bio). This is personal information.

    1. Coming from an education background, my ability to meet these requirements is adequate

      I would reword this to: " I have a background in secondary education."

    2. Specifically, a company that focuses on education and e-learning development. Companies along these lines typically require skills of a traditional Instructional designer, as well as skills to be acquired from one with an education background. Some of these skills include:

      I would recommend removing this and instead working it this way: "Some of the skills that I plan to bring to an organization include:"

    3. a company

      It is good to leave it as "a company" for now, as your move forward with the program you can consider if you want to work in a specific setting (a university, the corporate world, or other).

    1. Proficient knowledge of instructional design strategies and models

      You can also add the ARCS motivation model

    2. I value the opportunity to provide inclusive and accessible content for diverse audiences. 

      I really like this part!

    1. Skills needed: for this is to be a well educated instructional designer, Leadership skills, Social media experience, Editing experience, Brainstorming, required school degrees, and the ability to work in a high paste environment.  ​ Skills Mastered: Good understanding of editing through Bachelors in Advertising and Public relations where I did content creation.  Leadership skills thorugh Costal Branding (marketing agency) Security officer in Norway, years of coaching experience. Social media experience goes from my Bachelors degree along with my own work through my Instagram account @ablausund. As soon as I graduate I will have the full schooling required. Along with working in a high paste environment is something I have learned through my job experience along with project deadlines through the University of Tampa for bigger projects working with Advertising agencies. 

      Anders: The goal statement needs to improve significantly. If I was your client and I read this, I would have hesitations. You write in capital letters and lower case letters. You list "brainstorming" are a skill needed. There has to be a better word for these skills. Your goal statement tells me some of the skills you have but it doesn't tell me why you want to do this.

    2. After Graduation, I will be working as an Instructional designer for my own or separate Marketing agency.

      Anders, Ideally the goal statement has more of a narrative format. You can remove the "skills needed" and "skills mastered" sub heading. I also recommend re-wording this sentence to: "After graduation, I will start my personal consulting firm focused on marketing and instructional design."

    3. along with preparing for a grappling match on October 8th.

      Unless your plan to update your portfolio regularly, I would recommend avoid content that you will have to change in a month. Since Martial Arts is an important part of who you are, you can include a tab with information about your Martial Arts career, upcoming matches, and other information.

    4. Bachelors Advertising and Public Relations - University of Tampa.  Melitta Coffee Campaign Final Project University of Tampa.  Sweet water Brewing company Instagram video (Highly credited by professor) 

      I recommend removing this sentences and instead including it a different section of the portfolio. You will have the opportunity to add "artifacts" and this would be a good section for the instagram video.

    5. Education  and Credentials 06.22.12 - 12.08.16 Security officer/ Securitas Norway  02.10.14 Personal Trainer Norway Work during school breaks.  01.15.20 Boxing Coach Tampa City Boxing 03.18.20 Account executive Costal Branding.  08-09 Aalesund VGS Upper secondary school service and transportation.  09-10 Aalesund VGS upper secondary school Sales, service and security 12-13 Aalesund VGS supplementary program for general University and College admissions certificate.  13 Active Education, Personal trainer certificate National personal trainer institute Orlando.  15 The American College of Norway. Credits towards American college.  16-17 Hillsborough community college - Liberal arts.  15-19 University of Tampa Advertising and Public relations Bachelors.  Skills:  Social Media Marketing/Influencer Photoshop  Indesign  Microsoft PowerPoint/ Microsoft word Adobe Illustrator 

      You can include most of this in other parts of the portfolio. I do recommend perhaps keeping your skills. You could change it to state something like this: "Anders is a skilled user of social media marketing, photoshop, InDesign, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, and Adobe Illustrator."

    6. The main focus being school, Martial arts, and Social media marketing.

      I like this part!

    7. Lausund a 27 years old International student from Norway is a martial artist, Grad student, Boxing coach, and Salesman.

      I wonder if you want to narrow this down a little bit. Perhaps focusing on your main roles right now: Martial Artist and Instructional Design graduate student. This can help make your bio more focus.

  2. samkautz.weebly.com samkautz.weebly.com
    1. Resume.

      See the revised version of your resume that I emailed.

  3. samkautz.weebly.com samkautz.weebly.com
    1. Proficient knowledge of instructional models

      In the EME620 course, we used the Morrison, Ross and Kemp Instructional Design Model. This would be a good model to include in addition to Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction.

    2. ADDIE

      Most people do not consider ADDIE a model but more than anything a framework. I would recommend citing a different model that you are familiar with.

    3. People have different learning styles, including tactile, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic

      I would strongly recommend changing this to "learning preferences." We do have different learning preferences but we can learn still learning even if content is shared in a different format. Here is an article that talks about this.

    4. Samantha, known as Sam to colleagues and friends, has worked as an Admissions Counselor at The University of Tampa since 2017, recruiting prospective students from the mid-western United States. In her current role, she also designs and oversees new employee training procedures.

      I think you need to put something in here about your contract position as an instructional designer. I think it is important to highlight that as much as possible.

    1. Scarlett intends to combine her creative marketing skills with her instructional design skills, to serve the corporate field in training and development of the workforce.

      Perhaps mention how they can look at your portfolio and see how you showcase combining both fields in your portfolio artifacts. I think that would be nice to showcase.

    2. In

      You can lower case "in"

    3. Here's who I am & what I do

      Great Photo!

    1. skill set

      I think it would be good give some idea of those skills: communication and instructional design skills. Or, even mentione more specific skills: marketing, public speaking, task analysis, project management. It can help make the message more specific.

    2. learning

      In your initial tag line you have "education" and I like that better. It is just a bit more broad.

    3. To learn more about my experience in customer service, marketing, and sales, click one of the subsections above

      I suggest adding: "instructional design" to this list.

    1. Monique Lesieur is excited to be accepting contracting jobs in Instructional Design and resides in Grand Cayman

      Looks good

    2. Undergrad

      You can lowe case "undergrad" and I would say make it "undergraduate degree" or "undergraduate studies"

    3. Masters

      I recommend adding the full title: "Master of Science"

    4. Undergrad

      I think "Bachelors of Science" sounds better.

    5. Instructional Designers

      Remove the "s" at the end.

    1. If Caroline can also change one person’s opinion about something with one artwork, then everything would be worth it.

      This is very sweet and kind. It tells so much about your personality.

    2. and some projects that she cannot say what they are just yet

      I would call them "special projects"

    3. GASP 2018

      Can you include the full name too?

    4. In March of 2018 was a photographer

      Change to: In March of 2018, "she" was a photographer

    5. Caroline's artistic philosophy is that she believes anyone can be creative and create something unique

      I really like this. It tells me about your passion.

  4. galinagorelenkova.wixsite.com galinagorelenkova.wixsite.com
    1. Since she has criminology and psychology backgrounds, IDT degree can serve as a major instrument in creating and developing trainings and programs for social work field.

      There are some missing words suchs as "a" and "the" in the sentence. Please change it to this: "Since she has a background in psychology and criminology, the IDT degree can serve as a major instrument in creating and developing trainings and programs for the social work field.

    2. She started Industrial Design and Technology program at University of Tampa in Summer 2020

      Change to: "She started her degree in Instructional Design and Technology program at The University of Tampa during the Summer 2020 term."

    3. background consisted

      change to: "educationa background consist"

    4. is

      Change to past tense: "was"

    5. This is Galina Gorelenkova's online portfolio

      I think you can make it a bit more personal: "Welcome to Galina Gorelenkova's professional portfolio!"

    1. Indira aims for success, innovation, and motivational learning in every piece of an instructional design project.

      Here is would recommend the following edit: "Indira aims for innovation and motivational learning in every component of the instructional design process." I am not sure about the word success. I feel the word success is too vage. I would suggest "effective."

    2. Indira applies human technology theories, frameworks, and learning-motivation designs to all of her instructional material.

      I would re-word this sentence to this: "Indira applies human technology, learning theories, and motivational frameworks to all of her learning experiences." I think it is important that you address more than just "instructional materials."

    1. Cristina Clauberg is currently a graduate student in Instructional Design and Technology at the University of Tampa. She obtained her Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education in the Spring of 2020.

      It would be good to have a sentence or two about your passion for education or what you hope to learn while studying about instructional design. Then transition to your accomplishment.

    1. Your bio tells me about your past experiences, but it does not tell me what you want to do moving forward. That is find right now, but as you go throught the program this would be something that you want to consider.

    2. It feel like the beginning of this sentence is missing. You like designing and developing great products that make people's lives easier?

  5. acabbagestalk.weebly.com acabbagestalk.weebly.com
    1. This December, she will receive a Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology from The University of Tampa and is currently pursuing full-time employment in the industry.

      I do not have any major recommendations for change, but I do think that it would be good for you to include either software that you know to use or instructional design skills. "Amanee's instructional design skills task analysis, creative assessment design, online development, etc." Or, "Amanee is a proficient user of Articulate Storyline, Camtasia, Google Suites, etc." Just something to showcase who you are as an instructional designer.

  6. Nov 2019
    1. Academic ExperienceLearning and Living

      For accessibility purposes, I wonder if there is a better way to have the title here but make it more visible. Right now the text seems to disappear as the images changes.

    2. Travel Nursing

      Habiba: Could you provide more information about this position? Just elaborate with one or two sentences.

    1. Able to use office appliances such as copy machine

      It is okay to remove this part. Perhaps include some software skills instead.

    2. An experienced customer service manager with solid organizational and time-management skills.  Having international working experience in companies located in Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and Russia. Having a business background,  professional and well-grounded office team member with superior clerical skills and logistics expertise. Successful in satisfying customer needs while meeting and exceeding business objectives. Smoothly handles all types of administrative tasks, including coordinating mails, records, prepared documents, answering phone calls, scheduling appointments and taking payments. I would like to be an asset to the campus team, to form new connections and contacts and to help students maintain a healthy lifestyle.I have taken gym trainer courses and strive to always live a healthy lifestyle.

      It would be better to include this in a bullet list format. All great content.

    3. M.S.

      If you like, you can include "Master of Science"

    4. Graduate Student -

      You can remove "graduate student"

    5. Bachelor of Science in Port and Shipping Management,  Estonian Maritime Academy 

      Perhaps it would be good to include the graduation date here.

    1. This page contains Monique's personal resume.

      All other parts of your resume look good. I do suggest including a "professional and software skills" section below your education section. In the professional and software skills section you can include any software, ID and teaching related skills that you think would enhance your resume.

    2. Please feel free to view it and contact me with any questions

      Monique: I recommend removing your address is you post this on the Internet. Just include your email address.

  7. hdgolub.weebly.com hdgolub.weebly.com
    1. Professional Skills

      Heather I would also recommend software skills section. You can add new software and tools that you learn in your current position or in the program.


      I would recommend adding the date of your bachelors degree. Also, you can add your master degree and include an expected graduation date.

    3. Conduct onsite client training for new software clients as well as established clients

      Heather I recommend rewording this bullet point. The word "client" is included three times. Perhaps: "Conduct onsite training for new as well as established clients"

    1. Johnathan E. Fox

      Johnathan: this resume has many different areas and will likely need to be customize based on the position you apply for after graduation. I made some suggestions in the form of annotations.

    2. Additional Work Experience

      Depending on the position you are applying for, I recommend removing this section.

    3. (Steve Harvey Team)

      If you are already mentioning Steve Harvey in the bullet list, you do not need to include it again. Seems repetitive.

    4. Assisted with the Production of the Show with Steve Harvey himself including his team

      Change to "Assisted with the production of the show and worked along entertainer Steve Harvey"

    5. Assisted with rehearsals, preparing Steve Harvey and his Team prior and day of the show, provided services backstage prior and during the show, talent and stage management preps, airport pickups and departures, and created daily schedules

      This could be a bullet point list

    6. –Assisted with rehearsals, dressing room management, charity letters, co-host preps, searching and pulling stills and video for the show, and audience management

      This could be a bulled point list

    7. Audience management at the View, Good Morning America and Apple’s Arcade Fire album release concert and mo

      To keep the consistency, add a bullet list here.

    8. Production assistan

      Lowercase in "production"

    9. Skills and Proficiencies

      There is additional unnecessary white space above. Check the formatting of the page.

    10. The University of Tampa, Tampa FL(Bachelors’ Degree)Spring 2013-2016 •Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts–Cum Lade•Communicationminor•Enrolled in Honors College

      Make sure to format both education entries the same.

    11. Master’s Degree Spring 2018-Present•Instructional Design and Technology

      Make sure to format both education entries the same.

    12. References

      You can remove the references from your resume and provide them when they potential employer ask for it. This will help keep your resume shorter.

    13. Change "My Intentions" to "Career Goals"


  8. Oct 2019
  9. sites.google.com sites.google.com
    1. Dr. Suzanne Ensmann

      We are having a different instructor teaching the Program Evaluation course in Spring 2020.

    2. Academia, to Residence Life, to Admissions

      Hagen: I believe you use lower case here for these different university departments.

    1. Projects

      To make the URL shorter and avoid a really long URL taking extra space on the paper, you can consider a URL shortener. This one is my favorite: (https://tinyurl.com)

    2. Technology

      You can also add, anything that you have used Audio editing.

    3. Special/Personal

      I would also recommend adding keywords related to instructional design: Training and Development, Project Management, ADDIE, Learning Experience Design, etc.


    1. Remote

      I would recommend moving the bullet a bit so that "current remote" fits all in the same line.

    2. Concluded in 2010

      Perhaps consider: "Graduated: 2010"

    3. Concluded in 1990.

      Erika: would it appropriate to say: "Graduation: 1990"

    1. a

      change to "as a"

    2. infographics as

      change to "infographic software such as"

    3. to

      change to "for"

    4. Facilitated an online course environment

      I do no think you need this part of the sentence.

    5. on

      change to "for"

    6. completed

      change to "designed and developed"

    7. Collaborative

      change to "Collaboratively"

    8. to High School

      replace with "for high school"

    9. Course Work Experience

      Change to "Instructional Design Experience"

    10. Adobe Photoshop

      change to "Adobe Creative Suites"

    11. combined with communications background

      replace with ", combined with my communication background"

    12. the

      replace with "a"

    13. prioritized

      change to present tense "prioritize"

    14. a

      remove "a"

    15. the

      remove "the"

    16. LMS Platforms

      replace with "Learning Management Systems"

    1. Troubleshooting for all

      Troubleshoot sounds off. How about "Improved instruction when revisions to objectives were necessary."

    2. Work alongside with the Education Advisory Board (EAB) by creating an engaging video using/for the software Navigate to 9000+ incoming first-year students while maintaining WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

      This bullet point sounds very similar to the previous bullet point related to this project. Do you want to combine them?

    3. Adobe Premiere

      Perhaps to be more inclusive, change to: Adobe Creative Suites

    4. offices of

      I recommend removing "office of"


    1. "troubleshooting for all" does not sounds right. What about "Improved instruction when"

    2. This looks very similar to one of the previous bullet points. perhaps you can combine them?

    3. You can remove "by"

    4. Perhaps to be more inclusive, change to "Adobe Creative Cloud"

    5. You can remove "offices of"

    1. University

      You can lower case "university"

    2. I have one 4 year old so I wonder how you manage 28 4 year old kiddos.

    1. :

      Did you mean to have a period here?

    2. Fostering

      Change to: "Foster"

    3. Development and deliberate design of instruction

      I recommend changing it to: Develop and deliberate the design of"

    4. Building

      Change to: "Build"

    5. Understanding and

      I recommend removing "Understanding and" because it makes it sounds like you lack knowledge on this.

    1. Anthony's career/education path combines his creativity, innovation, and solution oriented thinking.

      It is very well written and a great representation of your work.

    2. Kemp Design Model

      Perhaps it is the "Kemp Design Model" but I wonder you meant the "Morrison, Ross, and Kemp Design Model".

    3. method instructional design process

      You could change this just "instructional design framework"

    1. subjected to any changes along the period since

      change to: "subject to change during Fall 2019"

    2. expanded

      change to: "expand"

    3. the program

      change to: "the Master of Science in Instructional Design & Technology program"

    4. of creating

      change to: "to create"

    5. Susana's

      Change to "Susana" without the apostrophe and the "s" at the end.

    6. solve-problem

      change to: "problem to solve"

    7. LMS

      Susana: You have to spell out: "learning management system"

    8. school

      school? Or "university"?

    9. Gagne's

      Insert an "and" before Gagne's

    10. trends, and issues

      change to "trends and issues,"

    11. communication skills, time management

      change to: "has great communication and time management skills"

    12. tools

      change to "instructional design platform"

    13. them

      change to "her"

    14. grew

      change to "grow"

    15. and use some background from

      replace with "as well as"

    16. along

      delete: "along"

    17. program

      "program, Susana"

    18. Susana,

      delete "Susana,"

    19. Communications

      change to "in the Communication field."