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  1. Sep 2023
    1. Repetition. Vocalic cues reinforce other verbal and nonverbal cues (e.g., saying “I’m not sure” with an uncertain tone).

      When reading sarcasm is can be really difficult to pic up on these tones. Because sarcasm often relies on the subtle manipulation of vocalic cues it is almost impossible sometimes given the context of the story to understand. Bu that makes it essential to pay attention. You have to not only to what is said but also to how it is said by fully grasping the situation of the novel.

    1. When breaches of personal space occur, it is a social norm to make nonverbal adjustments such as lowering our level of immediacy, changing our body orientations, and using objects to separate ourselves from others.

      For some reason I think I am overly sensitive to this one. Not in the way of like being upset when someone comes close to me but just totally aware of everyone's relative proximity and body tilt. When someone just a little to close or too far away I can literally feel it. Or when another person tilts their body toward another, I am always picking up on things like that.

    1. nce people with nonverbal communication competence are already more likely to have larger social support networks,

      When first entering HS I was pretty unsocial, this led to a much more limited social circle. It was difficult but with awareness and practice, I was able improve my nonverbal communication skills. Throughout the rest of HS I was able to expand my friend group and support network over time. Now I am better able to connect with others, understand their emotions, and respond empathetically, leading to stronger and more meaningful connections.

    1. Nonverbal cues such as length of conversational turn, volume, posture, touch, eye contact, and choices of clothing and accessories can become part of a player’s social game strategy

      In romantic situations, people use nonverbal cues to express their interest and feelings. It's as simple as making eye contact to show you're attracted, smiling to convey happiness, using gentle touches to create a connection, adjusting your body language to stay engaged, and dressing well to make a good impression. These subtle actions help communicate emotions and build a romantic connection between individuals. But most the time it is done with intention. I know many teenage girls that spend time thinking about how to min max these cues.

    2. As with verbal communication, most of our nonverbal signals can be linked to multiple meanings,

      Facial expressions can be very ambiguous unless you have been around a person long enough. That can convey curiosity, skepticism, or surprise, leaving the recipient uncertain about how the person really feels. Connecting back to the earlier chapter on decoding, in these situations active listening and accurately decoding the signal can help bridge the gap and bring clearer understanding between individuals.

    1. Even if you aren’t bored, for example, a slack face with little animation may lead an audience to think that you are bored with your own speech

      Nonverbal communication encompasses all forms of communication other than spoken or written words, and it includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice. So even if you don't look bored, you also don't want to sound bored. Or even having boring hand motions is a detriment.

    1. In general, our pitch goes up when we are discussing something exciting. Our pitch goes down slightly when we emphasize a serious or important point.

      This can also be used to easily manipulate people. If you are conscientiously aware of making these tone adjustments, you can influence how people feel about what you are saying. It is not a visible amount of influence but if you do it long enough, there will be a visible effect. I have definitely tried to use this.

    1. You may also want to practice in the type of clothing you will be wearing on speech day.

      We do this for a lot of sports. When doing a complete run through of the game plan, we wear our uniforms, and we act like its game day. This not only ensures I am physically comfortable on Go-day but also helps me mentally prepare and feel more confident. It's a simple yet effective way to reduce potential distractions and boost self-assurance when facing an audience.

    2. Content and delivery are spontaneous, which can make the speech more engaging (if a speaker’s anxiety is under control). It enhances public speaking skills because speakers have to “think on their feet.”

      There was one time when I had to give an impromptu speech during a team meeting at work. The content and delivery were entirely spontaneous, and the situation felt like a sink-or-swim moment. I definitely felt the anxiety. But after that it was much easier, and I understood that its really not that big of deal.

    1. Research on public speaking anxiety has focused on three key ways to address this common issue: systematic desensitization, cognitive restructuring, and skills training (Bodie, 2010)

      Personally, I've often experienced anxiety when I had to speak in front of a diverse or unfamiliar audience. The uncertainty of how they might react or perceive my message added an extra layer of pressure. However, acknowledging this source of anxiety is the first step in addressing it. Then after I realized that those people are just humans too and have their own anxiety. Now it is much easier to speak in public.

  2. Aug 2023
    1. A press release on the World Association of Nongovernmental Organizations’s official website states that from the dusty refugee camps of Lebanon to the upscale new neighborhoods in Buenos Aires, “soccer turns heads, stops conversations, causes breath to catch, and stirs hearts like virtually no other activity.”

      From my experience the best addition to this outline is to have a specific point about how this directly connects back to the main point of the speech. It both holds the speech together and makes clear connections back to the main point. Additionally, it ensures that you as the speaker have a clear understanding of how the subpoint connects.

    1. Being too vague or getting too creative with your speech signposts can also make them disappear into the background of your speech.

      This concept is very present when giving instructions. Being vague is terrible and will often lead to avoidable complications or the work simply not being done. Similarly, being overly creative or flowery is useless when trying to provide specific instructions. If you need to accomplish a task and the instructor who knows what to do, will not stop adding in metaphors or trying to rhyme the steps, it will make the task unbearable and the correct way to perform that task would be lost.

    1. Key Takeaways

      Connecting it to the previous chapter, the main purpose of this section is to inform. It is not meant to entertain because there are not very many jokes in it. It is also meant to persuade because. The author uses phrases like to paraphrase "college level speeches use scholarly papers only" to influence the audience (New college students) to believe that in order to be at 'college level' they need to use specific sources.

    1. to inform, to persuade, or to entertain.

      This statement should be "to inform, to persuade, AND to entertain. No speech worth speaking should merely inform someone. A speech should be engaging and that comes with entertainment. Following with that, every sentence will have some information that will persuade or dissuade the audience to believe it based on the speaker ethos, logos, or pathos. You cannot give an adequate speech without doing all three.

    2. Psychological audience analysis considers your audience’s psychological dispositions toward the topic, speaker, and occasion and how their attitudes, beliefs, and values inform those dispositions.

      This relates to something I hear on the radio the other day. The radio show segment was about puns and jokes essentially, and the host started by saying "Brittney Spears bought a puppy the other day.... the crazy thing was running all over the house.... oh and the puppy was cute too." This joke struck me as both untasteful and misinformed. Because the host was making fun of Brittney for being short and for her being apparently 'crazy.' Many people believe that she is being manipulated by her father and to make a joke about that was untasteful in my opinion. When making this joke the host did not consider the audience of people who only have compassion for Brittney and would not laugh at her situation.

    1. Even though creating the illusion of a personal connection is often a goal of those who create mass communication messages, the relational aspect of interpersonal and group communication isn’t inherent within this form of communication.

      Through social media people have become very bold in their mass communication. A lot of the time the communication is merely to put a group of people down, calling them "lesser" for their identity or their beliefs. Due to the impersonal nature of mass communication, act like these can be done with absolutely no repercussions. No local worker will be able to "get back at" the person who published a nation-wide article. The lack of "real" relationship in mass communication is defiantly one downside to its rise.

    2. Sometimes we intrapersonally communicate for the fun of it.

      If you aren't making jokes to yourself, what are you doing bro. (I laughed to myself thinking about this). It makes life much more enjoyable to have fun conversations to yourself. Laughing is good for you and if you can make yourself laugh, then at least you don't need to find someone else to make you laugh. I fully believe everyone should be able to laugh with themselves.

    3. Instruction in the latter stressed the importance of “oratory” or “elocution,” and this interest in reading and speaking aloud is sustained today in theatre and performance studies and also in oral interpretation classes, which are still taught in many communication departments.

      The modern form of an "entertainment speech" would be a comedian preforming. You can almost imagine that being an audience member at the Globe theater during Shakespearian times would be the very same. As we know, it would contain the same amount of dirty joke, but at least at a comedy routine we can understand them. Altogether, oral comedy performances have been widely attended and have defiantly not lost their popularity with society.

    4. This 400-year period gave way to the “Audiovisual Era,” which only lasted 140 years, from 1850 to 1990, and was marked by the invention of radio, telegraph, telephone, and television.

      I love how the engineering aspect in all of life mainly is to further the beauty and efficiency of communication. The way both the arts need the sciences to be able to reach their full potential and how the sciences would not have a purpose without art is fascinating. Architects need engineers to make their ideas possible. Engineers need a place to apply physics in a non-lab environment. It's amazing that even with a lot of competition between "STEM" and "liberal arts" they still very much need the other side to achieve anything great.

    5. they needed accounting systems to keep track of their materials and record transactions

      The idea of needing communication for the advancement of society is exactly like needing communication in relationships. Societies, in order to become high functioning cohesive units, developed and perfected ways to get ideas across to another party in an almost perfect fashion. All different types of interpersonal relationships follow the exact same path, needing clear ideas to diffuse. Although, occasionally for fun human do the very opposite and be purposely misleading with their communication.